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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Similar problem happened to someone else some days ago. See here: not tonumber(#plrInCol) When you do this, you are converting the value to a boolean, you need to use parentheses, like this: if ( not ( tonumber ( #plrInCol ) >= 1 ) or tonumber(#vehInCol) >= 1) then
  2. There's no reason to remove the topic, if you didn't want people to be able to copy the code, then you shouldn't have posted it in a public forum.
  3. Postea todo el codigo del client side.
  4. Lo de guiSetVisible no, ya que su script crea la GUI al usar el comando. P.D: Tambien te olvidaste de que guiSetVisible necesita que le especifiques cual elemento queres mostrar/ocultar.
  5. Usar 'source' o 'client' es practicamente lo mismo, solo que hay mas riesgo con usar 'source' que yo sepa. No es ninguna actualizacion, 'client' ya existia en las versiones anteriores.
  6. Eso es porque estas ejecutando el script como server side en lugar de client side, ya que esas funciones son solo de cliente. Abri el archivo meta.xml, y fijate que dira: type="server" o no dira el "type", ponele type="client".
  7. Tenes que remplazar las texturas ( TXDs ) antes que los modelos ( DFFs ).
  8. Te pido el error exacto, si no te acordas, vas y te fijas y copias exactamente lo que dice.
  9. Si ese es el server side, y en el client side ejecutas el evento de este modo: triggerServerEvent ( "onGreeting", getLocalPlayer () ) Entonces deberia funcionar.
  10. I already gave you a working code for that, you need to change the "Zombie Kills" to "Zombie kills", since the script you use to set the data uses that. You need to keep in mind that you have to put exactly the same data name ( check for capital letters/etc ).
  11. Post the code you are currently using.
  12. Any error in the debugscript? have you tried adding some outputs to see if the timer is being successfully executed?
  13. function onMarkerHit (player) if ( not isTimer (timer) ) then timer = setTimer ( function(player) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." Ha robado la droga!") setElementData(player,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")) setElementData(player,"God",getElementData(player,"God")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"God",getElementData(player,"God")) setElementData(player,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")) setElementData(player,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")) setElementData(player,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")) setElementData(player,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")) destroyElement(bot1) destroyElement(bot2) destroyElement(bot3) destroyElement(bot4) destroyElement(bot5) destroyElement(bot6) destroyElement(bot7) destroyElement(bot8) destroyElement(bot9) destroyElement(bot10) destroyElement(bot11) destroyElement(bot12) destroyElement(bot13) destroyElement(bot14) destroyElement(bot15) destroyElement(bot16) destroyElement(bot17) end, 5000, 1, player) end destroyElement ( marker ) destroyElement ( blip ) marker = nil end Try that.
  14. Well, that's obvious, you are killing the timer (line 113) just after you set it.
  15. I doubt that script is made public, the first time I made it was for a specific server, then it got leaked, and some others just made their own script using the same design. Is not hard to make it, but I won't do it for you.
  16. You can make that with dx drawing functions. dxDrawRectangle dxDrawText And the exported functions "getLevelData", "getPlayerLevel" and "getPlayerEXP" from the "exp_system".
  17. You mean the progress bar in bottom of your screen that shows your current level and experience and required experience for the next level? if so, then that is not included in the "exp_system" resource, you need to make it yourself.
  18. local charsString = '#*+=%€$!^&()-+?¿/"' function removeChars ( str, chars ) local s = str:gsub ( "[".. tostring ( chars ) .."]", '' ) return s end function acceptedNames ( element ) local text = guiGetText ( element ) local nt = removeChars ( text, charsString ) guiSetText ( element, nt ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIChanged", theEdit, acceptedNames, false ) This sort of work, but there are characters which don't get removed, such as %.
  19. Why are you insulting the person that is trying to help you? that's rather stupid. What has the acl.xml to do with this? it's a simple server side script.
  20. My "exp_system" is really easy to use, you can find examples in the wiki page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Exp_system This is an example of how to give 5 experience points everytime you kill a zombie from slothman's zombies resource: addEvent ( "onZombieWasted", true ) addEventHandler ( "onZombieWasted", root, function ( theKiller ) exports.exp_system:addPlayerEXP ( theKiller, 5 ) end )
  21. That'll cause a malformed pattern error.
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