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Everything posted by robhol

  1. And... does your computer meet the requirements?
  2. If you have a low FPS, the most likely problem is that your computer is from before World War II. Make sure it meets the requirements and a little more than that. (MTA takes a little more than "vanilla" SA.) If it does meet requirements, try (re)installing graphics drivers, make sure your PC is clean from malware and viruses.
  3. I've never used Eclipse, but that sounds like it'd interfere with normal tabbing, which could be a major-class pain in the ass, I guess. AND, as you said, it'd probably be a bitch to implement.
  4. I have no idea whether or not it's actually already the case, but how about making the function list a little more useful (still) by having it insert a full function prototype when double-clicking one of the list items?
  5. Doable, and probably useful, IMO. I don't work on this, though, so it's not up to me. 50p: what code editing control do you use and where did you get it?
  6. Uncached scripts are one option, but with the obvious disadvantage of having to be redownloaded every time. Some kind of encryption might be better. Everytime I've brought this up people have started bitching about it being crackable, but it seems to me that even a flawed security system is better than no security system at all, and definitely a system that wasn't even designed for security. It could also be made a little more unpredictable by encrypting on the fly, (before server -> client transmission,) choosing random encryption keys (based on an initial value to be chosen by a server owner.)
  7. There's no decompiler for lua 5.1, if I remember correctly. Though, regardless, in my opinion, there should at least be some sort of rudimentary protection system. (If there were client-side file I/O functions, we could easily make one.) There's nothing wrong about sharing, but there should definitely be a choice in the matter, at least for the person who could've spent hours, days, weeks or months on making a resource just to have it stolen, edited to fill in someone else's name and used without payment, credits or even thanks.
  8. You could at least TRY to read how to use functions before writing down something completely arbitrary... createPed and createVehicle both need at least 4 arguments each (you forgot the skin ID and vehicle ID, skin goes before coords, vehicle ID goes after). Since you provide the wrong kind of input in one and nothing at all in the other, they throw an error (invalid argument) and end up not creating what they're supposed to. Therefore, you get the same error in every function call that tries to use the results. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Open it, read it, use it.
  9. I don't know why this program is fucking up left right and center, but works for me. It would kinda help, though, if you actually gave me the error message. Does CLC tell you of any errors, warnings or exceptions?
  10. Having a smaller one first kind of makes sense. If major bugs show up at 32, pushing it to 60 or 120 isn't really gonna help.
  11. If you ask me it's better to discover them now than later. ^^ Anyway, nice to see that another public beta is being planned! I'll most certainly see if I can make it there. Why did you think I wanted a large-scale beta? I just meant that if this doesn't introduce 100s of new bugs that need to be dealt with quickly, we could have another, larger test to find more bugs, possibly including some that crop up with certain amounts of players only.
  12. Nice-o! (And about time. ) I hope that, if this doesn't crash and burn horribly, we can have another with more players and longer planning?
  13. Also a very good idea. I can imagine that becoming useful. You could also add some functionality for compiling client-side scripts.
  14. Errm.. the error message tells you exactly what is wrong. You're missing parentheses () at the end of your function name. You should probably read some more Lua basics before you start scripting.
  15. Be that as it may, you're still 110% annoying. As I've said, together with many others, please, if you're considering spamming more; shut up. Spamming just annoys people, it doesn't make them want to code for you.
  16. I don't see you trying to help either... All you do is nag, spam, nag, bitch, nag, whine, nag, nag, spam, nag, nag, nag, whine and nag.
  17. It doesn't, but there's no real need to, IMO, since you have Lua.
  18. You're missing my point. Why should anyone want to hand out, for free, a script they've worked hard on so noobs (no offense) can copy it into their servers? Just script it yourself. If you don't know how, learn how. If you don't want to learn how, manage without the script. Questions about minor scripting problems are OK. Script requests are unrealistic unless they're really minor, which player menus mostly aren't. Meet your new holy book.
  19. Wrong section, and no, probably not. Why don't you come with a problem or two people might actually be able to help with? The chance of someone coding an entire script for you are rather slim.
  20. If you think any of us can actually read that, you're extremely optimistic.
  21. Especially since there's a high chance of you somehow getting an answer from total noobs that don't know one end of a Lua function call from the other. As I said, the competent guys are most likely busy with their own stuff, but we do answer questions here if you run into a problem while scripting.
  22. No, probably not. The relatively few people here on the forums who are actually competent in scripting is most likely busy with their own stuff. Learn Lua. http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaTutorial http://www.google.com/search?client=ope ... 8&oe=utf-8 http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Good luck. Also, why the hell do people constantly want to copy other servers?? Nobody wants to play at a shoddy copy of Simbad_De_Zeeman's server - they'd rather play on the real deal. Figure out something new, please!
  23. Yes. The server browser is based on Game-Monitor (Gay-Monitor, ha ha ) which blows. The DP2 server browser also is horribly buggy. You might actually be better off using the Game-Monitor list.
  24. Yes, as I said, only 1.0 supports peds. The main difference is that 1.0 has tons of new features, but the nightlies don't always work like they're supposed to and can be a bit unstable sometimes, and things can change.
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