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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. 1: depends from server to server 2: verry good playable 3: not yet, but buy it for in the future
  2. after 21 days just click the butten that says u want to try it another 7 days, and this every week
  3. simplest way to configure a server is sing the Server configuration Utility from which a new version can be found in the downloadsection. Just point and click. You enable the admin panel and fill in port and ip
  4. Well, i left a bug in 0.2.3 which made the advanced functions useless So, 0.2.4 witht his bug fixed and also an online version checker. If it gives any problem, just let me know plz and then it's time for yet another version
  5. indeed, just hit return twice and u'll return because then it just clicks ok to end VC
  6. This is a call to the entire international computer community! A case was stolen on the ELP Lan party in Lokeren Belgium. Together with this was a TFT screen, a TV and a printer stolen This is the case: If you have a lead on where it might be, give me a call and i report it further
  7. We are seeing our visitors number increasing and more and more people are learning about MTA. Therefore we have decided to start supporting multiple languages. During a testing period in the next weeks we will start adding support for Dutch . If no problems occur we will start with other languages probably French first, followed by German. Translation will apply on most parts of the site but not on the news or downloadsection. Multiple languages will be made available on the forum. The readme files and manual will be translated from the next release onwards. Please do notice that the first release will always be English and that other languages will follow since there are always last minute changes on most files including readme and manual. The software itself will stay in english
  8. Today 6 months ago a website was launched. This website contained some information about an ambitious project : bringing MP to GTA3. Many people were sceptic and still thought it could not be done (remember all those hoaxes?) . To prove he got it working, IJsVogel released his first version together with a movie . Many people have tried to redo his work, but only a few succeeded. In those 6 months a lot has happened. The site has grown from a small simple site to one with a peak of +40 000 visitors and after 3 general forums we ended here on our own with now +4000 users. GTA3AM renamed to MTA and went from 2 players to 32 players. Ftom TCP to UDP, from GTA3 to VC. A lot has changed, and there is still much more to come
  9. They were working with MTA for some time but after some problems with the team members we decided to stop working with them, they are now orking with GTAt
  10. Will be there. will be only way to start VC from the next version
  11. The next version will have a protection against trainers
  12. azerty is solved, i know cause i got azerty, and no message loss since there is a buffer
  13. philoboy. To sync animations we need the mem adressess. And the team is not searching those at the moment
  14. i doubt a proxy is going to help. My ISP makes me go trough a proxy but i still connect with my own IP. There is no possibility to connect to the net with two PC's and one IP. The whole idea of the ip adressess is so that a server knows where to send data to.
  15. Geforce cards don't suck, people who say such things really need to start reading reviews and articles about GFX cards but i'll do a quick explanation of how it stands these days. We have the 2 top cards (the nVIDIA GF FX 5900 vs the ATi Radeon 9800) both come in 2 versions. What we see very often is that they put up a GF with 128MB ram against a Radeon with 256MB. Performance is not really affected by it but most reviewers use 3Dmark 03 as a basis for there article and this piece of software gives extra points for the extra RAM As staed before : 3DMark 03 is commonly used as a basis for articles, now we know both ATi and nVIDIA cheated in this (nVIDIA more then ATi, but 2 years ago it was the reverse) but not with the latest updates anymore. There is something else though. A test has been done which shows that 3DMark gives a higher score on a P II then ona PIII and a higher score on a P III then on a PIV . Therefore we can conclude that 3DMark is not correct when it comes to scores. When we look at ingame test we see that the GF and Radeon get about the same score. In one review the ATi is the big winner, in another it is the GF that takes the lead. To prove what i am saying, read this article. It has tested a GF5FX5900 Ultra 256 MB against an ATi Radion 9800 Pro with 256MB and we see the GF almost everywhere in the lead. To stop any discussion before it starts : The Gainward Golden Sample cards have a nice name, but that's it. There overclock potential isn't bigger then that of other cards (they say it is, but it isn't) and it is at standard clock speed (as you can read in the article)
  16. Let it be cleer that most ppl visiting our site and forums have windows XP according to the stats!
  17. These forums need to become more friendly but i was not aware that pm's like that r send
  18. you try being friendly when you have to deal with these things all the time
  19. Suto, i am the webmaster and i called you an idiot and closed it you know why? U broken one of the most important rules and are asking stupid questions If you look at the site you will see that we are still in early development of MTA:VC since not all animations are in there are no game modes or anything like that. If you did a bit of research you would have found out that our servers support up to 32 players and have 50 vehicles. You would have seen that ppl have different skins but can not choose one You would also have seen that there is a basic chat function in it I call you an idiot and i am correctt. Ypui come in here in our forum and ask the most basic questions from which the answers can be easely found and more important : you piss me off The forums are here to help people, but our rules clearly state that you have to use the search function first instead of opening a new thread. U did not do that. Our forum has become one big junk because of people like you asking the same questions over and over and over again and i am getting tired of giving the same answers over and over and over again
  20. indeed, i think we should. I'm closing this thread. I do want to point out : all available and synced itmes are in our .scm file. All extra's in custom made .scm files do not work en games with different .scm files will crash
  21. i think we should ban that gorilla for talking to us like that, what a lack of respect after all we already did, met me guess, he has Win98 and can't play and is therefore pissed at us and finds this a perfect way to shit on our head. U now gorilla, it's because of ppl like you some modders stop making great mods. so therefore those 4 nice words SHUT THE FUCk UP u clearly do not know what you are talking about
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