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Everything posted by robhol

  1. I suggest that you take a look at the scripting functions lists: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _Functions http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _Functions You'll probably use them mostly for reference and looking up functions, but leafing through them once or twice is very useful, since you'll hopefully be at least slightly acquainted with MTA functions and what they do. Some guy (can't remember who it was at the moment) has also made a fairly current list of scripting functions that you can use with Notepad++, you should be able to find it using search. It should be in the scripting section.
  2. The editor uses EDF files for defining special types of gamemode-specific objects that can be placed. Like spawnpoints in any mode, different pickups in race, etc. However, the EDF for race is, as far as I know, not ready yet...
  3. You're using the wrong version: the map editor does not work in DP2, and never will. Use a 1.0 nightly build instead. http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... htlyBuilds http://robhol.net/mta/lc/ (Not the official site, but links there. Just automatically selects the most recent nightly..)
  4. Our Mantis "bug tracker" (although it's obviously used for a lot more than bugs ) Go to http://bugs.mtasa.com , select Source Patches in the project list.
  5. If you would submit a patch, that'd be great. Net library sources are a little more restricted than the rest, ie. not very many has access to them. Your best bet is probably to get on IRC (#mta at irc.gtanet.com) and ask around there. Nice work, hope you'll see fit to help out more too.
  6. Try updating directX and graphics drivers. What OS are you running?
  7. People who were never going to contribute anything. That's what the word "leecher" means. Oh, I completely forgot how much you know about my life. ( Sarcasm alert for your convenience..) If you don't get sarcasm even after I actually pointed it out in my previous post, I don't know what to do to make it clearer. Then what does "past" mean in your universe? (No, I don't really care, and I don't really want to know.) The fact that something was true before doesn't mean it still is today. SA:MP is pretty much irrelevant to this discussion. As I said, I'm not really interested in continuing this argument. As soon as you stop attacking/whining about my opinions I'll be able to let it lie.
  8. If it ain't broke, don't fix it? I don't get how that's supposed to be unfortunate for me. And I haven't been speaking for everyone on the site, I've been speaking for myself. Assuming I'm not the only one who doesn't want to waste time on leechers doesn't seem too unreasonable... What it was 4 years ago isn't really relevant in my opinion - what it's now is what matters. Also, (again,) I haven't tried discouraging asking for help, I've been trying to discourage noobs commanding people to script for them and then pissing off forever, or possibly until the next time they want a script that's not publically released. I don't think "newbies" necessarily learn scripting by being spoon-fed premade scripts. Asking for a solution to a problem is perfectly reasonable, categorically commanding an entire forum to write something isn't, or so it seems to me. Also, I'm not in it for the money either. Sarcasm isn't always as obvious in written text, but I was really only trying to make a point. I might remind you, you've done that all the time too, at least in IRC. (Your "£*" lines.) I don't think you were being too serious about it either. Now make him the script, you can gimme a dolphin script while you're at it... (*runs*) I think this argument has gone far enough (we're highjacking the poor leecher's thread! D:) and I'm not really interested in your opinions on my opinions. I'll just stop wasting my time on leecher threads from now on.
  9. I'm not trying to stop you making it and giving it away, if that's what you want. I'm just a bit tired of noobs coming in here every other day and commanding people they don't know to create free scripts for them, then spoon-feeding them with it. I'll gladly help with a problem now and then (anything else would be kind of unfair, since I ask questions too, and sometimes people even answer them..) but personally, I was always under the impression that this subforum isn't a drive-through ordering system for free scripts, but a forum for questions about scripting problems (not defining "too lazy" as a scripting problem), for releasing scripts and for discussing scripting in general. As I said, I really don't mind helping. I just choke on the fact that some noob who's been in here for 5 minutes is commanding the forum to make a script for him, apparently without having tried, and apparently without the faintest intention of sticking around after he's gotten (leeched) it.
  10. Principle. You don't crash cooking courses asking for free dinner, do you? Or go to a mechanic's garage and ask for a free car? You'll also notice that he doesn't even ask, he tells you to send it to him.
  11. I imagine he means a ticker or something like that.
  12. I have no idea, but then again, when was the last time someone got someone to write a script for them just like that? (And in which case the second "someone" didn't join during the same week?)
  13. Seriously though, fair chance nobody's gonna bother creating anything for free. Learn scripting or something. http://development.mtasa.com
  14. I stand corrected. Not that it's an elegant solution, since you're going to need client-side scripts of fucknormous dimensions to remove a lot of objects. Why not just build in interiors or somewhere far above the normal map?
  15. What price were you thinking about?
  16. It works fine enough when you don't have 2 or more players in it... I suppose it could always be worse, but it's important to realize it's still far from perfect and needs thorough testing before release, in my opinion. While "but it's open for everyone" and related arguments keep getting thrown around, you don't really get as many players in an unofficial beta as in an official one.
  17. * robhol stabs Lordy Linux server, several nasty gameplay bugs still to fix because they're too annoying not to. Such as #4369. Also, even though the progress is apparently at 95%, there are currently 98 issues in New Issues. IMO it'd be better to transfer them to the main project (even though it'd basically rape the stats with a major setback) instead of leaving them there in an unstructured heap, with the main percentage hardly progressing at all.
  18. If you have the admin resource running, (it's on by default) you have a /register command ready to use. /login is hard-coded into MTA.
  19. robhol

    Gui help

    #cear, it works.
  20. Sigh.. why is it that nobody looks at the wiki at all? addEventHandler onPlayerJoin READ THE DAMN WIKI.
  21. Wrong... New topic = new topic, IMO... As for SQL, what I did (that makes the job significantly easier) was download a little something called SQLite Administrator. It lets you create tables in the database with a GUI instead of cocking around with long complicated CREATE TABLE lines. For the code itself, there are already plenty of examples on the wiki, which you need to learn to use properly. Search functions, the list of functions...
  22. MAGIKARP used SPLASH! But it failed! MAGIKARP fainted!
  23. robhol

    Gui help

    As a general rule, if you have a problem with your code: POST IT. (Pastebin.com and post the link, that is.) This looks fairly simple though. Make sure your clientside addEventHandler looks like this: addEventHandler("myEvent", getLocalPlayer(), myFunction); Also, make sure your triggerClientEvent line looks like this: triggerClientEvent (somePlayer, "myEvent", sourceElement, [arguments...] )
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