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Everything posted by eAi

  1. Its irrelevant if we released blue for vc or not, its debatable if anyone would have every made GTA into a multiplayer game (except R*) if IJs hadn't started MTA. We never promised to release MTA:blue for vc, its not vaporware as it wasn't an anounced project - the core was anounced as being in development, not a release of the core. Anyway, we were asked the question in the interview, we answered it. As I've said before, many companies hate competition yet the competition makes them stronger. We don't hate competition, we would just like some originality shown.
  2. Yes, there will be maps, like the race mod has. Yes, you can play on the normal SA map. Yes, we'll be adding pickups.
  3. I think the thing is, its fine to have some competition, it keeps people on their toes, but for if I were an non-MTA developer now and I wanted to start a multiplayer mod, I wouldn't do it for GTA, I'd pick another game that has a community that wants a multiplayer mod, like mafia for example.
  4. It is highly likely that a future patch for race and the release of DM will increase this limit to somewhere beyond the player limit.
  5. I think this was an issue in the RSS downloader that I have since fixed (not released a fix yet). This is because these maps have no tag at all, so the downloader can't insert a tag within it. I've fixed that and we'll release a fix for that either with the next server patch or sooner. If you want it to stop downloading them over and over, either insert your own tag or use the mapname.map in your config.
  6. Disabling NAT is probably a bad idea and is unlikely to be causing your problems. NAT allows multiple computers to connect to the internet from one IP address. This means that if you disable NAT on your router and have more than one computer connected to it, all sorts of horrible things could happen.
  7. Well, try uninstalling MTA see if it makes any difference. I really doubt it will, we don't touch any gta files at all. I'd suggest reinstalling GTA.
  8. We do not modify any of gta's files, so I very much doubt that MTA is causing your crash. Make sure GTA isn't running hidden (look in the Control+alt+delete process list), this can cause gta to crash on start up.
  9. votes in online games don't work, vote kicks don't either. They can be hijacked by idiots to spoil the game for genuine players.
  10. We've considered a kind of reverse RSS feed which would inform the center of what maps a server has installed (so people could find what servers had a particular map). We could build some stats into this such as how often each map had been played and perhaps a way of rating maps and storing it in this feed. This would obviously only be uploaded automatically if the server admin was happy with it.
  11. No, theres no interpolation. This is somthing we'd like to add at some point, but GTA does (in effect) interpolate itself as it knows the velocity of vehicles. The issue is that the outcome of collisions is slightly different from client to client, this is somthing that is very hard to sync without moving the collision code server side, which is not really feasable without rewriting gta ourselves.
  12. Well, what I'm personally in favor of is voting for the next map and adding a time limit to maps (set by the map author). We could still allow admins to start instant map change votes. If we also allowed respawning in maps, I think this would solve most people's issues.
  13. All these things are quite likely to be added at one point or another in the future.
  14. I think this is probably a good idea, it'd also allow us to do voting for the next map rather than (or as well as) instant map changes.
  15. Possibly, or we could make it a server side option to allow respawns in all maps or not.
  16. People who join and are instantly kicked for cheating probably have modified files or are using a trainer, people kicked some time later are probably not cheating...
  17. Just upload your map to the mta center (http://center.mtasa.com) then find a server that automatically downloads them. Theres quite a few of them around.
  18. The screenshot of his error is clearly not from version 1.1 - it doesn't say it is. That error only happens in version 1.0.
  19. MatthewMc: If you have 1.03, it should say the map downloader is 1.1 Try downloading http://www.mtavc.com/downloads/rssmapdownloader11.zip if it is still not working, and use that. catfacem3n: Not sure what you're talking about.
  20. Did you update to the 1.03 server? http://light.mtavc.com That should fix your problem.
  21. Tell us the ID we'll do it for you.
  22. Respawning is somthing we intend to look into adding in the future.
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