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السلام عليكمم ورحمةة الله وبرككاتههء كيف الححال؟؟ بما إن الحساب الاول مدري ما يبغي يفتح سويت واحد جديد المهم .. سويت مود جديد واخذ الفكرة من مود السوات الى عن طريق المؤشر يسحب ويقتل كذا بس بفكرة ثانية ,, هي ان تحدد علي اللاعب بالماوس وتضغط كليك يمين تسحب كل الرتب حقته وتعطيه رتبة اسمها Admin_Ex يمديك تغير اسم الرتبة من الكلينت وتضغط كليك يسار تفك مخالفته وتسحب منه رتبة الادمن اكس وطبعا فيه حماية من سحب رتب الكونسيل , خلينا نشوف صور طبعا المؤشر يظهر للي معه رتبة اسمها Acl_Ex ويفتح عن طريق الضغط علي حرف M نجي للـتحميل اضغط هنا لتحميل السكربت لازم تحط المود بقروب الأدمن علشان يسحب رتب ويعطي مخالفة * رأيكم يهمني.. إهداء لـ @!#NssoR_) @!#DesTroyeR_,) @N3xT @+Source|> @Mr.Solo @Kareem Amer @Abdul KariM ولكل الموجودين #-5 points
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Useful Arab functions - وظآيف مفيده :: فكرة الموضوع :: الموضوع فكرته عن مشاركه وظايف مفيده مع المبرمجين العرب ، زي ماتعرف ام تي آي غير كاملة بكل الإكوآد ، الكمال لله سبحانه لذالك هناك قصور ببعض الوظايف ، الي تجبرك انك تروح تبرمج وظيفة جديده علشان تفيدك بالبرمجه ومن خلال هالموضوع نود انك تشآركنا بالوظيفه الي برمجتها ، علشان تفيد نفسك وتفيد غيرك بالاستفادة من الوظيفه :: طموحنا :: نطمح أن تكون هناك مكتبه عآمه مبرمجه باأيدي عربيه تجمع اكواد مبرمجه لاختصار الوقت وتقديم وظايف مفيده لـ استخدامك ولاستخدام آي مبرمج عربي :: شروط آضافتك للوظيفه :: مافيه شروط محدده لكن هو شرط واحد ان الوظيفه تكون من برمجتك يعني ماهو تروح تأخذ نسخ لـ اي كود وتقول انا مبرمجه ، هي فالاخير ذمه و آمانه :: طريقة أضافة الوظيفة :: تحط هنا اسم الوظيفة صيغة الوظيفه تكتب هنا صيغة الوظيفه كود الوظيفه تكتب هنا كود الوظيفه مثال الوظيفه تكتب هنا مثال للوظيفه * ولابد تضع كودك هنا بالرابط ، وتحط الرابط مع مشآركتك https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Useful_Functions https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Te ... _Functions * فـهـرس الوظـائف المفيدة * [ Useful Arab's Functions ] | فهرس الوظائف المفيدة1 point
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Client local Marker_Start = createMarker (-111.1279296875, -4.025390625, 3.1171875 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 20, 70, 230, 80) local Blip_Start = createBlipAttachedTo(Marker_Start, 42) local Plantas = { [1] = {-129.10345458984,44.776748657227,3.1171875}, [2] = {-140.21569824219,35.499088287354,3.1171875}, [3] = {-138.20004272461,22.663047790527,3.1171875}, [4] = {-148.60707092285,14.514667510986,3.1171875}, [5] = {-145.90365600586,3.4965758323669,3.1171875}, [6] = {-156.54542541504,-6.012909412384,3.1171875}, [7] = {-154.13597106934,-17.593681335449,3.1171875}, [8] = {-164.40188598633,-27.394626617432,3.1171875}, [9] = {-162.29643249512,-39.118156433105,3.1171875}, [10] = {-171.7504119873,-45.86404800415,3.1171875}, } local Coronas_Plantas local Obj_Plantas local Letra = "K" function onClientMarkerHitFunc(hitPlayer, md) if localPlayer ~= hitPlayer or not (md) then return end if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitPlayer) then if getElementData ( hitPlayer, "Emprego" ) == "Fazendeiro" then exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create("Aperte 'K' Para se Demitir do Emprego de Fazendeiro") bindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStop, true ) else exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create("Aperte 'K' Para Aceitar o Emprego de Fazendeiro") bindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStart ) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",Marker_Start,onClientMarkerHitFunc) function emarker2(p,md) if localPlayer ~= p or not (md) then return end if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) then exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStart ) unbindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStop ) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave",Marker_Start,emarker2) function jobStart() if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(localPlayer) jobStop() local x, y, z = unpack (Plantas[1]) Coronas_Plantas = createMarker (x, y, z -1, "corona", 2, 0, 255, 0, 80) setElementData (Coronas_Plantas, "Plantas", 1) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", Coronas_Plantas, Hit_Coronas) Obj_Plantas = createObject(804, x, y, z) setElementData(Obj_Plantas, "DnO_Obj", localPlayer) setObjectScale(Obj_Plantas, 1.0) setElementCollisionsEnabled (Obj_Plantas, false) triggerServerEvent( "Fazendeiro:onRequestGivePlayerVehicle", localPlayer ) unbindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStart ) unbindKey ( Letra, "down", jobStop ) end end function Hit_Coronas(hitPlayer, md) if getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitPlayer) then local plantas = getElementData (source, "Plantas") if plantas and (plantas < #Plantas) then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx( "Você colheu a Planta. Siga para a próxima.("..tostring(plantas).."/"..