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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. you mean the beta from the beta
  2. big nice surprise, but he has a lot of catching up to do, and it still is GTA3
  3. Core 0.1 was used for MTA 0.1a and 0.2a . It was based on the GTA3 admin console Core 0.2 (our biggest failure if you ask me) was the netcode/gui for MTA 0.3 And now we got 0.3 which is going to power MTA:VC 0.1 and GTA3:MTA 0.3.5
  4. the system will still take a lot of time to get developed, and you still need software, you don't hack the ahrdware but the software, make everything think all is fine
  5. Maybe have a loock at the faq, i beleive question 6 is what you are looking for
  6. another guy that doesn't understand programming : IT TAKES TIME TO PROGRAM. We ahve to build everything just because VC wasn't build for multiplayer. Building a good netcode takes time. there isn't a manual on hw to do it ya know. But it is just because of that challange the team tries to build this mod. Game modes will be addedd in the future as we have stated before, we are still in early development. MTA:VC 0.1 is very close and will be released in the first half of august! Again with no game modes but with again a completly new client with a complete and almost lagfree netcode but again with bugs! it still stays beta software! And if yo don't believe in it, then what the fuck are you doing here? Go play with mama!
  7. because it is to difficult to do for the moment. This is done with static information, we need to find a way to do it on a dynamic way. But it will be included one day
  8. We will support in the future, once we have the base adress for 1.1
  9. NOW HAVE A LOOCK AT GTAt HE RELEASED 0.2 AND AFTER THAT HIS SERVER WENT TO 0.2SE HIS CLIENT WENT TO 0.2B AND THEN TO 0.2B SE; WE DON'T WANT THAT SHIT, WE HAVE MORE FEATURES THEN HE DOES AND WE ARE TESTING AND WORKING AS HARD AS WE CAN Further more : there is almost no lag, the netcode uses less bandwith, you don't need to change the main.scm anymore, you don't need to start GTA first anymore, and ideas for 0.2 has already started as you can see here: this screenshot is early development and does not represent the final productr. The scoreboard will not be included in MTA:VC 0.1 all we are doing now is eliminating bugs and adding items to improve gameplay!
  10. registered on ur forums Site looks good en the project looks promesing
  11. it's not that, but it's just impossible i think since the 3D engine isn't developed for it
  12. you can't load games with our main.scm. That is the whole problem! We used to use another main.scm The new client will be different. If the client is not working you get VC single player. If you run our client it uses another .scm file and you will play multiplayer. We finally figured that out
  13. The problem with syncing traffic and other stuff is that it is to dificult to sync the traffic from all PC's so you need to sync it of 1 PC to all the others. But when that PC drops down you got a problem. The only solution left is letting the server do everything. To do this the server needs to know the map and needs to be able to move actors on it. So the server would almost need to be capable of running the game. At this moment we have a server of a few kilobytes which can run on almost any pc. For what you guys want you need a lot of extra disk space and a powerfull pc
  14. I just received a mail from Rockstar stating that Rockstar New York only has 10 testers and that it is pure nonsence that they want us to add copyrights
  15. They actually help, those arrows, when you are driving your car at someone who is walking it will help you aim
  16. Our site doesn't allow forum integration. The available space is too small
  17. sounds like a GTA prob and not MTA
  18. as long as you do it online. One problem though. Do we need to destroy draco inside GTAt or MTA
  19. I have send a mail to our contact just to be on the save side
  20. they don't even have any reason to request it since the game starts normal and so displays the R* logo. R* did not help on our software
  21. Jason : we have contact with the technical manager from Rockstar North and he has never made a request to put the R* name anywere
  22. This is still experimental software. The new version will be a big improvement. If you want a smooth and easy ride: wait a couple of months for 1.0
  23. MTA:VC is closing in. The big bugs are disappearing slowly, some left. Also serverbrowsing being added to the client
  24. Notice : All times are in CET! Last wednesday the ISP of our host (IO.nl) upgraded the firmware of there routers. Apperantly some people found out and started attickg them with DDOS attacks. Due to these attacks the routers started to crash since they were still being configured. The attack started around 16:30 and ended thursday around 11:50. During this time the entire netwerk was dificult to reach and even off line from time to time. Our host has enough of IO.nl since attacks like these happend before. IO promises a compleet redundant system, but yet they failed to stay online. Therefore our host decided to move to another datacentre with a new ISP. The servers will go offline in the night from saturday to sunday at midnight. And should be up within 6 hours. Due to the fact all IP adressess change the DNS servers need to be updated. Therefore it is possible that our site and IRC server will be unavailable for up to 48 hours trough the domain name. Instead you can connect to the IRC server or visit our site by using our new IP we will get. The new datacentre has a high SLA and is completle redundant. The site should become faster and downtime should be completly gone. Our new ip will be and we hope it will be online next sunday around 06:00 . U may use this then to visit the site or our IRC server! --- DDOS : distributed denial of service attack : a form of attack on servers or routers. Sending requests to them which are denied. Sending many of these attacks from different machines over broadband connection causes bandwith problems on that server/router and may let it crash SLA : Service License Agreement : a contract between a host and datacentre which determens which services are provided. Redundant : A setup of a network so there is always a way available to connect to : if one way is blocked all traffic will go another way. Powergrids, phonelines, tv cables are also redundant! CET : Central European Time : The time zone in western europe (Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, ...) UK/ireland is one hour behind, American east cost 6 hours behind At this moment we are at GMT+2 To know which timezone u r in, check http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
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