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Everything posted by eAi

  1. We've been working on blue for over a year... Anyway. I think this topic has gone rather off topic and I'm going to lock it. If anyone has anything particularily constructive to add, send me a message. Locked eAi
  2. eAi


    Try these links: http://www.webuser.co.uk/cgi-bin/forums ... o=14∂= and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q196453/# eAi
  3. Hes been busy working on blue... duh. eAi
  4. Maybe you need to say what speed connection they're on etc... Otherwise the price seems good. eAi
  5. eAi


    The server should run fine on 9x. Its not 16 bit anyway. Try redownloading maybe the file is corrupt. eAi
  6. TempEcho: Please thing before you post, I've noticed you post a lot of unnecessary things... eAi
  7. Locked (Search link is still there!)
  8. Its not exactly a fair comparrison as MTA is more likely to mean somthing than GTAT is (being fewer letters). If you google MTA we come at number 12, and you can see how many other things MTA means... Not that GTAT doesn't mean other things to (As you'll see if you google it). I think its probably best to judge MTA and GTAT based on other methods such a playability, stability, fun etc, not google eAi
  9. It won't work on Windows 98. Upgrade. Come on, 98 is over 7 years old! BLUE on the other hand (our next major release) will suport Windows 9x - probably. eAi
  10. Read the news post.... http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=10374 Essentially we've had some server issues and can currently only run this forum. We'll resolve this as soon as possible. eAi
  11. Just pointing out that these forums are not for discussing your issues with particular server admins. We can't control how people run their servers. I believe some gangs have topics, that'd be the place to take your issues with their servers. eAi
  12. The ropes used in this case are particles, and as such might be a pain to use and probably wouldn't look as good in first person (or when you're close by) as they do normally. eAi
  13. We're still working very hard on blue. 0.4.x has been on hold for a while as some team members have been busy with Real-Life, but work on it is now continuing. eAi
  14. I think I'm going to lock this here... I'm not sure anything particularily constructive can be said... If you've got somthing constructive to say here, PM me and I'll unlock it. Locked
  15. We help chip away at the evil in this world...
  16. Well, not to get involved, but I've seen certain screenshots from "reputable" sources, where "The Cheese" is using a hacked version of MTA...
  17. Chat will (probably) be run through the addon, so you can display it (or not) however you wish. You could even display it in 3d over people's heads if you were so inclined (or speach bubbles?). eAi
  18. He may have done, but we haven't tried them yet. We see no reason they won't work though. eAi
  19. Bombs should work, we haven't tested any rc vehicles yet though. eAi
  20. We are not planing to take suggestions for game modes to release with MTA:blue. We will release blue with a few simple game modes, and leave the developing of more complex game-modes to the community. Of course, we may, after the release, create some game modes, but I think most people would prefer us to get a release sooner rather than later (we would too - we've been developing blue for over a year!). eAi
  21. You'll have to add markers (blips) yourself. This is very easy to do. eAi
  22. eAi

    mta blue

    We'll release more information on blue nearer the release. Theres no point us telling people what state blue is in as it changes daily, as people would only make assumptions "oh shooting works, so it must be liek almost done!!!". We're the best judges of its progress, so giving the community status updates would just fuel unjustified speculation. All we'll say is that currently, we're progressing very well with the development of blue and its looking better and better. eAi
  23. Go to the website for your graphics card manufacturer. Thats probably http://www.nvidia.com or http://www.ati.com depending if you have a nvidia or ATI card. eAi
  24. Check you've got the latest graphics drivers. eAi
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