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  1. السلام عليكم اليوم رجعتلكم بمود جديد لسيرفرات الزومبي وعارضه للبيع الي هو مود Mystery Box من كود بلاك اوبس زومبي ولاكن انا سويته ل MTA وسويتله تصميم بالثري دي ماكس من الصفر وحابب ابيعه فيديو للمود : للبيع بـ $10 الي يبي يشتريه يتواصل معي بالخاص
    1 point
  2. mtasa:// Introduction: Forseti is an old school Freeroam/RPG with a retro theme. We wanted to re-capture the nostalgia of GTA San Andreas. Well, what can you do in this server? Let's give you some examples. You can: Buy houses, change property name, lock/unlock them, set them for sale, and change their price & more. Buy vehicles, add unique upgrades, park them, change their price and set them for sale, etc. Trade your vehicles with other players, buy and sell them for amounts you set. This includes new vehicles we added ourselves, as well as new upgrades. You can create or join gangs and fight with others for very valuable areas on the map. You can capture or invade gang bases and make use of the amazing features they have. You can buy gang vehicles for your base, buy ammo from your base for a cheaper price, upgrade your base protection, add homing missiles that will protect you from attackers. We also went ahead and re-balanced/replaced some weapons that were inferior to encourage more players get into these big fights. It's worth mentioning that these fights are completely optional and if you want to play more casually, you can completely avoid them if you are not interested. The gang bases are located in LV only. Cut the crap, how do I make money? We have a few options. You can press 'F3' to open GPS menu and go to mission locations. Driving a taxi: You can pick up customers and drop them off where they want to go. Simple and efficient. Fishing: You can buy a fishing rod for $50 from fishermen at coast areas and fish anywhere you want. Just press 'B' and wait for the fish to bite, then press 'B' again to reel them in. You will get a unique fish depending on server time and weather. Let's not spoil it further. Press 'I' to open your fish inventory. Lumberjack Work: You can buy an axe from weapon shops or lumberjacks on the map. Wood you cut will stay in your inventory. You can see how much wood you have by pressing 'I'. You can sell them back to lumberjacks for a good price. Drug Delivery: You can become a dealer at San Fierro and deliver the 'stuff' to junkies. Try not to be seen though. This mission has a built-in leveling system of it's own. More you do it, better rewards you will get. Zombie Purifier: Become a purifier at Area 51 and help the army clean up zombie infested areas. Be careful though. If you get bit you will get infected. It might not end pretty. Deathmatch: Do you have something to prove? Well then. You can join the current deathmatch by pressing 'F2'. You can pick up weapons from the area and fight each other. You get money every time you kill someone, and you get punished for dying." Recovering from a bad divorce? Your wife keeps threatening to take the kids? Went broke already? We got you! Forseti Bank will happly provide you with a loan* and take it back using force if you haven't paid for 4 weeks* in real time! *(1): Loans include interest rate 100% which is a totally humanly amount to take. You should be able to make this kind of money basically working for your all life. But don't worry. Our system has never shown to have failed. *(2): four weeks actually means 1 or 2 hours but don't worry. We will not demand any payment after your death. The map itself is filled with vehicles, why would I pay for one? You can buy vehicles from the car icons on the map ('F11'). Every vehicle shop is different, so don't forget to check other shops if you can't find the vehicle you want. --Player owned vehicles are faster than other vehicles and you can change their properties permanently. You also have full control over them. --You can enter Pay 'N' Spray to paint your vehicle, change headlights, and add upgrades. --Upgrades include: Bumpers, Wheels, Spoilers etc. & Adding a Neon to your vehicle and unlocking burnout. --You can spawn your vehicle, despawn it, lock it, start/stop engine and park it from our main menu. ('F1' or 'M') --You can also use the /car 1, car 2 etc. commands to spawn your vehicles right in front of you. --You can press 'L' to lock and unlock your vehicle from the inside. Other players can't lock your vehicle. --1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 keys are used for some cool features when you are driving a vehicle. Open trunks, doors, change