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Everything posted by eAi

  1. CTF is somthing the team would certainly like to do and we've had some really exciting ideas for. DM comes first though
  2. Have you updated to the 1.02 server? Can you provide a screenshot of the program running?
  3. Have you updated to the 1.02 server? Can you provide a screenshot of the program running?
  4. I really think that many people are mistaking glitches for cheaters. Please remember game object's 'life' is not synchronised, its possible for something to blow up on one client and not the others. This is something we may resolve in the future. Look at the map 'break' where this frequently happens. Anyway, please make sure you're absolutely certain before accusing someone of cheating, they quite likely aren't.
  5. I really think that many people are mistaking glitches for cheaters. Please remember game object's 'life' is not synchronised, its possible for something to blow up on one client and not the others. This is something we may resolve in the future. Look at the map 'break' where this frequently happens. Anyway, please make sure you're absolutely certain before accusing someone of cheating, they quite likely aren't.
  6. I wish someone would say why the downloader doesn't work...
  7. I wish someone would say why the downloader doesn't work...
  8. http://mtavc.com/docu/index.php/Keeping ... up-to-date
  9. http://mtavc.com/docu/index.php/Keeping ... up-to-date
  10. Sadly you need .net 2 to use it, so I've no idea what it is like. Either way, I'd encourage you to explain why you can't get the rss map downloader to work.
  11. Sadly you need .net 2 to use it, so I've no idea what it is like. Either way, I'd encourage you to explain why you can't get the rss map downloader to work.
  12. You could just read the FAQ
  13. You could just read the FAQ
  14. Sorry, we're a multiplayer mod, we have enough on our plate as it is.
  15. Sorry, we're a multiplayer mod, we have enough on our plate as it is.
  16. Please use the other mods forum if you wish to continue this discussion. We will be forced to lock this otherwise.
  17. Please use the other mods forum if you wish to continue this discussion. We will be forced to lock this otherwise.
  18. This is when 'bitchpacking' gets dangerous. 'bitchpacking' will not be possible in MTA:SA. Sorry
  19. Because we do not use GTA's scripting language (the scm), we've found that the replays do not really work. This may be somthing we look into replacing in the future, but its not high priority.
  20. Drive bys with passengers are certainly on the list. We can make it so people can stand in the back of vehicles, but I'm pretty sure this won't be in the first release.
  21. We haven't decided yet how mods will work server side, its likely you'll be able to have a server that will switch mods based on the type of map it is.
  22. the .set file is all your game settings, so copying it over is a bad idea. If you have a problem starting gta, deleting this file often helps as it resets the settings to the default.
  23. Who are we to insult them? Why do they care what we think? I don't think initiating a successful format is as terribly wrong as you seem to think it is, many many games imitate each other, many films and books do. Imitation is the sincerest for of flattery after all. I personally don't make MTA because I love GTA, I do it for the challenge. I can't speak for the rest of the team on this matter though.
  24. We aren't telling people anything, we were asked what we thought of other mods and we answered the question. If you'd rather we lied about what we think we can give you a PR'd answer. The comment was not meant as a personal attack at anyone or any particular mod, so I find it strange that people feel the need to defend themselves and start criticising MTA.
  25. I wasn't presuming that, I said it was debatable. As MTA was the first mod that ever made any game from a single player to online game, as far as I'm aware, I think its likely it would never have happened. Lots of things don't happen or get invented because the right people don't think of doing them, not because the right people aren't there.
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