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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. I have 2 RL friends..... i met one at school, and met the other thru him. Now were all Nerds.
  2. I dont want to go outside, theres a big ball of fire in the sky. Whos moron idea was it to put a big ass ball of fire in the sky? it hurts my eyes
  3. Anyway....... i will keep adding cheaters to the list once a month, for anyone who wants the info.
  4. Cause it's their only choice yet. If there were other multiplayers.. I know of 4 GTASA Multi Player Platforms.... GTA Tournament SA-MP GTA:Rumble MTA
  5. Aht, i knew i explained it stupidly.... As for messages, i meant the PRS ones.... like Top 3 Times For "Insert Track Name Here" I know i have to have the text there as its not possible,... But as for merging the chat, i want Just what People say, and not what PRS says. to be Linked. So like.... Hey Guys. Hey man, Whats Up. Nothing Much. But Stuff like New Record on "insert Track name" set by dan Not to be relayed.
  6. ($chr(96) isin %a) || ($chr(94) isin %a) || ($chr(94) isin %a) || ($chr(94) isin %a) || ($chr(94) isin %a) || ($chr(94) isin %a) (Except with different character numbers) would that be right for Lots of characters? --------------------------------------------------- Well, i tried it, all good Thanks man.
  7. Theres THOUSANDS of people on samp..... and its crappy and Buggy.
  8. Our banned list is Nothing but Cheaters.
  9. ok, seeing as how these forums are dead, and no one gives a crap anymore, and how No one replyed to my previous post, i will take that as a "No, these dont break the EULA, so Go ahead and post them" First up... NOS. Up Next: we have a Server side mod.
  10. Dont tell me that these forums are dead because everyone buggered off to SA-MP.
  11. Our PRS on the server is set up to only deal with the first 2 octets.
  12. Holla, il get straight to the point..... i found this code in PRS: if ($chr(96) isin %a) { mta.pm $1 $2 INVALID CHARACTERS IN NICK!! .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 $2 } How do i add more invalid characters to it? From what i am seeing here: http://www.asciitable.com/ Character 96 is ` and im wanting to add other characters like ^ (character 94) (mainly cos im tired of retards joining with names like ^-^ and so on. Basically, i want to know what to change and how to code it so i can add how many i want to the script. Any ideas on what i have to do? Like would i have to Duplicate that entire section like this: if ($chr(96) isin %a) { mta.pm $1 $2 INVALID CHARACTERS IN NICK!! .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 $2 } if ($chr(94) isin %a) { mta.pm $1 $2 INVALID CHARACTERS IN NICK!! .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 $2 } And so on?
  13. Before i post another coupple of mods, i have to ask (cos i couldent find any mention of it in the rules) Whats the Policy of MTA Modding? Like Changing the colour of the NOS Pickups & the Server Side Car Colour file?
  14. Anyone think they are smart enough to make these scripts for somone who cant mIRC script for shit?
  15. all i know is "Toggle Camera Physics" In Campaign, if you have an in car view.... the camera shakes depending on bumps and cornering. Glance mode is for Controllers (No idea what it does) Not sure about near clip, might have somthing to do with the camera being able to get closer to things without going thru (not sure)
  16. Heres what i want to know... if theres so many bugs in it... (as ive seen being fixed on the main page) BUT... people want it released now, AND SA-MP (MTA Copycats, i know MTA thaught of it first) is allready out..... Why not Release DM with a Server and Client "AutoUpdater" to get hotfixes as they are created.
  17. implementing a global ban file to MTA DM servers would be a bad idea. cos.... what about the people who get banned from servers like team NIR for saying the word "Crap" or other more heavy swear words. then they would be banned from every MTA DM server. so that would be a bad idea IMO. thats why i set up the thread to share the manes and IP's of Cheaters only.
  18. Yeah, in aus the the company that owns all the phone lines, cables, exchanges (telstra) Treats us like third world citezens. If they had thier way, Australia would still be on dial up.
  19. Australia. Dynamic is standard for all the ISP's that arent worth a crap here. like "Telstra" Expensive + full of dropouts and downtime.... 512KB with a 100MB limit and $100 PER MEG over the limit. They have a Dynamic IP. But places that arent assholes like telstra have Static IP as standard. its not the "cuontry" that has it standard or not, its the ISP. but in the file if you look, you can see some people with Dynamic IP's like Javito. in the end, we just ban thier entire netblock.
  20. I have had the same IP for 2 years. Only people on Crappy ISP's have thier IP change every 24 hours... (Dynamic IP) and MOST of the cheaters we have banned have Static IP's.
  21. As we all know, cheaters are Bad. Now im not suer what the Forum rules are on giving out IP addresses, so i wont do it here.... But i have set up a forum thread at My website to Share Banned Lists between servers. Basically, a place where people can share thier banned lists between servers and get ontop of this cheating issue once and for all. You can find the forum thread here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Forums/viewtopic/p=3689.html
  22. Hello, im looking for 3 seperate scripts, (yes, more of me hunting stuff) and was just wondering if anyone can write these cos they are kinda "personalised" from most normal ones. First up, we have just opend 4 servers that are for use with Dewalk28's sAkina mod. Link to DL and Screenies .... Link to my Announcement post for the servers .... Link to Dewalk28's info on the Map Mod The reason why we have 4 server's for it is the track is really too thin to have more than 4 players on it at once, so we set up 4X 4 player servers. all running on the same MTAMA so they all use the same Stats / records / whatever. But i would like a script to link all the server's chat together, Just what people say, so no messages or death messages. just chat relay. and join / quit messages, so like "Dan has joined sAkina server 2" and when people chat, it would come thru on another server as "Dan @ Sakina#2: ---------------------------------- Ok, Secondly, an IRC relay script that will work with that script, so it will work with all 4 servers to / from IRC. (So just chat and join/quit messages, no messages) And also an IRC script that will work with our normal server. Which runs on a different mIRC and MTAMA to that of the sAkina servers. which will do the same thing, relay chat and join / quit messages to / from IRC. ----------------------------------- And last, but not least, a Welcome Message script (Yes i know PRS has a welcome message) but i want a script that i can set a different welcome message in, so it comes up in the Gold text. ------------------------------------------------------------------ And NO, sAkina is Not a cheat mod....... Heres screenshots of what it is for everyone to see...... (click for larger image) More screenshots of this awesome map mod here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads/screen=57.html
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