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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. No, no one is working on GTAV that is MTA staff. We can't even access binaries yet. I know a few people who are apparently working on something, but they've reversed the XEX for the Xbox 360 and know what they're doing. Those people haven't gone public with it either. But no one who is a current MTA contributor is working on a project related to GTAV.
  2. Moderators are generally asked, not given based on request.
  3. Woovie

    MTA Lag

    If he's using the front ports, it would be a different audio device and he'd need to enter control panel and set the default device.
  4. Use sockets. Or use the fetch functions.
  5. MTA will soon see CEF (Chrome Embedded Framework) meaning we will be able to load webpages ingame. With this functionality, you could do this.
  6. In theory, yes, but it would be very difficult and would require someone with very good programming knowledge. MTA is a very low target though, it's very unlikely it'd ever be targeted. The user numbers just aren't worth it. You'd need to find both a vulnerability in MTA itself as well as Windows in order to do it.
  7. Nice work, you should host in on GitHub or something.
  8. Would you mind hosting somewhere like mediafire instead? That host isn't bad per se, but they felt fairly ad ridden IMO. Also this host was REALLY slow for me. 15kb/s? That's insane...
  9. I'm going to blame inefficient use of dxDraw/onClientRender here, based on screenshots. But more cores ~= better performance. My 3770k would do circles around your CPU.
  10. This warning is purely there because we had people crying about MTA not working and blaming us, when in fact they downloaded something that was a virus which in turn infected MTA. If you have anti-virus, don't worry about it. Although ccw might be interested in why your AV wasn't detected, so please give some more specifics as listed: 1. Anti-virus name and manufacturer/developer 2. Your operating system
  11. 1. We don't allow scripts compiled by others to execute for security reasons stated in the main post. Did you even read it? 2. It would be obvious that the person with the private key could decompile your scripts. 3. Moderators do not have access to this key, most admins probably don't either. If you wish to spout any more rubbish, feel free.
  12. When you use MTA's map editor, it saves it as a resource locally. Check in /server/mods/deathmatch/resources/ for a folder named after what you saved it as. Put said folder into your server's equivalent. Maps in MTA are pretty much resources.
  13. Brand image is definitely WIP as is this entire project.
  14. Woovie

    Car Lag

    Purchasing it would ensure that you have all the content. We can't fix your game, it's an issue with you missing files.
  15. For some reason the idea of servers updating didn't even hit my mind. Perhaps in future videos I could add a recorded date and a disclosure mentioning this. I would like to mention that I have FFS footage done for a while as well as this, but I haven't bothered to upload it. I really don't feel like this video was the full idea put into vision. I want to have dedicated sections for server specifics and a lot more writing. I can do all the editing/recording/writing without an issue, but piecing it all together into one cohesive video is the difficult part. Also I think MTA gets good YT coverage, but it's mostly horridly done content by people who don't understand the concept of post production and also usually still run a 4:3 monitor.
  16. I'd say using an invisible train car would be the "best". Of course, IMO.
  17. Woovie

    Car Lag

    This issue is 100% caused by missing radio files. When you enter a vehicle, GTASA is locking up attempting to load the radio files. I've had this issue years ago when I pirated the game. If you buy it, this won't happen.
  18. Woovie

    New Hud #Samy

    Stop arguing. If someone is being an asshole, press report. Not that hard.
  19. Watch the Mantis bugs and Google Code for updates. They will come when someone gets around to it.
  20. Woovie

    Laptop freezes

    This is definitely a GPU overheat issue. I'd recommend attempting to clean it out.
  21. I can see it in the clip, not really sure what is going on though. I have experienced it too, but not often, super rare, so I figured it was a map configuration issue.
  22. Definitely bind by hand. We can't magically know what controller software you're using to emulate it to DirectInput or XInput so we don't know how it will work at all.
  23. So I started an MTA video series, or at least I want to. I want some feedback for maybe if you think this is a good idea or perhaps I should do something else? Thanks for any feedback!
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