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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol

    Status Quo

    So, I've been gone for a while for several pretty good reasons. Just wanted to drop a quick question: how's the project coming along? Any new developers, or still very few of them?`About how close is 1.1 now - (there's no roadmap?) How about the gameplay aspect? Still 80% race/rpg/unmodified freeroam and the rest is Saudi-Arabian BaseMode servers? Are there any good DM servers? I actually don't have MTA installed at the moment, so I can't really check.
  2. robhol

    LA Conference?

    Aaah, I get it! It's funny because it's true!
  3. 1.0.4 it is already 10x or more times better then SA-MP without any doubt, 1.1 will just give MTA a better exposure and will for sure "take down" the SA-MP player count, this actual features are problably the right step to make these players wake up and see that SA-MP is a ice age plataform. I miss the times when I was this naïve. They were such happy days. Nah, I'd be willing to place serious money on this: it won't instantly turn over X years of fanboyism and dogged determination. It's going to be awesome for those who actually care, though.
  4. On another (albeit related) note, many players will not appreciate being treated as kids.
  5. www.isanybodygoingtoportmtatomac.com *whistle*
  6. Quick tip: if you let the troll take the thread off-topic discussing whether you're asleep or not, you fail. Especially if you're a moderator...
  7. This kind of discussion(Mac vs PC) here seems kind of ironic, because uttermost of the games are designed-modeled on a Mac (Pro), I would bet that (bits of) San Andreas also. Not everybody buys a computer just to run COD XIV on the maximum settings. I'd like to add a suitably large [citation needed], but there's not enough room on this page. Also, Mac vs. PC is probably the one extremely pointless, hackneyed discussion we haven't had here as of yet, so why start it now?
  8. And that aside, Mac systems aren't really a mainstay for gamers, so this pretty formidable task would most likely wind up benefiting disappointingly few people, and wouldn't really benefit the mod in itself either.
  9. Most people want it to. Nagging and whining about it will not help. It's really that simple.
  10. robhol


    It'll be back up when it's back up. And if you think you can come in here and demand free WORK done for you (yes. Scripting is work. Deal with it.), let alone with that kind of tone, then YOU can go f*** yourself. Thank you, come again.
  11. That doesn't make them "non-retarded", though.
  12. robhol

    what the fucking hell

    They shouldn't be doing this. It's a pathetic and underhanded way to try to leech players out of better, and more established, servers.
  13. If you can't provide a topic title that's not retarded, don't make a topic!
  14. robhol

    heat rockets

    How very helpful..
  15. robhol

    what the fucking hell

    See, the phrase "FFS" is never a good sign. Sometimes, I envy Kye's ridiculous amount of control over his server list. In cases like this when it's actually being abused, someone SHOULD be able to do something about it.
  16. robhol

    heat rockets

    It's a previously known bug with no fix that I'm aware of. Sadly the bugtracker is down, so I can't confirm this.
  17. I don't mean to backseat mod, but seriously.. try looking at the date the next time, this topic is like 3 months old..
  18. robhol

    "not logged in"

    No, actually... the original script was also just for a select few servers, unless my memory fails me. You'd have to get your server approved to be able to run it. Anyway, I never did say anything about all servers, I simply said that it'd be entirely possible (not even challenging, actually) to make the basic system for this.
  19. robhol

    "not logged in"

    Not entirely true, it's entirely possible to make unofficial scripts that do the exact same thing the MTA community stats feature did.
  20. Bastids. I'd respond to a poke. POKE ME, BITCHES!! (Yes, I'm taking the fact that you mentioned my name as a reason to post. )
  21. <AeroXbird> voice in trunk <AeroXbird> voice support in mta <AeroXbird> its close to getting merged with the trunk <AeroXbird> so now we can enjoy 8 y/o's screaming <AeroXbird> i cant wait.... <Gamesnert> that voice resource apparently has a way to mute people <AeroXbird> thank god <AeroXbird> i was already afraight i was going to say goodbye to my ears Yeah, yeah, it wasn't when I wrote that post two months ago. And still is a horrible waste of developer time IMNSHO, but that's another discussion for another day.
  22. I doubt there are any action movies that'd inspire the kind of idea I'm looking for.
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