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Client-side variant of setVehicleHandling can only modify handling of vehicles which are local only, i.e. client-side vehicles that don't exist on the server side, which a player cannot enter.3 points
So some time ago, G&T released their G&T custom world map, which consisted of two small islands made with a mix of custom models and GTA objects. Being friends with Tails from G&T, he gave me permission to redesign and use his map for a roleplay server (that is now closed, unfortunately). We completely overturned the map and models, redoing nearly everything there was to do. This map took over a year to make and is my pride and joy of mapping. Model changes from the original G&T map: Map changes from the original G&T map: More changes were made aside from these, but since i dont have a change-log on hand i can only type from memory. Heres a preview video and some random in-game screenshots. hope you guys enjoy. Thanks to the following people for major and minor map contributions: (only tagging tails as i dont know if the others have MTA forums accounts) @Tails Rafael Tbattle I3D Screenshots:1 point
Crie uma pasta chamada "animacao_chorar", então faça dentro desta pasta : Crie um meta.xml e adicione dentro : <meta> <info author="Amanda" type="animation" name="choro" description="Script de chorar" /> <script src="script.Lua" type="server"/> </meta> Então dentro da pasta "animacao_chorar" crie outro chamado "script.Lua" (Sem Aspas) e adicione dentro : addCommandHandler ("sit", function (thePlayer, cmd) if getElementData (thePlayer, "sitting") then -- Se a data já existir, então: setPedAnimation (thePlayer) -- Faz com que o jogador pare s animação. removeElementData (thePlayer, "sitting") -- Remove a data do jogador. else -- Se ele não possuir a data, então: setPedAnimation (thePlayer, "ped", "seat_down", -1, false, false, false, false) -- Seta a animação no jogador. setElementData (thePlayer, "sitting", true) -- Seta a data no jogador indicando que ele esta com a animação ativa. end end) da refresh no F8 e de um start no resource animacao_chorar. Lembrando, xml e Lua são extensões, ou copie de outro resource já pronto, apenas o meta e o server-side, caso não consiga.1 point
Crie uma pasta dentro de resources. Dentro dessa pasta, crie o meta.xml e o(s) arquivo(s) necessário(s).1 point
--client-side code addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, function () iprint(setVehicleHandling(source, "modelFlags", 0x00002000), "client-side") end ) --server-side code addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, function(theVehicle) iprint(setVehicleHandling(theVehicle, "modelFlags", 0x00002000), "server-side") end ) client side returns false for some reason, server side works great. Weird1 point
It seems like it doesn't set the handling at all. I use this to set it: for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local model = getElementModel(v) if model == 542 then setVehicleHandling(v, "modelFlags", 0x00002000) end end also tried with setVehicleHandling(v, "modelFlags", tonumber("0x00002000")) but nothing. I also made a command which gets my current vehicle's modelFlags value and it always seems to be the exact same one - doesn't matter if I set it to 0x00002000 or not. Here's that function: function asdas() local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) local value = handlingTable["modelFlags"] outputChatBox(value) end addCommandHandler("go", asdas) Will try with Hedit now. @Tut indeed it does work when I set it with hedit1 point
I believe it mirrors the exhaust from one side another, regardless of which side the exhaust is placed on the model. Can you please try adding Hedit to your server, add the flag to the vehicle and see if it works. It might be a scripting related issue on your end if so. Unfortunately I don't do coding so I'd leave that to the coding community to help you with. (I get to mess with scripts through my community ) Hedit: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=37161 point