#Plantas..")", "success") setElementData (source, "Plantas", plantas + 1) local x, y, z = unpack(Plantas[plantas]) setElementPosition(source, x, y, z -1) setElementPosition(Obj_Plantas, x, y, z) else removeEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", Coronas_Plantas, Hit_Coronas) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ("Você terminou de Colher Todas as Plantas bom Trabalho!!", "success") end end end function jobStop( removeFromJob ) if Obj_Plantas then if isElement(Obj_Plantas) then destroyElement(Obj_Plantas) end Obj_Plantas = nil end if Coronas_Plantas then if isElement(Coronas_Plantas) then destroyElement(Coronas_Plantas) end Coronas_Plantas = nil end if removeFromJob then setElementData ( localPlayer, "Emprego", "N/A" ) end end Server local Veh_Trator = {} addEvent( "Fazendeiro:onRequestGivePlayerVehicle", true ) addEventHandler( "Fazendeiro:onRequestGivePlayerVehicle", root, function() if source ~= client then return end if Veh_Trator[client] then if isElement(Veh_Trator[client]) then destroyElement(Veh_Trator[client]) end Veh_Trator[client] = nil end setElementModel(client, 158) Veh_Trator[client] = createVehicle(531, -123.7235625, 64.36328125, 3.3815598964391, 0, 0, 156) warpPedIntoVehicle( client, Veh_Trator[client]) setElementData(Veh_Trator[client], "DnO_Trator", client) setElementData ( client, "Emprego", "Fazendeiro" ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx (client, "Colher todas as Plantas!!", "info") end ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, function() if Veh_Trator[source] then if isElement(Veh_Trator[source]) then destroyElement(Veh_Trator[source]) end Veh_Trator[source] = nil end end ) Não testado. Obs: revise as funções exportadas, eu removi o player do argumento e deve existir uma versão client side exportada.1 point
The script has been encrypted and compiled. You need to decrypt and decompile it somehow to get propper source code. Anyway no one here would help you do this. There is a reason why the original author wants to protect his work.1 point
Qual dificuldade de pelo menos tentar fazer? não só dar ctrl c + v. function AceitarEmprego02 (source) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete (source) unbindKey (source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", AceitarEmprego02) if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source)), aclGetGroup("Entregador")) then -- Se o jogador não estiver na acl "Entregador", então: aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("Entregador"), "user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source))) -- Adiciona ele na acl "Entregador". if getElementData (source, "AirNew>Encaminhamento") == "Entregador de Jornal" then setElementData (source, "AirNew>Encaminhamento", false) setElementData (source, "Emprego", "Entregador de Jornal") exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx (source, "Você Agora Trabalha de Entregador de Jornal, Para Mais Informações Digite ( /Profissao )", "success") else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx (source, "Você Precisa Estar Encaminhado da Agencia de Empregos para Trabalhar neste Local!", "error") end end end function RecusarEmprego02 (source) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete (source) unbindKey (source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", RecusarEmprego02) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source)), aclGetGroup("Entregador")) then -- Se o jogador já estiver na acl "Entregador", então: aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("Entregador"), "user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source))) -- Remove ele da acl "Entregador". if isElementVisibleTo (HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source) then setElementVisibleTo (HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source, false) end removeElementData (source, "Emprego", "Entregador de Jornal") exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você se Demitiu do Emprego de Entregador de Jornal com Sucesso!", "warning") end end Troque as duas funções do seu código por essas, digite /debugscript 3 quando for testar, poste resultados.1 point
@KasaNoVa Kareem explained it well, but a more technical explanation would be that collision models are limited at 255, 255, 255 for x, y, z if I'm not mistaken. That's where splitting your model is an ideal solution and you can find maxscript tools to do that for you. It's also worth noting that the collision model must be exported at 0,0,0 using same pivot as the game model. Please check #15 on this thread1 point
The Same happened when i design a 3ds object i think thats a problem in gta sa so if you have an island and want to have the huge scale so you must convert it or cut it to two layers or objects in 3ds max then export the first layer only then the second layer only and make col for the first and the second then replace the layers with two objects from the game then have fun ? good luck1 point
