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Everything posted by robhol

  1. XetaQuake: while the differences might not be that significant with a lower number of variables, the boolean data type is there for a reason. Use it when you can. A boolean is true (on, yes, etc.) or false (off, no, etc.) and should take around one bit or one byte (I'm not sure, it depends on how the lua guys made it,) while a string containing "yes" apparently takes 20 or 21 bytes...
  2. There isn't really all that much you can do with it, as it's most likely a problem with the server. DP2 servers are widely known for being extremely slow-assed with sending resources, and to make matters worse, the client will only wait like 5 seconds for the start of the transmission. If the server's already busy, you're bound to have quite a lot of timeouts. Your best bet would be to try again when there are no, or very few, players on the server.
  3. I'm not even gonna ask you why you're declaring a function smack in the middle of another function. Read some Lua basics.
  4. Erm... it comes with the nightly.. you can also choose to install a server-only package when installing.
  5. Oh, come ON! Half of those aren't even remotely offensive, and more still aren't swear words at all! Why would you block "donkey"? Roflmao. If you don't intend to host a kindergarten server, screw this. If I came into a server that censored me, I'd gtfo VERY quickly. And Thehookerkiller01, you still don't know what you're talking about, as evidenced by the horrendous example you posted. Will you please shut the fuck up and stop spreading misinformation?
  6. Post your actual code then. I'll bet a fairly significant sum of money on the fact that we have no psychics here.
  7. Read the lua basics again. Tables are defined using brackets { }, not parentheses. Also you will need to loop through the swears table and check for matches (cast all strings to either lowercase or uppercase first, otherwise people can write stuff like FuCk, FUcK, etc. to evade the censor.) And please do yourself and your clan/whatever a favor and use proper language in the scripts; writing "u" instead of "you" should generally be avoided unless you're in a hurry, but in a server, it makes the whole deal look terribly unprofessional. There's never any excuse for 4 exclamation marks in a row, either.
  8. Hook up the onPlayerChat event to a handler, check if whatever he said contains a swear word. If it does, check if his warning count is 3 or higher. If it is, kick him, if not, increment his warning count and send him a warning. For the swear words and warning counts, you can use tables. In the counter tables, you can use the player elements as indices. Alternatively, you can store the warning counts in element data for each player, although this isn't really recommended since it'll sync the data with the client, where it'll never be used anyways.
  9. It might work well for you, but you don't know how well other systems handle this kind of extra stress. It could render large amounts of players unable to play.
  10. No need, as there is not really any reason to keep going. In closing, I'd like to say the following: If there is a place on the net where I give the slightest thought to what people in it think of me, this is not it, and even if it were, Zarkolix would be at the very bottom of the figurative list of people whose opinion I care about, right down there with any number of other equally, or more, arrogant hypocrites who haven't contributed half as much to the community as I have. I am fully aware that those contributions I've made may not be of earth-shaking importance, but at least I've done something, in contrast to this guy whose previously mentioned 34 (now 35) posts over 3 years are either questions, assorted snarky comments that are every least bit as "bad" as mine, if not worse, or downright flaming. Zarkolix, if you would like to continue the argument, (although I can't possibly think of a reason why you would,) send me a PM or at least please don't spam threads with completely unrelated bitching.
  11. Has anyone ever told you what a douchebag you are? You've destroyed my life. I bet you're proud. On a more serious (albeit still off-topic) note: I have at least contributed something to the community, as opposed to you. You have been here roughly 3 times as long as I have, yet you have only 34 posts, most of which reveal you as more of a douchebag than I (or about 10 of me put together) will ever be. Since you're calling people a douchebag while actually being worse than they are, though, you are also a world-class hypocrite. As for you, Izanagi, I don't bother trying to argue with people if they're not even making sense. Try again later. I win. Can we get back on topic now?
  12. Possible with scripting, and implementing something like this in the mod (so everyone HAS to use it whether they'd like or not) would be a very bad idea.
  13. In the future, DaK, it'd be nice if you didn't plagiarize, let alone steal my scripts. This is not the first time it's happened. Just learn scriptng yourself. What if you need something and there's no ready script to steal?
  14. I think you should try to limit the flaming, at least until you've been here for more than five minutes. All I'm saying is that DM would be vastly more effective in pretty much any kind of testing. I don't get what you're flaming about (in the somewhat small of your post that wasn't raped by the censor), nor why you think the next version will be less suited for DM than RPG. Also, feel free to take those traffic lights and shove them.
  15. I really don't know. It works for me and I have no idea why others seem to have so many problems with it. Try moving your resources to a path with no spaces or unicode characters in them. If it still doesn't work, I can't help you.
  16. You could also try doing their skin tone more pale and somewhat greenish. Zombies don't have suntans, do they.
  17. Roleplayers would say exactly that for deathmatch beta tests. Quite possibly, but a notable difference is, they'd be dead wrong. Otherwise, maybe you could give me an example of what gets tested properly in a 128 player server with RPGers and not in a 128 player server with DMers.
  18. I don't really see the point of a test on an RPG mode with RPG rules. Let's face it, very little useful is actually given an opportunity to be tested compared to other modes. (Plus that RPG is fantastically boring and I can't be the only one who thinks this.) We should have something more like FMJ DM, in my opinion. Better opportunity for higher player counts (as I said, I doubt I'm the only one who thinks RPG is a giant snore-fest), testing of all kinds of sync, etc.
  19. I'd suggest putting in the prototype at double-click, but you could also right-click the function in the list for shortcuts to the wiki page, etc. *cough* Not that I'm sure what that "etc." would be.
  20. If you're planning on running a server you intend to have more than 4 internet-based players on, do yourself a favor and forget it. There's nothing more to it than to run the server exe, really... assuming you've got port forwarding (google it) and firewall permissions in order.
  21. The server, along with the rest of MTA is completely free. The thing is, if you don't own a dedicated server and are serious about hosting a more professional server, you will most likely have to part with some cash for the hosting, that's all.
  22. If you're talking about singleplayer, that has nothing to do with MTA and doesn't belong here. I don't understand how you could possibly create a mission in-game anyways.
  23. "i FPS got very is low" is the very name of the thread, you can hardly blame me for believing what you wrote is what you're having problems with.
  24. That's not a low FPS, it'd be very helpful if you actually told me what's wrong. You have an AMD dual or multi-core processor. Google "AMD dual-core optimizer".
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