That's correct. I use CFG Studio by the same author as the initial article I sent, it's incredibly useful to generate decimal values (or however they're called) by simply clicking the checkboxes which then adds to the value, from there you can copy it and add "0x" behind it, for instance "0x00002000" is the flag for DBL_EXHAUST only. You can opt to enable more flags for modelFlags if you so desire. You open the file "handling" in GTA SA directory\data\ and can reference what default GTA vehicles use for their modelFlags etcetera. It helped me a bunch. http://projectcerbera.com/tools/cfgstudio2/1 point
You'll have to edit its vehice handling, specifically what you're looking for is DBL_EXHAUST on modelFlags, you can find more here. http://projectcerbera.com/gta/sa/tutorials/handling1 point
Bom, muitas coisas eu não entendi no seu script, são elas : Tabelas para timer + createObjeto. 1 timer de 0,5s executando infinitas repetições Dei uma arrumada no código : local aberto = false -- local phone = {} Não é necessário usar uma tabela para criar um objeto no client nesta ocasião. -- local animTimer = {} Não é necessário usar uma tabela para um timer no client nesta ocasião. function abrircelular () if aberto == false then aberto = true setPedAnimation (localPlayer, "ped","phone_in", 1000, false, false, false, true) setPedAnimationProgress(localPlayer, "phone_in", 0.8) setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, 0) phone = createObject(330, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(phone, localPlayer, 12, 0, 0.01, 0.03, -15, 270, -15) setElementDimension(phone, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) setElementInterior(phone, getElementInterior(localPlayer)) animTimer = setTimer(function() --/> Não entendi a funcionalidade disto. setPedAnimationProgress(localPlayer, "phone_in", 0.8) end, 500, 0) else removePhone() end end bindKey ( "F1", "down", abrircelular) addCommandHandler ( "celular", abrircelular) function removePhone () if aberto == true then if isElement(phone) then destroyElement(phone) end if isTimer(animTimer) then killTimer(animTimer) end aberto = false setPedAnimation (localPlayer, "ped", "phone_out", 50, false, false, false, false) end end addEvent("remover_celular", true) addEventHandler("remover_celular", getRootElement(), removePhone )1 point
addCommandHandler ("sit", function (thePlayer, cmd) if getElementData (thePlayer, "sitting") then -- Se a data já existir, então: setPedAnimation (thePlayer) -- Faz com que o jogador pare s animação. removeElementData (thePlayer, "sitting") -- Remove a data do jogador. else -- Se ele não possuir a data, então: setPedAnimation (thePlayer, "ped", "seat_down", -1, false, false, false, false) -- Seta a animação no jogador. setElementData (thePlayer, "sitting", true) -- Seta a data no jogador indicando que ele esta com a animação ativa. end end) Código um pouco melhorado. @AmandaT6661 point
Sim, verifique o dano do veículo com o evento: OnVehicleDamage Após isso deixe a engine do mesmo desligada com a função: SetVehicleEngineState Tópico postado no local incorreto, para postar no local correto da próxima vez use: Programação em Lua e evite futuras punições.1 point
تمام المبرر عدد سكان العالم هو 7.53 billion (2017) حسب جوجل احصائية 2017 نقول اللي يستخدم الانترنت من سكان العالم 5 تمام الحين عدد اللاعبين اللي باللعبه كم 25 000 فقط ملاحظ ان 25 الف فقط هذا وانا كارم ام تي ايه بعد 25 الف شخص فقط يلعب اللعبه اذا حضرتك بغيت تصمم الاتربتر الخاص بك بنقول ان ال25 الف كلهم بيخشو سيرفرك او ايا كان متخلي 25 الف من 5 مليار تفاهه عشان اوضحلك المعلومه شوف هذا رقمنا المتواضع 25 000 وهذا رقم سكان العالم اللي يستخدمو نت 5000000000 شوفت الفرق كيف كبير فانت بدال ما تضيع وقتك على الرقم التافه ذا حاول تضيعه على شي يستحق على الاقل يغطي نص مليارعلى الاقل مب 25 الف هذا المبرر + لا تكون عصبي في ردك الله يصلحك مافي شي يستاهل عصبيه انا اثبتلك كل شي بالارقام عشان توضح الصوره1 point
1 point
Se você está setando a animação com um script client-side, dai só vc vai ver mesmo. Pros outros verem vc tem que fazer server-side.1 point
1 point