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Everything posted by robhol

  1. Uh.. yeah, the point is that MTADiag gathers a bunch of info that makes it a lot easier to find the problem Run and post the link.
  2. addCommandHandler. setElementPosition. setElementFrozen.
  3. That's a problem with the server, you should take it up with them.
  4. Since you don't give us the source of the function that's responsible for finding the available packages... no, I guess not.
  5. Oh sheah. Well, except for the harddrive. Ya think yer so special, prancin' around with yer computer full 'a SSDs.
  6. I fucking lol'd at the animations for the climbing, but still very impressive. :3
  7. Heheh, function-as-variable can come as kind of a surprise if you're not used to it - relatively few languages support this kind of thing. Might actually be my favorite thing about Lua. :3 (Edit: oh, and "horrible" might have been a slight exaggeration. If you indent it sanely, that'll go a long way. )
  8. Aside from this looking horrible, you can't remove a function like that. You are defining a new function and passing it to rEH., even if it's exactly the same. Assign it to a local variable, then pass that to rEH.
  9. rolling has a point. This is definitely not a scripting issue.
  10. Not that I'm accusing them of dicking with MTA servers on purpose, but ServerFFS is intimately connected with SA:MP. I guess money's money, though, so it's probably a real problem on their side. Contact support or wait it out.
  11. robhol

    SAMP Scripts

    Um, okay? Good for you?
  12. robhol

    SAMP Scripts

    Depending on the amount of work involved, you might want to consider rewriting it. Otherwise, amx resource should be the way to go, most likely with a performance penalty, since it's an emulator.
  13. ... you were able to decipher that? Much props.
  14. Also, just so you know, storing passwords in cleartext is an incredibly bad idea. Hash them, MySQL provides SHA1() which is mostly adequate. You might also want to add a salt.
  15. You're not asking for help. You're asking for someone to script for you, which does not usually go down well. Show people that you're willing to make an honest effort by posting your code and errors.
  16. What format are you using? Try something lossless like png. Or it could just be a limitation of the game engine.
  17. I'm not sure what the obsession about calculators is about. How will that help you to learn scripting for MTA? A calculator is the last thing you will be making, lol.
  18. If you have the basics down, the best thing you can do is find something you want to make, and then... make it.
  19. Since we can't see how you make these tables (while reading the data), we can't really help. Just make sure that you check if there's data in a variable before you index it. a["derp"] --will error (a is nil). b = {}; b["derp"] --is fine. b["derp"]["herp"] --is NOT fine; this is your error b["derp"] = {}; b["derp"]["herp"] --is now fine after all, because we just initialized it as an empty table.
  20. Holy crap, a well-formed topic with all the information!! There's quite a bit of indexing going on here, but at one point, one of the "array items" you are trying to find does not exist, so it returns nil. Then you try to index that with another [], leading to the error. "interiors" is a table full of tables (or should be, as that's how you're using it), but only the "outer" table seems to be defined in this snippet. You need to see if a value is nil (or some other un-indexable value) before you try to index it.
  21. I haven't used realdriveby for quite some time, but SP doesn't allow you to driveby with other weapons than MP5/Tec9/Mac10 anyway. I know I've seen it done in MTA, though. It might be a config issue?
  22. As far as I know, that doesn't matter. MTA looks at the attributes anyway, not the (non-existant) contents of the tag. Anyway, seriously, run debugscript 3. You need to enter it in the in-game F8 console, not in the server window.
  23. That varies a lot from scripter to scripter, and the amount of work, follow-up, support and extra features. Basically, you're going to have to post a clear point-by-point list of the features you'd like to see implemented, the price you're willing to pay, any conditions and so on, and then hope someone takes the job - or maybe ask someone to name a price. If you do set a price, you'll obviously have more luck the higher that price is. Hiring people to write code is expensive, and MTA scripters that know an MTA event from their ass AND have time for extra work are a rather scarce resource. Just don't do what a lot of people have done in the past, list up coding work for weeks and offer 20 bucks. People will think you're a dumbass.
  24. Mods you run through the server are visible for everyone.
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