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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Here's a preview. https://www.woovie.net/dicks/
  2. Woovie

    Weird Issue

    Tell them you're having intermittent connectivity issues and it seems like packet loss. It's hard to tell exactly what is going on without physically being at the issue point.
  3. Woovie

    Weird Issue

    Then it's your ISP.
  4. I don't mean to be a dick but, it'd be nice if you could edit the descriptions to prove they're yours.
  5. Woovie

    Weird Issue

    "another modem" Okay, but are you using an entirely different internet connection at a physically different place?
  6. Woovie


    I'd love to see you sue him.
  7. As far as I know the brightness issue cannot be fixed.
  8. You don't understand ME. Those paintjobs are stored in .txd files for each vehicle. You cannot add more, you can only modify the existing ones.
  9. Something like this is what I wrote years ago. local vehicles = {} function makeMyCar(player,command,modelid) if vehicles[player] then if vehicles[player][2] then destroyElement(vehicles[player][2]) end vehicles[player][2] = vehicles[player][1] local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) vehicles[player][1] = createVehicle(modelid,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle(player,vehicles[player][1]) else vehicles[player] = {} vehicles[player][1] = createVehicle(modelid,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle(player,vehicles[player][1]) end end addCommandHandler("vi",makeMyCar)
  10. Woovie

    ACL access

    The only issue is that the table aclObjects will contain more than just players.
  11. Needs to Local server , my server is hosted on Vortex Company No it doesn't?...
  12. You use a gmail address for hosting when you have a domain? lol
  13. You can do whatever you want with your own code.
  14. Woovie

    Weird Issue

    Have you tried it on someone else's internet?
  15. That's what the wiki is for... https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... n#Example1
  16. setPedAnimation has 3 variables, it also needs to be a string unless it's a variable defined somewhere.
  17. Woovie

    Help me

    It would be best to make a function that both outputs to chat and does the freeze audio, instead of searching what they type.
  18. Woovie

    Can't :(

    We can't fix it without the information from the .map on a page like pastebin or privatepaste...
  19. Woovie

    ACL access

    local users = {} local aclObjects = aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup("admin")) for k,v in ipairs(aclObjects) do local table = string.split(v, ".") if table[1] == "user" then table.insert(users, table[2]) end end Table "users" will contain each username in a format like {"bobby","joe","EdibleSpoon44"} Which you can iterate through with an ipairs loop.
  20. No. That would require MTA to have Euphoria Engine built in.
  21. If the table was just [[some_number, 175614]] then you could use JmyTable[2] to pull the number.
  22. You know the size and position of the image since you made it. Image 1 is at 100x100 and is 250x250 so its coordinates are 100x100, 100x350, 350x350, 350x100. Image 2 is at 351x100 and is 100x100 wide, so its coordinates are 351x100, 451x100, 451x200, 351x200. They are 1 pixel apart, therefor touching. Or if some of the coordinates are between two others, they could be considered overlapped.
  23. MTA does not support custom animations. Animations from GTA4 or newer are also not the same format and I doubt anyone has made a "converter". The skelatal models are far more detailed in GTA5.
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