Tem como sim é só fazer pra quando o usuário realizar a compra do carro gerar letras/nums aleatorios e salvar em uma tabela. Depois é só fazer pra sempre q spawnar o carro setar a placa que foi gerada utilizando SetVehiclePlateText. Sobre o /placa você pode fazer a mesma ideia da placa, só que você pode fazer pra quando a pessoa comprar o carro salvar o usuário em uma tabela (coisa q todos os scripts já fazem), depois você pode fazer pra sempre q spawnar o carro setar uma elementData com o dono do carro e outras informações. Depois é só fazer o básico de elementData, fazer um comando de /placa q puxe os elementDate (no caso o q informa o dono ou outro q vc preferir) do veiculo ou você faz um /placa [codigo] q procura veiculos spawnados q tem uma elementData com o código q vc digitou. É meio complicado se você não tem noção de programação.1 point
1 point
HOPETIZENS: SS-RP | MTA:SA Hello! This time, we will introduce a new type of gameplay into MTA:SA named "Social simulation role play" (SS-RP), what it is? Basically unlike most of the RP servers, you don't have to simulate every action you are doing. You only have to simulate the character you are playing, example, if you are a mafia boss, a police, etc. We have a system implemented with animations and shouts whose can be used easily in order to reproduce a role or action. Server in general: SS-RP, for example, its the gameplay of a very popular game named "The Sims". We have many things in common with that videogame: Needs (thirst, hunger, energy, bladder, hygiene) which means that owning a house, its a MUST! And also a system of skills whose can be learnt at the University, Gym, etc. You can role a group, you can role a mobster, you can do many actions in our server, we are not limited! Map: We have a custom city! Made with Map editor, since we know that most of you are bored of the current San Andreas! Since having house its very needed you can stay in any hotel till you have enough money to afford any house. Houses have new interiors, not the default ones. Also those can be furnitured as you wish! A new city full of drama and new missions is awaiting! About jobs: You have many ways to get money. Every job needs certain qualities or skills, as mentioned above, skills are needed in some job and you have to learn them. Theres also jobs that don't need abilities/skills. Basically you have to start from 0% with a common job such as an cashier and then by studying or making certain actions as medic or cop. There are +10 new jobs (Some never made in MTA) but we will try to implement new jobs or new ways to make money daily. About combats: Our system is trying to be apart of most of the RPG/RP servers thats why we introduce a new way of DM; Tactical shooting. Since our server is RP, we try to keep the realism at every way. With this system, tactics and skills are very needed, you gotta use cover and also find the correct moment to rush or shoot. 3 shots or 1 headshot = Dead. Also we implemented a system of hemorraghe whose makes the combats more harder. We also introduce a lot of animations when it's time to fight such as move crouched easily, easy weapon switch and hit the dirt! Law/Criminal system: We implemented "Karma". You get negative karma by doing bad actions such as not working, fighting, etc. As low karma player you can play as criminal. You can role the criminal you want! A narco, a robber, a biker, a psycho, etc! As a good karma player you can play as civilian or as cop. We have a law system very unique and original. You will be also able to be the law chief or a simple police man. Also a corrupt cop, as I said before this is unlimited! For the moment our server is on development but we are looking for future members! Server will be available in spanish but soon in more languages! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/jKBhvxZ Thanks!1 point
1 point
Some crashes in 32 bit Windows are caused by MTA running out of address space. The best solution is to use 64 bit Windows. For 32 bit Windows, these MTA settings may help a little: 1) Settings->Advanced->Fast CJ clothes loading->Off 2) Settings->Advanced->Streaming memory->Min 3) Remove all GTA:SA graphic mods (GTA:SA reinstall is ideal) Or, you could try enabling the 3GB switch in 32 bit Windows Details at this link In summary, for 32 bit Windows 7,8,10: 1) Find C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe in Windows Explrorer 2) Right click on cmd.exe and select 'Run as Administrator' 3) In the black box enter this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072 4) Press return 5) Restart computer 6) Pray1 point
السلام عليكم ، انا لي سنوات باللعبه بديت بأسم Naif35 بعد ما اتقنت اللعبه وفهمت لها زين تغير النك نيم ل ALCKASER بعد فتره بالنك نيم هذا انحظرت بالموقع هذا وسويت حساب اخر بأسم اخر وتعلمت اشياء كثيره واتقنتها ثم حطيت نكي هذا من ٦ سنوات اللي هو EH10 وبالنهايه اقول لكم انا EH10 هو نفسه ALCKASER للي يتذكرني طبعا من قبل ست سنوات. وطبعا انا تارك اللعبه من اكثر من ثلاث سنوات.0 points
فكرتك حلوه بس مرح يتنجح ليه ؟ آسباب : كل مبرمج يبي يبرمج ع رحته وبنظامه والمبرمج ثاني يبي يسوي مود ثاني ومبرمج ثلاث تلقيه ميبي مبرمج ثاني يبرمج مود مثل كذا يعني رح يصير كل مبرمجين مرح يعرفو من هو المبرمج لى يبي يبرمج بافكره ولما المبرمج يسمع انو المبرمج برمج يصير في مشاكل لو فهمت شيء حط لايك0 points