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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. getWeaponAmmo se usa para obtener la municion de las armas creadas por createWeapon, no para obtener la municion de un jugador. Usa getPedTotalAmmo para eso.
  2. You can save the health the player had when he left the server, and when he logs in, check if the health saved is 0.
  3. We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  4. Eso es porque estas sobrescribiendo las variables, usa una tabla para que esto no pase.
  5. For what I can see, you are applying to be staff in WSS, but you posted it in the official MTA forums, you should post it in their forums instead.
  6. 64% es muchisimo uso de CPU, mi servidor tiene muchos recursos, y teniendo mas de 300 jugadores conectados, ninguno de ellos utiliza mas de 10% de CPU. El problema que tenes es que un script o varios dentro del recurso estan mal optimizados, podrian ser timers server side, queries mysql sin callback, etc.
  7. Castillo

    Dual wield flag

    I don't think there's anything you can do to change that.
  8. Use shaders or replace the TXD.
  9. What billboard? give us more information.
  10. I don't think you can use "/stop", since it's a MTA hard coded command ( for stopping resources ). Change the vehicle to something else, such as "freezevehs".
  11. Not always, ipairs is used for numeric indexed tables. Like this one: myTable = { "A", "B", "C" }
  12. http://lua-users.org/wiki/ForTutorial
  13. Haven't you sold this gamemode already? with your other forum account. viewtopic.php?f=108&t=84486&p=768745 Also, I don't think you have permission to sell something which is based in a public gamemode ( MTA paradise ).
  14. viewtopic.php?f=114&t=87613
  15. Castillo

    MTA 5

    viewtopic.php?f=167&t=87592 Don't make new topics about the same thing.
  16. It's a bug caused when the server has a lot of players ( over 100 ).
  17. The difference is that servers could use getClipboard to get what the player has copied ( could be passwords and such ).
  18. @Unpredictable: You really should try to learn what he's saying, because that has nothing to do with this. @toni: Even when I agree that this is a problem when it comes to creating our own DX library, we have to take security first.
  19. Your server is your responsability, the MTA team can't really do anything to prevent DDoS attacks to servers.
  20. for _, value in ipairs ( exports [ "DayZ" ]:getGangList ( ) ) do exports.gang_system:removeGang ( value ) end
  21. addEvent('onPlayerRequestMapList',true) -- This one should be in the server side
  22. I guess you don't really read what you are posting, since it was only a post in non-english language, aswell as that it had no link at all.
  23. Please change the description to "DELETE", so we can know it's your resource.
  24. You wrote "AddEventHandler", but it's "addEventHandler". And also, the "onResourceStart" event doesn't have any player element ( obviously, it's a resource, not a player ). You can loop every online player instead. Use getElementsByType to get the players online.
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