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  1. sigh sigh sigh I converted ALL the gta:sa's ipls already. Download yours here: http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/maps/IPL%20s ... terior.rar The rest is in the /~aeron/maps/ directory. (PS, in seabed.ipl some object's diameter is bigger then the streamer's draw distance, sometimes you have to jump in the sky (if mass moved in hte sky), and later the object appears.) Sweet! You made the 'GoingDown' map!! Was playing that for quite a while last night on a server.. good work
  2. sigh sigh sigh I converted ALL the gta:sa's ipls already. Download yours here: http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/maps/IPL%20s ... terior.rar The rest is in the /~aeron/maps/ directory. (PS, in seabed.ipl some object's diameter is bigger then the streamer's draw distance, sometimes you have to jump in the sky (if mass moved in hte sky), and later the object appears.) Sweet! You made the 'GoingDown' map!! Was playing that for quite a while last night on a server.. good work
  3. This is sounding sweet! Canneh wait to get my grubby mouse on the Deathmatch mode when its done! Keep it up guys
  4. This is sounding sweet! Canneh wait to get my grubby mouse on the Deathmatch mode when its done! Keep it up guys
  5. I was there, AlienX was there, and Morgan was there. Check these screens out! & guys if you're reading this, add some of the ones you took & all we used was the bikes & the skatepark. No nitro's or added ramps
  6. well i think they are https://multitheftauto.com/blog/index.php?mode=viewid&post_id=96#comment
  7. Quick question, is it gonna be similar to the maps of the race mod? Or is it gonna be all out warzone? Oh, and will you's be adding pickups such as, lets say, parachutes for it?? Thanx!
  8. galgor

    Polls about polls

    It's almost as good as politics.... Lets have meetings about having meetings
  9. you made a bad map the game knows all!
  10. Does anyone know the name of the map where it starts off [in a plane?] up high above Los Santos in motorbikes, then goes down outta a tunnel type thing, transforms to hovercraft and goes rooftop to rooftop?? Bit sketchy on the details, but it was the second time i played MTA!
  11. this is the best i could find. http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=3151&GroupID=1114 Should work...right? PS. i love bein irish
  12. CPU Motherboard Memory All this helps much appreciated guys
  13. ...definitly not, it's just me working on rumble Happy its serving its purpose, people are having fun with it, but theres no need to get mouthy and insult peoples hard work. ..i personally prefer to play mtasa by far, but i enjoy coding too. heyhey Hows the UVA playing today?
  14. Playing it last night for a few hours. Rather good to say the least! Vehicles are very well synched IMO, and there only seems to be few actual problems. Gonna have another go on the map editor to see how that goes Can't wait for the deathmatch mode too!
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