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Everything posted by kevuwk

  1. you would have to put it under mta.command in mtagus.mrc and make sure the $iif( $4, Reason: $4- ) is on the same line as the !brb bit
  2. on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !brb) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) will be right back! $iff($4,Reason: $4-) } if you have it somehting like that then i cant see a problem
  3. surely thats elseif ($3 == !brb) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) will be right back! $iff($4,Reason: $4-)
  4. ive not looked at tow trucks but if its like erorr404 says, it will probably be something to do with the syncing of the vehicle by the driver
  5. HAHA. I'll eat my own shit if they release it on/before that date. I'd consider myself "lucky" if we saw a release before June. you say that but you wouldnt eat it
  6. kevuwk

    QA Members

    Did you ever saw "The fantastic adventures of Baron Münchhausen?" nope, never heard of it
  7. kevuwk

    QA Members

    interesting story, they turning it into a film?
  8. nobody knows what resources it will use yet or how many players it will support so it is hard to put a price on it
  9. maybe just the driver controls the radio station and all the passengers have to listen to what the driver chooses
  10. we would need to then code a way to do this which would again slow the development of the main mod down
  11. well, i answered for both just incase and i know what you mean about the hang over, sat here at work with a banging headache
  12. sa-mp use pawn, its not like mIRC but it is similar to lua with one of the differences being you dont have to compile lua scripts although they can be but i dont think mta will be supporting that
  13. i dont think this has been looked into but anything like this would most likely not be done by editting gta files
  14. you can check if a player is meant to be glued, if they arent and you are sure they arent moving then they are obviously cheating
  15. the cheating side of things shouldnt be too hard to sort out
  16. if it involves center logins im guessing it will be built into the server for security reasons
  17. kevuwk

    Points Script

    moved to the appropriate area
  18. the downtime was for server upgrades, those videos might of just been deemed out of date and moved/removed
  19. try pulling it off the cd again or reinstalling
  20. kevuwk

    Whats next?

    think ill agree with MrJax on this one, VC seems to be faster, not sure if its the way the camera is positioned and how it moves or the fact that it runs at a higher frame rate, will never forget the robber fights at prawn island in 0.3r2, maybe one day that could be recreated
  21. i believe dm has now had a very small test on vista and worked fine, expect to hear more from eAi about this as he performed the test
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