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Transformer (11/54)



  1. I am going to script for any server that asks me and has these requirements: -Forum with atleast 5 active members -Server with atleast 5 members on when ever I check or on average -FTP, FireFTP -HOSTING Must have or be able to have -Must have 2 other admins Just PM me this: Leaders Name: Admin names: - - Contact: - - Forum: EXAMPLE: Just PM me this: Leaders Name: PrinceOfHell Admin names: -Cow -MoeLester Contact: -skype=moelest [email protected] Forum:dicks.com
  2. Well, here it is, a bit late, but anyway, shut it.
  3. Well, here it is, a bit late, but anyway, shut it.
  4. SAMP=PAWN MTA=LUA Google it
  5. God! I made a similiar script! I was going to post it.
  6. MOH

    HELP | Spawn WINDOW.

    <meta> <info author="--Name" type="--Type" name=%2526quot%253B--ResourceName%2526quot%253B description="--What is it?" version="--Version 1.0" /> <script src="--file name" type="--Client or server" /> <script src="-filename" type="--client or server" /> </meta> Wow. I just remembered this script. THIS IS A QUATER OF THE GAMEMODE. If any other nub scripters come and copy the script, dont, It wnt work. Oh, Dra, dont release the damn gamemode.
  7. MOH

    The Island

    A small island with trees...
  8. I dont think she means that. She means ---money function onPlayerQuit ( ) -- when a player leaves, store his current money amount in his account data local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "money", playermoney ) end end function onPlayerlogin ( ) -- when a player joins, retrieve his money amount from his account data and set it local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "money" ) -- make sure there was actually a value saved under this key (check if playermoney is not false). -- this will for example not be the case when a player plays the gametype for the first time if ( playermoney ) then setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerlogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerlogin )
  9. Pf... Oh, about the 500$. DId u ever think i did not want to help you.?
  10. MOH

    [WIP] moduledRP

    Lol. No peds, just players.
  11. MOH


    I am going to take on a new fallout map. Is it possible to make one?
  12. MOH

    Alert Strip

    outputChatBox ( name.. " has a god damn " ..weapon, getRootElement(), 255, 100, 0 ) lolz
  13. WIP CAn anyone may the skins? Of all the animals./
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