suspension etc. --If you park your vehicle, it will automatically respawn at the parked location and it will be locked. --You can set your vehicles for sale and other players can buy them. When you trade a vehicle, it'll keep the upgrades. --You can track the vehicle economy on our Discord server. Simply take a look at the #vehicles channel. --Every vehicle has a certain stock and it might run out, so buying vehicles with your spare money and selling them is a viable strategy. --Stocks are added every now and then depending on vehicle rarity, so don't worry, you will get a chance to buy them eventually. --Be careful not to leave your vehicles unlocked, other players can vandalize them at Pay 'N' Spray. ;)", I have 4 children and I have nowhere to live! Help me! You are in luck! We have a house system that's detailed but simple and fun to use. But how do you buy a house and what can you do with it? Houses not only provide you with a safe area, but they have other benefits as well. You can see the houses that are on sale on your map. You can walk to a house's pickup in front of their door and see all the information. When you buy a house, you will be granted full control over it. Such as: --If your house is a business, ALL money that are spent in there are yours. --Example: If you own LS Bistro you will gain all the money other players spend there. --You can set any house you own as your spawn point. If you die, you will respawn at your bed. --You will not take damage in your own house. --You can rename your property to whatever you want. --You can lock and unlock your house for other players. Don't want to be bothered? Lock it. --You can set your house on sale or take it off the sale for other players. Bought a house for 35k and you want to sell it for 35m? It's scummy, but go ahead. --You can change your house's sale value. Make it more expensive or cheaper. --You can instantly sell it back for a little less value. Took a loan and can't pay back? Maybe there's a way out. Did I say loans? That's a whole another thing, let's get back to our topic. You can see the houses you own on your main menu ('F1' or 'M') If you want to see where your house is located, clicking on it will start GPS.", I feel alone in this cold world! Someone take me in! Don't worry, you can join a gang or make your own for 50k. A gang leader can: --Invite players --Kick members --Change member ranks --Invade other gang bases --Change gang name --Change gang tag --Change gang color --Set aside some money for other members to spend on stuff --Upgrade gang gates, make them more resistant to explosions --Buy homing missiles that will attack incoming hostiles Capturing a gang base has a lot of good benefits. Such as spawning it as your spawn point, a steady money stream, buying weapons for cheaper, or using special gang vehicles. Note: You can ping a location on the map for your gang mates. (F11 + X + Right click) That's cool and all, but I got banned in every server I played on. What are the rules? We believe strict rules kill the fun. You are allowed to do anything you want and mess around as long as you aren't ruining it for others. That's all? No. We have a lot of small details and more big features that will make the server feel alive. GTA San Andreas interiors with their unique uses, walking food vendors and vehicles, automated trains that will take a break at stations, custom maps, some mechanical changes, fitting unique weather cycles for every state of it's own that will change on a rotation and much more. So go ahead! Do some fishing for random loot, cut the trees around the map, drive a taxi for NPCs, smuggle drugs or help the army clean up zombie infested areas. There's a bit too much to write about, so we will let you experience them on your own. No point in turning this into a book. Here are some random screenshots from the server we like:
    1 point
  3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة أخبار الشباب عساكم طيبين , اول مساهمة تقريبا وثالث موضوع لي المهم حبيت اطرح ماب الاستراحة لسيرفر كنق الطارة الماب محوله من 2018 وركبته بالسيرفر تقريبا سنه وشوي وقررت اطرحه للعموم وأحول شيء جديد المهم مالكم بالطويلة الماب من تصميمي والمجسم من تحويلي والتكستر من اختياري الماب جاهز ماعليك الا انك تركبة بالاستضافة وتشغله والتعديل مفتوح سواء عالصور او اضافات عالمجسم ورجاءا حفظ الحقوق صور للماب او المجسم مادري اذا الصور بتظهر زمان عالمنتديات طبعا المركبات الي بالصور مو من ضمن الماب ذي عشان تعطي موارد للصورة رابط تحميل الماب و المجسم لااله الا الله,محمد رسول اللة وسلامتكم فأمان الله ورعايته حسابي انستقرام :jn_i ip Server: ......
