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Everything posted by kevuwk

  1. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.php?title=S ... tup_Guides it can run on one of the workstations that are running the game aswell, just connect to localhost ( on that workstation
  2. there is nothing stopping them saying you need a hard drive and high def drive to play it and i dont see what difference having a hard drive makes anyway as the game is played off the disc and memory not storage
  3. that was meant to be "it's easier to find..." and if someone crashes, you don't know what resource(s) they where running or what exactly they were doing at the time (if the script changes a players setting of some description it doesn't have to say to the player that it is doing it) so it's usually easier if you can debug rather than working it out from what the user said they were doing
  4. its easy to find the cause of a crash in a controlled environment though
  5. winter being december, january and february, spring being march, april and may, summer being june, july and august, autumn (fall) being september, october and november. but then thats when i would hope, but that doesnt mean it will happen
  6. Honestly if it isn't out sometime early this summer I'm going to be disappointed myself...working on it constantly with a select group of people isn't the same as enjoying the final product. We'll all try to wrap it up soon. i'll agree with you there, i would like nothing more than to have a full server (however many that will be) running round killing each other and will be diasappointed if its not out early summer, but thats my opinion and not the teams opinion as my sig says
  7. anything can happen between now and rc1 so it's hard to say how close we are
  8. we are still working on mtadm, as you will see from the latest picture taken on friday evening when we were running a bigger test than normal (i would say there were about 12 and we usually have about 5) to try and find bugs that pop up with more people ingame
  9. could be dropping some packets unless the script just isn't working
  10. all the models are changed in the running game, not in any of the files, as far as i know, only vehicles have been modded, although weapons have been talked about, i haven't actually seen one changed yet
  11. i would probably say gta4 as its a new game but would be playing dm quite soon after, from what i have seen during tests it will be good to play with more people in the servers and see what game modes people can make
  12. kevuwk

    MTA on Vista

    yes, because it can be scripted
  13. kevuwk

    MTA on Vista

    there most likely won't be a new version of race, it will be a release of dm that is vista compatible
  14. moved to add-ons as the scripting area is more for lua
  15. that site is basically an official rpg mod for mta that will be made by 2 members of the qa team, if you read the description you will see it mentions jobs
  16. i took it off the history page, could do with updating really, it didnt say release but i presumed thats what i ment on the last line
  17. http://mtarpg.co.uk/ and you will be able to make your own game modes
  18. GTA:SA Release date(s) PC United States June 7, 2005 Australia June 10, 2005 European Union June 10, 2005 MTASA:Race - 8 October 2005 then the updates for race after that, not sure on those dates
  19. So, you mean, like, it's almost finished, but just not finished enough to be released as public beta because it isn't actually finished but still it's finished??? *** *** Well, if you say what you guys/we guys are up to, we will know and understand what the situation is. Don't come give us BS in our mouths, because sooner or later (and yes, this problem is already here) people are getting mad because they want to know how it exactly is, and not the same "vague" words we heard for the 100th time. (YES this may sound as bs/whining to you, but it's actually constructive criticism... and be happy, you can discuss, this ain't the 100th post of a 10 year old who wants to know "Whan teh hellz MTASA is goin' to be fackin' released yo yo!!!111") he was on about the build process not that it is nearly finished
  20. i would expect there to be a countdown for the release, most likely 1 day with the servers released before the client
  21. If we aren't vague and get a detail wrong, some people won't be happy. As for the time-scale on testing/releases, even if we do think its pretty close, it could change very quickly, its not very likely to at this point, but its possible. My guess at a release date would probably satisfy most of you out there, thats pretty much the closest you'll get to an answer. adding on to this, there have been a few discussions of release strategies aswell and the outcome of this should be known in the near future
  22. what 2 people interpret 'soon' as can be very different
  23. http://xbox.ign.com/articles/421/421504p1.html there are other examples, sony had a contract with them until just after the sa release, just search google for things like 'rockstar sony contract' and you will possibly find more info
  24. kevuwk


    what does it have to do with Dell and Mac is the better question
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