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Everything posted by robhol

  1. Take a look at this... http://robhol.net/guide/basics/?p=7 You might wanna read the rest too.
  2. i was married with kids before i met you online robhol now i live on fire island --- <+Fenix> i never thought i'd find myself spending tuesday evenings talking about 'sausages up the bum' <+Fenix> but hey, thats life --- players are shooting from the ass lol
  3. Sorry, but this seems to have been made in 2 minutes as an excuse to advertise for server hosters...
  4. eAi, thanks for the input. I do wish, however, that you'd take it over PM instead of here. I updated chapters 3 and 4. I decided to ignore chapter 6 - from a scripter's point of view they are the same and work the same way. In chapter 8 I frankly don't see how it any of it makes a big difference nor is important enough to include, at least not in a basics guide. As for chapter 11, I've had enough bad experiences with account data that I wouldn't recommend it as a way of storing data. As far as settings go, I've never really used them.
  5. Some links opens at the same tab/browser, add this argument in -> target="_blank" That's actually done purposely - opening a link into a separate tab or window is something most browsers will let you do by clicking another button on your mouse, or holding down a key. This way people can open it wherever they want. Edit: I also updated the stylesheets a little.
  6. Most likely cause is, you've entered bogus connection info. Check that the address and ports are correct. (If they are correct, it's a problem on the server or "on the way there." It can be down, or it could be blocked by either firewalls or unopened ports.)
  7. I've made a "little" guide that I think will prove helpful for a lot of people. Note: the guide is down for the time being. I'm not sure when it'll be back up, so stay tuned. Do NOT ask me for login details or nag me about the guide in any way. http://robhol.net/guide/basics The guide mentions the most important parts of scripting for MTA. Thanks to arc_ and 50p for proofreading and opinions.
  8. No, admin rights aren't worth it, ffs.. If someone can script and wants to be admin, they'll start their own server. On a side note, you should reconsider your admin team's "perks" as no player in their right mind is gonna play on a server with that unfair premises.
  9. Maybe you could have both at the same time. For example two "player players" and two AI players?
  10. robhol


    The actual author of the somewhat famous climbing mode is actually hannu. I don't think I've seen him here on the forums, at least not for a long time. I have seen him in-game on the nightlies, though. But to be honest I doubt he's going to want to give it away. Those maps are not just a funny way to waste some time (and fucking frustrating sometimes, ) but also look like quite a lot of work.
  11. It doesn't really, as far as I know. Personally, I prefer declaring my markers in the script. That way if I need to change that script, it's all in one file. Map files are technically the "correct procedure," though, I guess.
  12. This is almost certainly some kind of script you have running on your server. I really doubt any of the default resources do this, let alone the mod itself.
  13. robhol

    RPG Option

    Just a quick note, the current max player limit on one server is 128...
  14. I remember having the same problem. Apparently the "template" for adding modules was wrong. Try: This is for 1.0, but it might actually be the same, I don't know.
  15. There are two ends missing there...
  16. Quoted for truth! :D During the (somewhat short) time I did test that server, I noticed that some places on the map your FPS would just... drop. And I'm not talking about dropping like 5 FPS, I'm talking about dropping to like 5 FPS... :o I didn't really remember this until now for some reason, but.. maybe it's not about those mods of yours after all.
  17. No, go away. Seriously though, give me one good reason why anybody here should spend time and effort helping you getting the map editor working, when we all know that you're just going to piss off to SA-MP afterwards? Play MTA for a while, and people might be bothered helping you. It's better anyways.
  18. As you can see, the version of MTA you have, and the version of MTA the server is running, don't match. Yours is 160 and Valhalla's running the slightly older 15F. (There's only one netcode version inbetween them, if you're not that steady in hex. ) I'm not sure whether or where they say their current server version, though..
  19. You have a problem, then, haven't you.
  20. Reinstall cleanly. Mixing mods with MTA generally isn't a good idea.
  21. You're a moron... why even reply when you don't know anything? The console is opened with F8... Console = server Sigh... no... Console = console, server = server. They're not the same.
  22. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... roll_panes I can assure you, the wiki and search functions don't bite.
  23. The server appears to have a wrong netcode version...
  24. robhol

    Few questions.

    My server used numerical IDs that were assigned to people when they joined. These were mostly used for admin stuff, but also for other things like my own private messages function. (MTA's regular one sux since you have to type the entire player name every time.)
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