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Everything posted by eAi

  1. Contact me or ChrML on IRC (irc.multitheftauto.com) and we'll discuss it.
  2. eAi

    Using Phil

    No, this is one of those games that you can't actually play. You just sit around pretending you have and hope nobody else notices.
  3. Currently, you can't remove the GTA map. You can place things miles out at sea and use that, which has exactly the same effect.
  4. Blue being fully moddable and being able to create maps for one particular mod are not related at all. If you believe that the editor was inevitable I suggest you read through the blog, mtasa.com and mtablue.info and see if that clears up what blue is.
  5. You're limited to the roads that come with SA, as it stands. Custom models are on our list, but probably not for the first release. As there are about 13,000 models in San Andreas, you can probably find one that suits pretty much any purpose.
  6. Our Quality Assurance team has put together another video showing you one of the major features we've been working on recently. Visit the blog for more information and to download it! PHP developers required! We're also looking for a couple of PHP developers to help us work on an interesting project, if you're a competent PHP programmer and willing to dedicate some time to develop an exciting concept, please contact us on IRC (irc.multitheftauto.com).
  7. Nope, they are a feature we haven't announced officially, but they aren't The Feature.
  8. Yeah, I have a ping of 160 (from the UK) on that server, so its hardly suprising that its a bit jumpy for some EU players.
  9. Our Quality Assurance team has put together a video showing you what the race modification built on Blue for MTA: San Andreas looks like so far. Visit the blog for more information and to download it!
  10. This should not turn into a vote. In the end we'll do what we think is best, and what we have the manpower for.
  11. We haven't quite decided what will happen after R1, theres 3 possible routes to take: - We fork the code base and develop whatever fixes are required for R1 and release them ASAP as R1.5 (or whatever). At the same time we develop new race features and go through a code refactoring process that really has to be done before we go any further. - We ignore whatever issues are in R1 and fix them for R2. As R2 will not come out until after the code refactoring and the addition of various features, this makes the second release take longer than the release of R1.5 would, but would be faster than the release of R2 would be. - We ignore race, and start developing deathmatch, after the code refactoring is completed, of course. This would make R2 a long way off, as a large ammount of beta testing would need to be done on R2 as it would be introducing a large number of facts that we may not have taken into account so far. I'm personally most in favor of the first option and I think its the path we'd most likely go down. Ideally we'd split up the team, but we don't have enough programmers with time to make that practical. Hope that answers your question.
  12. From the title I thought you were talking about horses... Anyway, as it stands Vice City isn't even on our roadmap/timeline. It could be quite some time before we go back to Vice City, and we can't make any promises. Theres so much we want to do with San Andreas and we believe many more ideas will come from the community that we just don't know when we'll have a chance to go back...
  13. eAi


    Read it? Print it out? Whatever you like...
  14. Its somthing that I've implemented in the past (with blue), but I haven't had time to transfer it over to Blue-SA. The way you suggest is actally exactly how I did it. I never got it to a point where it was useable, but that was certainly the basis we were working on. I'm sure most people would agree that other vehicles and peds are nice to have, but there are other things that are more important.
  15. This is certainly an interesting idea. As the previous posted pointed out, we don't really have the time. We spend a lot of time on MTA - almost full time in some cases, but thats just doing the basic developing. That said, with the releases now based on 'blue', we've been able to spend much more time playing around with ideas - seeing what works, what doesn't and what we might want to spend more time looking into later. This has been great, but the problem is, we get hundreds of ideas and say "we'll put that in release 2". At some point we're going to sit down and decide what release 2 will have that release 1 doesn't - we'll probably outline the result of this on the blog. Either way, ideas like this could certainly be done with the SDK, when we get around to releasing it...
  16. As we showed with the video we released a week after San Andreas was released, vehicle sync was easy to do. Equally, ped sync would be easy to do, but theres many other things involved to ensure we have a release that meets the quality that the community expects.
  17. eAi


  18. We'll have an update for you in a few days time - a good one, I think
  19. Oh its there, but its not really worth doing anything with...
  20. We've been in quite a few magazines around the world, but the more the merrier
  21. If you search you'll probably find other posts on this. Anyway: We contacted XFire a year or so ago, We noticed quite a few posts on here and on their forums requesting that they support MTA. WE suggested that we'd be happy to help them if they had any issues. We never heard back from them... You're welcome to contact them yourself and find out why they don't support MTA.
  22. Without a lot of work, it certainly would be.
  23. eAi

    CE* =Chaos Elite=

    I'm pretty sure that falls under fair use. Its even attributed to the source. Point out to him that although he may be able to quote a few words of the DMCA to prove a point, the whole thing is the law (in the US).
  24. Car collisions are certainly improved in race, but we're aware that its a fairly major problem that we just have to ignore. This is because collisions is handled client side. Commercial games place their collision checking server side - so they can say to each client/player "When you hit, this happens...", what we have is each client getting very slightly different data (because of lag), and concequently each making a slightly different reaction. Sometimes this slightly difference in reaction could be the difference between hitting a bump or not, increasing the magnitude of the issue. Its somthing we'd love to fix, but for the moment, playing against players with a low ping (and having a low ping yourself) will have the most reliable collisions. Hope thats clear! eAi
  25. On one hand, we have people who want a release now, on the other we have people who want a full featured release (now if possible). Obviously, as Kent says, its hard for us to develop a fully SDK without somthing to test with - so we decided to develop the race modification as a base to test with and as somthing the community might find a bit fun. The reason we chose a race instead of DM is because its faster to do, we don't need to worry about weapons for example, and concequently, we'll have somthing we can release for people to play with sooner rather than later. Thats not to say that the work put into the race modification isn't useful - it'll all be useable for DM too (that has cars, doesn't it?) and I'm sure racing will be popular even when a DM mod comes out. Anyway, I hope this explains things.
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