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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Check the position and size of each image, if they are 1 pixel offset from eachother, it's touching.
  2. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit", localPlayer, function() setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", localPlayer, function() setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end)
  3. Holy hell that's overly complicated... I made this as a test one. Works fairly well IIRC. -- Changes the camera position on pre-render (to avoid stuttering) local function clientPreRender() if not isPilotingCompatibleVehicle() then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, 0, -7, 4) local lookAtX, lookAtY, lookAtZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, 0, 0, 2) local _, rotY= getElementRotation(vehicle) setCameraMatrix(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, lookAtX, lookAtY, lookAtZ, (rotY*-1)) end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, clientPreRender)
  4. We do not provide tools to do this.
  5. How can I make it work then?
  6. What a deal! Is it running an Intel Atom or what?
  7. Woovie

    I'm a hacker

    BLAST is for shit threads.
  8. Sounds like network issues with port forwarding?
  9. If you no have enought time to give me a true answer, why give me any answer? I know these functions, but I can't use to what I would like. You didn't state you knew these functions. We encourage learning, not leeching. function markerLoader() local types = {"posX", "posY", "posZ", "type", "category"} local mapPositions = xmlLoadFile ("filename.xml") local mapTable = {} for k,v in ipairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(mapPositions)) do mapTable[k] = {} for j,l in ipairs(types) do table.insert(mapTable[k],xmlNodeGetAttribute(mapPositions,l)) end local marker = createMarker(mapTable[k][1], mapTable[k][2], mapTable[k][3], mapTable[k][4]) setElementData (marker, "category", mapTable[k][5]) end end No promises that this works. I wrote it real quick on a lunch break. It should load an XML like so. <markers> <marker posX="2158.87" posY="943.16" posZ="11.5" type="arrow" category="gunshop"/> <marker posX="2158.87" posY="943.16" posZ="11.5" type="arrow" category="gunshop"/> <marker posX="2158.87" posY="943.16" posZ="11.5" type="arrow" category="gunshop"/> <marker posX="2158.87" posY="943.16" posZ="11.5" type="arrow" category="gunshop"/> </markers>
  10. IPL is not a format you "convert" to anything. IPL is Item PLacement. MTA does not use IPL's for anything. http://gtaforums.com/topic/202532-sadoc ... finitions/ IDE is also not something you "convert", it's a container that has files inside.
  11. You cannot add entirely new vehicles using MTA.
  12. I learned with literally NO programming knowledge. I went to our wiki, looked at examples, made my own functions based on those. It's the easiest way to learn.
  13. Woovie

    Stealth clans!!

    4 year old bump... fucking really?
  14. That's for me to know and you to figure out! But really, this is exactly why copy-pasting code is a bad idea.
  15. Woovie

    I'm a hacker

    Don't take it personally, you are not the center of the world And it's meant to be a basic drama thread I didn't take it personally? Your English is so poor and this thread is so confusing it doesn't make any sense.
  16. I was saying yours is not compressed and ugly. It looks crisp and clean.
  17. Use triggerServerEvent and triggerClientEvent to send data back and forth between server and client, or you can store the table as JSON (toJSON/fromJSON) on an element and use setElementData which synchronizes.
  18. Did he even read his ban reason? It says until 01/11/2014, AKA Saturday. I guess Saturday is 1 or 2 years away.
  19. --Server-side function triggerSound() triggerClientEvent(v,"playBeep",v) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, triggerSound) --Client-side function playBeep() playSound("beep.mp3",false) end addEvent("playBeep",true) addEventHandler("playBeep",root,playBeep)
  20. --Server-side function triggerSound(sound) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do triggerClientEvent(v,"playBeep",sound) end end addCommandHandler("beep", triggerSound) --Client-side function playBeep(sound) playSound(sound,false) end addEvent("playBeep",true) addEventHandler("playBeep",root,playBeep) This will play a specified URL. You can test it with http://www.woovie.net/files/rowrow.mp3
  21. MTA doesn't have a text synthesizer built in so #1 isn't really doable. You could program one but it would be difficult. Use attachElements for #2.
  22. Edit the .TXD of the vehicles.
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