    1 point
  4. اهنيك شغل جبار، حلو انك تجيب افكار شوي مختلفة وتشطح
    1 point
  5. I told you before, learn Lua basics please before you ask in this section! Some mistake what I suddenly found
    1 point
  6. Hi, MTA does not allow using modifications such as cleo mods, asi mods and others. It has advantages like preventing potential cheaters, but it has also disadvantages such as prohibition of using helpful modifications that players used on singleplayer mode or SAMP for years. One of them is the widescreen fix made by thirteenag, it decreases the hud in-game, so it doesn't take a half of your screen. Often people playing on laptops with resolutions like 1366x768 aim this problem, but also desktop users. Unfortunately it isn't possible to use this modification on MTA, so it would be very nice if developers would try to code this option and implement it. The opportunity of switching to widescreen mode would be just available in MTA's video settings. Here are some screenshots showing the difference, both were made on the same resolution:
    1 point
  7. Sadly you can't rotate colshapes, you should create a colshape polygon, with createColPolygon.
    1 point
  8. العفو ف الخدمه ب اي وقت
    1 point
  9. شغل متعوب عليه ف السيرفر اهنيكم صراحه وبالتوفيق لكم ومن نجاح الي نجاح ان شاء الله عندي اقتراح بسيط وهو بدل مالاعب ينسخ رابط شرح المهمه ويروح يوتيوب ويشغله عشان يشوف الشرح اقترح تسوو فيديو يوتيوب مكان رابط الشرح وكل عام وانتم بخير
    1 point
  10. Hello, there is few things to do. Try to do it step by step, first try to make a red marker at the location you want with : createMarker Then try to create an event attached to it with : onPlayerMarkerHit
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. الاحداثيات داخل قريد لست في لوحة
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. مببببدع ماشاء الله عليك ... لك رسالة في الخاص باذن الله ..#
    1 point
  15. Wow, stai linistit nu ma sperie pe mine cineva care vine sa arunce cu kkt ca de'..., insa ma bucura faptul ca exista moderatori inca prezenti si activi pe comunitatea romaneasca de MTA. Serverul din pacate nu mai este activ din lipsa de jucatori, nu mai am timp sa "il fac cunoscut" asa ca, cred eu lumea nu stie de existenta lui, iar jucatorii nu vin sa caute servere aici pe forumuri. Gamemodu pentru cei care sunt in dubii este o versiune veche a originalului MTA DayZ 0.6 + Zday by zorgman modificate de mine la maxim cu foarte multe inbunatatiri si bug fix-uri MTA:DayZ 0. Source Code! pentru cunoscatori. Da intradevar contine ceva ramasite de la RoZ si cateva moduri de pe comunitate, iar skinurile va spun de pe acum ca nu eu le-am facut, insa chiar si asa toate astea is modificate atat de mult de mine incat nu mai au practic nicio legatura cu orginalele. Chiar daca nu sunt sigur ca o sa il mai deschid serverul, va las aici un mic istoric cu ce vreau sa mai aduc pe server (care probabil va fi lansat ca open source/free to download pe comunitate): Toate mesajele vor fi afisate in dreapta jos, in acest mod pe chat vom vedea doar discutiile. Imbunatatit AI zombii (recunosc ca aici ma autoprovoc umpic dar na..) CJ skin customizabil. (Da stiu prea TOP-GTA, da ce sa fac daca nesimtitii astia s-au gandit inainte-a mea) Basebuilding (Garaje, Hangare sau hambare pe care veti putea sa le customizatii la interior desigur cu vesnica protectie inbunatatita) Sistemul de Login inbunatatit cu password recovery. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat.
    1 point
  16. المود حلو بالتوفيق . بس ملاحظة الاوبجكت يحتاك شوي تعديل مثل الاضواء -Lighting surfaces -night lighting راح يكون شيئ حلو
    1 point
  17. Комиссия провела независимое расследование и пришла к выводу, что данный аккаунт был заблокирован на срок 6480 дней неправомерно. В связи с этим обстоятельством было составлено постановление о разблокировании данного аккаунта на сервере XCCD и направлено администрации игрового сервера заказным письмом. После получения данного письма у администрации сервера будет 7 календарных дней на исправление сложившейся ситуации. Спасибо за обращение. Обращайтесь еще)
    1 point
  18. Ah, finally. The MTA roleplay legacy lives on. I hope people realize this server is actually worth a shot.
    1 point
  19. Glad to hear that you got it solved. I was sleeping at that time so I could not respond quickly enough.
    1 point
  20. Cu un amarat de search pe google ti-am gasit forumul serverului Euphobia http://mta.rrs-gaming.com/, POSTEAZA ACLOLO NU AICI! M-am saturat de voi astia de pe serverele de RP care habar nu aveti ce e cu forumul ASTA.
    1 point
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