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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. The resource doesn't include a gang chat, here's one I just made for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxdwyr5ravo0r ... t.zip?dl=0
  2. El error dice que no encuentra esta imagen: ":DSTRSystem/IMG/rangos/0.png"
  3. Fijate si el debugscript muestra algun error. /debugscript 3 en el chat.
  4. Nobody's going to help you evade a ban.
  5. Great job! Let's wait and see what people come up with this new amazing possibilities.
  6. What's the point of using loadstring? all it is doing in your code, is execute one function or the other, there's no need to use loadstring to do that. loadstring(('%s()'):format((isVisible and 'Menu' or 'deMenu')))()
  7. I believe it was renamed to "cache", since it no longer appears in the wiki page of meta.xml.
  8. Thanks , about full decompiled version, i dont know if i will do it. Well, to be honest, you should have uploaded it uncompiled, since the script is based ( most of it I believe ) in a public resource.
  9. Looks good, but what's the point of password to unlock? it's not like someone will steal it.
  10. If you set cache to false, it'll have to download it everytime the player joins the server.
  11. If you set cache to false, it won't download the file at all.
  12. Surely was a temporary problem, it's back up now.
  13. Si la funcion getPlayerClan esta en otro recurso, entonces tenes que exportarla para usarla en otro recurso.
  14. Los archivos cliente y servidor no comparten las variables, tabla, etc. Tu variable "cCountry" esta definida solamente en el script "toptimes_server.lua".
  15. You can replace things such as icons ( GTA 3 object for example ).
  16. I have him on skype, and I received few automated messages, which were about selling a bunch of resources, but for what I seen in the screenshot, he's selling leaked resources, not made by him. This is the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/79d2pj
  17. There's no magical script which does that, since it depends completely from the admin script you are using.
  18. Your server is your responsability pretty much, there's nothing the MTA team can do about it.
  19. The part which I surrounded with RED it's a section.
  20. I don't quite understand what do you mean. Could you explain yourself better?
  21. Si no me equivoco, onClientPreRender se ejecuta despues de que GTA actualize el mapa. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ga ... sing_Order
  22. You would need to define the blip, so you can later destroy it if it exists.
  23. Put quotes around "baseblips". Also, this will only create a blip in these coords, it won't hide/show it.
  24. Seria así verdad? getPedTotalAmmo(Jugador, i) Eso por alguna razón me da valores falsos (aparece 0 o 9999 de munición cuando por ejemplo un usuario tiene 1k de balas) En todo caso mi problema es que el getWeaponAmmo funciona bien en mi servidor, devuelve los valores correcto de las balas de los jugadores, pero en el servidor que quiero ponerlo, pasa eso No puede ser que hayas usado getWeaponAmmo para obtener la municion de un jugador, ya que esa funcion no es para eso, y no funciona asi. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetWeaponAmmo
  25. Eso es porque estas intentando obtener el ammo del ID del arma, no del jugador.
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