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Everything posted by eAi

  1. Well, its easier said than done, preventing the game from rendering "on-demand", though its somthing we might look into at some point. eAi
  2. We've already said over and over again that the addon will be able to use all the skins. eAi
  3. Run the client on the server? eAi
  4. Its not directly possible to allow non drivers to shoot in vehicles, I had a quick go and I might be able to make it work, but I don't think its worth it time-wise (you do want us to release blue some time don't you?)... eAi
  5. It won't be possible to directly pause the game in blue. We can prevent people from alt+tabbing, or enable the game to run in the background. The first is unpopular, and the 2nd makes the game run quite slowly 70% speed maybe, and really slows your computer down... We're not sure what we'll do... eAi
  6. It might be possible, but on the other hand, it might not. It might even be a case of wait and see. eAi
  7. Um no? I can't quite see R*/TTI saying "lets just stop"... Its the last one of the current "series" though (i.e. on the PS2). eAi
  8. I think its now confirmed that 2 player is possible in some form (see the bottom left hand corner of http://img99.exs.cx/img99/2335/BoxBack.jpg ). eAi
  9. eAi

    Some Ideas...

    blue... addons... eAi
  10. Well I don't reckon it'll be an issue in blue, as shooting is handled totally differently. eAi
  11. Yeah, I've never heard of that issue... eAi
  12. MAD_BOY just said (if you can read his screwed up typos). eAi
  13. When the replays are recorded, they're saved to a fixed-sized area of the memory (i.e. theres other data either side of it), concequently its hard to resize it. There are other methods, but I haven't really had a chance to look into the feasability of them yet. eAi
  14. That should run VC+MTA fine, more RAM is always good for almost any app, particularily VC. eAi
  15. Then clearly, they're not ghost bullets. Ghosts can walk through people. eAi
  16. I did look into this. While it would be possible to extend the length of replays, it'd be extreemly hard (due to the way its coded - badly)... Maybe I'll get a chance to do it, but its not the first priority. eAi
  17. Go to http://www.whatismyip.com and see what it says your IP address is. Then go to command prompt and type "ipconfig". If the two IP addresses don't match, you clearly have a router or proxy at some point between you and the big wide web. As was mentioned previously AOL proxy most of their connections, so it could be that, alternatively it could be in your modem... Maybe phoning AOL and asking them might help, though I doubt they'll be too keen on your hosting servers (might even be against the T&C). Your current IP (the last one you posted with), resolves to MBO Video (whatever that is). eAi
  18. This is only because we sync the speed of the vehicle. 0.2/3/4 doesn't fix vehicles or add any prediction, so you can't have seen the vehicle repair itself. eAi
  19. It'd be entirely possible to add custom weapons if you wish (and know how), by using an addon. eAi
  20. Yeah we could do jpeg conversion, but we've got enough on our hands as it is. Once I've looked into how possible this is, we'll see. eAi
  21. Well, Netscape is basically dead (one new version in two years I think) and Opera charges you (and I found it cluttered to use). I was sceptical about switching browser, but once I started using firefox for a few days I was "hooked". Tabbed browsing is really useful, as are the extensions such as AdBlock (very good at blocking ads) and the developer bar (really good for web developers). eAi
  22. Its the issue of bandwidth for players, not the server. If everyone who joins has to download 100KB of skin for each player, that could add up to quite a few megabytes, which could take like 15 minutes for 56k users. eAi
  23. Its possible that we could implement a radio stream, but the bandwidth would become an issue (especially for narrowband users). Its somthing a blue addon could implement though as it wouldn't be applicable for all mods. eAi
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