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Everything posted by eAi

  1. I see no reason to add mods that aren't sync'd, it'd just open the system up for exploitation. Obviously, theres some harmless mods, such as changing hud images, but due to Vice City's formats, it would be hard to allow "harmless" mods and dissallow other mods. eAi
  2. The addon should have control over the appearance of names, its not somthing we've finalised yet. eAi
  3. This question has been asked and answered before. Blue itself is a version, that has yet to get a number. eAi
  4. Not sure what you mean by that... eAi
  5. As has been said over and over again... The addons can allow almost any functionality. If they want to allow you to choose any skin you like, then thats possible. eAi
  6. One mod can do an entire game mode. What people mean by having two mods is that you might want one mod that does stats, or admin control, which can run along side the game-mode. This isn't currently possible, but we'll look into it. eAi
  7. Well that is somthing that an addon could do easily. eAi
  8. No, how would it know you were the same player? eAi
  9. OpiuM: why do you write ect after each of your posts... for a start its etc, and even then it makes no sense. eAi
  10. I haven't a clue what you mean. eAi
  11. Ok, doing this would be more suitable for some game-modes than others... So it'd be a game-mode thing. As you can download 100% complete saved games off the net, I don't see it being particularily interesting in that respect... eAi
  12. Well an addon could do it, I don't think we'd do it personally though. eAi
  13. Well we have up to 600 people playing at a time... we expect that blue will increase this, so yes we could have larger servers. Whether we will is another matter. eAi
  14. Bullets are pefectly sync'd, but we've left in the auto-aiming because that reduces the appearance of lag to a certain extent. If we feel that removing auto-aiming would be beneficial, we may. As for molotovs/grenades, these now sync propperly and will land in the same position for all players. eAi
  15. No, you can't be a beta tester... We'll release info about beta testing nearer the release. As for the other suggestions, how would blue know which saved game? And how would that be fair? I've never seen a multiplayer game that bases itself on how well the player did in singleplayer... eAi
  16. It'll still be possible. eAi
  17. We don't know, it depends a lot on what we include with it. eAi
  18. I don't think its somthing we'll implement, but it'd be possible to do it through an addon, if you know how VOIP works... eAi
  19. Larger than 0.4, mainly due to extra resources. eAi
  20. It'd be possible for an addon to be created that'd save scores, but I think by default they'd be lost if you crashed (like every other on-line game). eAi
  21. Depends entirely on what caused the crash. eAi
  22. Writing a weapon buying addon would be very easy.
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