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Everything posted by eAi

  1. Have you submitted a crash using the error reporter? if so, what was the crash report ID?
  2. I recommend http://www.bugmenot.com/view.php?url=www.fileplanet.com you won't have to register then. We know fileplanet isn't ideal, but it gives us good publicity.
  3. There was a reason we prevented people from alt+tabbing. If you modify your game, don't expect support from us. When you installed MTA you agreed you would not run it on a modified game, you clearly are doing so.
  4. Have you tried doing the same thing with an administrator account?
  5. I didn't lose much luckily, but its still a pain Never had a hard disk go up in smoke, they tend to just crash and die...
  6. If you manage this you won't be seen by other players so its somewhat pointless
  7. I've seen the main menu appear once or twice during development, but its hard to reproduce. Anyway, loading a saved game won't work as we don't load GTA's scripts so things can go very strange...
  8. Well, its not fair that you get more control than other players during races, so using this would be considered cheating. Yes, you could code somthing using the SDK eventually, but I don't think thats what you're after.
  9. eAi

    Repeat Pressing A Key

    I think this would generally be considered to be cheating/exploiting so I'm locking this.
  10. None, you shouldn't touch that version number, its purely used by the rss map donloader.
  11. Yes, that happens if the connection between you and the server is disrupted for some reason. The best way to fix it is to just reconnect.
  12. I've just had my MTA hard disk fail, but once I've sorted out a new disk, I'll look into fixing this.
  13. binding will certainly be in future versions, though probably not race 1.1.
  14. eAi


    Well, you probably should explain what you're doing so we can explain what you're doing wrong.
  15. Just upload it again with the same name and it'll become version 2, but keep the same name.
  16. The anti-pickup idea is somthing we actually intended to put in the first release, whern we first thought up the pickup idea, but that never happened. We were going to have things like bombs and oilslicks etc - its likely that may still happen. Object animations are hard to arrange, but its somthing I'd like to see. Disabling weapons is certainly possible and fairly trivial to do. Zones aren't hard to do, but I personally can't think of a good way to display them in the editor... Unordered checkpoints I'd like to see as well, its not really practical with our current checkpoint system, but I think with a partial rewrite server side it'd be easy enough to do. Triggered object removal (etc) is somthing we do intend to do, watch the blog for more information on this. I'm not sure about a respawn element, I'm not really sure how that'd work in a way thats useful to map makers. I can see it might be useful on free-roam maps, but I'm not sure why normal spawnpoints couldn't be used in these cases... Spawnpoint properties, i.e. per-spawnpoint vehicle setting is somthing we'll probably add to 1.1, I think the reason it got ignored was we (well, at least I) didn't realise that it was possible to have per-spawnpoint vehicles. Equally, I guess it'd be useful to have some concept of teams as well. I think this may have to wait for after 1.1 though, as doing this properly requires some of the work we've put into DM to be completed and back-ported to race.
  17. Did anyone say it didn't or wouldn't?
  18. I agree, the console issue you mention is annoying. I don't think we'll be fixing it for 1.1 though, but we'll aim to fix it in a future release. We do intend to look at a better way of listing maps in the future - the current system is impractical with a large number of maps. I've not heard of or seen the shooting issue you mention...
  19. eAi


    You've not exactly got anything to lose by trying MTA - its free and it doesn't modify any of your GTA files. Be warned that some other mods _do_ modify GTA's files and may be hard to remove without damaging your existing install.
  20. Then why post here asking how?
  21. We already increase the pool sizes, we can increase more in the future.
  22. If you are getting that error you don't have the latest version. You can download the latest version at: http://www.mtavc.com/downloads/rssmapdownloader11.zip (as I posted on the main page about 2 days after the release!)Please use the edit button, and clearly if its on sourceforge, the source is available I'd strongly emphasise to people who are interested in this tool, that it _does not_ replace the original tool feature-wise. It will download all the maps in your feed - every time - even if they haven't changed, it will also only run once. Plus, running repeatedly will hammer our server with requests for potentially huge files, somthing we'd rather you didn't do! Feel free to use it, but please bear this in mind.
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