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Everything posted by eAi

  1. I've been developing on Blue for months and months, hours and hours a day, and I don't think I've had a single inexplicable crash in that time. 95% of the crashes in 0.4 are due to scm isssues. As we don't explicitly use the SCM in Blue, this won't be an issue. The other 5% are caused by shoddy programing and cheaters. As you can tell we've spent a long time on Blue, so its a much more stable and reliable system. We will also have a propper anti-cheat system implemented that will hopefully combat the remaining crashes caused by cheaters. All in all, I see no reasons that Blue can't be crash free, but only time will tell. eAi
  2. I think it must be your graphics card thats causing the problem, I can't see what else it could be. Perhaps you could find a friend and borrow/steal his graphics card and see if that helps? eAi
  3. I haven't spoken to the rest of the team on this, so don't take this as "official", but generally... This idea is fine (imo), bear in mind that with the release of Blue we'll have propper anti-cheat in-place so this will redundant... Anyway, it looks very similar to my MTA-AC (which never got off the ground as it was a pain to get it reliable enough). I won't pretend I'm not extreemly dubious of this projects practicality (i.e. will it work), but if it does I see no problem with it. eAi
  4. hahaha I think that if you vote for GTA:C, you don't realize what Blue will offer (probably because we haven't told you everything yet). Anyway, only time will tell. eAi
  5. I'll look into this when i get a chance.... eAi
  6. We'll be working out some strategies for making sure more people know about MTA (and people who already do, know that we've got a new release) when we release Blue. We can't really guess how popular MTA will become, but even at 300-500 players at a time, we're more popular than many comercially released games (with multiplayer). Only time will tell.
  7. Stanton doesn't read before he posts, we just put up with him here, for some reason.
  8. Staton often does that, as we know... Anyway, on the subject of in-game chat/"commands", we'll see eAi
  9. As I've said before, we're not promising anything. The port from VC to GTA3 would be much harder for us than it has been with 0.4 as Blue is a much more complex beast (we can do so much more with it). Thats not saying it won't be done, its just theres very little incentive for us to do so (I don't think nice dodo flight is worth the three or four months it'd take). We'd also have the same problem we have in 0.4 (seperate islands). All in all, I reckon that LC will suit most people. Perhaps if I ever get a spare moment I'll look into "improving" the dodo in LC... eAi
  10. Well, disabling friendly fire would be a better option for most team based games. eAi
  11. There will be colours for teams, clearly. eAi
  12. As I've said name tags in blue will probably be much more flexible, much more dependent on what the mod developer wishes them to look like. This isn't finalised, but thats what we'd like. eAi
  13. For a start, we don't have a client interface as shown in your "proto type"... Anyway, an addon could probably add the ability to have coloured names (at some point anyway), but generally its rather open to abuse, and doesn't really enhance the gameplay in any way. eAi
  14. eAi

    C++ Forum

    Yes, we'll being doing such things once we've finalised the SDK and so on. Even though we believe the addons will make blue really interesting, creating a stable core is still our priotiy and as such thats what we're working hardest on at the moment. eAi
  15. Well, even if you do decide to stop playing MTA, I'm pretty sure you'll want to be back for Blue, because thats what MTA really should be. eAi
  16. SA will not have built in network multiplayer, that much is certain. eAi
  17. Well, at least initially, we won't have drive by shooting for passengers (I'm pretty sure about that), but you will probably have some way to stand on the back of vehicles or similar. eAi
  18. eAi

    mta server

    Its somthing we might think about in the future. When we develop the server for MTA, we have to develop for both Win32 and Linux, concequently, platform specific things rarely get implemented. eAi
  19. I wasn't in any way suggesting that SA wasn't a good game, I was just saying that with the current formula for MTA, i.e. pretty free, SA would not really work. You could probably go around for ages without actually seeing anyone. As has been said, Blue will change all that. eAi
  20. As has been said, we're not going to change anything now. eAi
  21. I'm pretty sure theres been quite a few similar suggestions along these lines. I supose it'd be kind of boring for the person in prison... They wouldn't have a gun (you wouldn't put someone in prison with a gun)... eAi
  22. I didn't. I think he might be pointing out that the original topic starter might not quite have enough of a grasp of English to do a propper translation... eAi
  23. Blue might have multi-lingual support, but tbh its not very high up on our list of things to do. Blue is probably much more logical to use that 0.4, so even if you know no English at all, you should be able to understand it. eAi
  24. If anyone is interested, we've had 17,154 error reports. Not sure if thats a good or bad sign eAi
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