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  1. لالالالالالالالالالالا ما يستاهل . . امزحح بس المفروض كان اني انا الي اصير مكانه . . . . . امزح برضو ههههههههههههههه مبروك وتستاهل
    3 points
  2. من انت لأخبرك بأني اصلي ام لا ؟؟ عموما في حال قمت بتكرار مواضيع كهذه ستتم مخالفتك يغلق.!
    3 points
  3. موضوع بين العبد وربه, لاتجوز المجاهره مع احترامي لك
    3 points
  4. Easy way would be using two objects. moveObject and setCameraMatrix with the object's position.
    2 points
  5. Você disse ficarem, mas outra coisa também é o download, 500mb+ muitos nem perdem o tempo baixando (eu também não faria, nem com uma internet rápida).
    2 points
  6. INTRODUCTION Many of you know MTA:Script Editor and that I've stopped working on it. The main reason was the syntax highlighter has many bugs that annoy me and others. Due to the fact I stopped developing it I decided to find a better solution. At first I wanted to make an extension for Eclipse but I thought that's too much to download for everyone just to script for MTA. Then I wanted to write an extension for Visual Studio but again, too much to download. I heard of Sublime Text which is small in download size but powerful at the same time. So I downloaded it and immediately started researching how to make packages for it. Because I made an application for MTA:SE to fetch all the MTA functions and save them in an SQLite database, I decided to reuse it and generate files for Sublime Text instead. So, this is what I came up with over the weekend. INSTALLATION Make sure you have Sublime Text installed. It works with both, Sublime Text 2 and 3 (thanks Goonz for confirming it works with Sublime Text 2). Download the 50pMTAEditor.zip from the link below. Extract the .zip to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\50pMTAEditor\ Run Sublime Text 3 and create a new file (File -> New) - this is only necessary so that you can see if it works Select the syntax highlighter (View -> Syntax -> Lua (MTA:SA) ) Select color scheme which has colors of MTA function names. Red for client-side, Orange for server-side and Blue for shared functions (Preferences -> Color Scheme -> User -> 50pMTAEditor -> Monokai-MTA-Edit) And you're ready to edit .lua files and have all MTA functions highlighted and auto-completion too. DOWNLOAD https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/437 ... Editor.zip (only 512 KB) (MD5: CA7EA2AEE682B79BBCA01A34AC39C9FD) KNOWN ISSUES Auto-complete window that shows up when you're typing function names will show both server and client functions because Sublime Text doesn't know which files should be showing which functions. It doesn't matter for many functions because the parameters are the same, but for some functions it does matter, like outputChatBox has "visibleTo" parameter which is not present in client-side variant. In client-side files you will also see server-side functions (eg. getPlayerAccount).
    1 point
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=15501
    1 point
  8. I've decided to try creating tutorials to teach scripting from the ground up. I get asked this a lot as a developer at Owl Gaming, and I figured it would be something fun to try! I really believe that what you learn as a Multi Theft Auto developer will help you later in life. Personally I've been scripting MTA servers for the past six or seven years, and have turned that into a career in web development, where I now work at Weebly, one of the website builders you see frequently used by people for their MTA server. So give it a try, and if you get good, come join me as a developer at Owl and let's make something fun together. In episode one, I cover the basics of setting up MTA for scripting your own server, and getting started with your first resources. In episode two I cover at a high level data types, creating your first SQLite database, and improving upon our vehicles resource so we can restart it without deleting all of our created vehicles.
    1 point
  9. hello their watch video and here is it download link :https://github.com/Master-MTA/M.M if u like it : https://paypal.me/MasterMTA if there is any bugs tell me pls special thx for @thisdp in this lib i used his update system enjoy
    1 point
  10. ههه حبيب قلبي والله المعلومات ذي لي 18 سنه ما اعرفها اللي اعرفه ان الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم معصوم من الخطا على العموم بالتوفيق وطبعا مب موافق ههههه
    1 point
  11. هل تحمل تواصل ؟ ض2
    1 point
  12. امين وياك مشكور يا غالي منك نستفيد +_+
    1 point
  13. https://github.com/Master-MTA/M.M yeah am sure it wasn't work because i wrote it wrong thx dude
    1 point
  14. سلام عليكم وانا اسوي مشروع بسيط اليوم سويت سيليكت بوكس بسيطه خذها وجربها html-css-javascript(jquery) الاكواد ما بطول عليكم html <div class='dropdown'> <div class='shownelement' name='shownelement' >1</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>2</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>3</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>4</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>5</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>6</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>7</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>8</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>9</div> <div class='hiddenelements'>10</div> </div> css .dropdown{ width:200px; padding: 5px; } .dropdown .shownelement{ background: #134787; padding: 10px; color: white; cursor: pointer; } .dropdown .hiddenelements{ display:none; padding: 10px; background: white; color: #134787; font-size: 17px; } .dropdown .hiddenelements:hover{ background: #134787; color: white; cursor: pointer; } javascript $(document).ready(function(){ $('.dropdown .shownelement').click(function(event){ $('.hiddenelements:visible').slideToggle(); $('.hiddenelements:hidden',$(this).parent()).slideToggle(); event.stopPropagation(); }); $('.hiddenelements').click(function(event){ var mytext=$('.shownelement',$(this).parent()).text(); $('.shownelement',$(this).parent()).text($(this).text()); $(this).text(mytext); $(this).parent().$('.hiddenelements').slideToggle(); event.stopPropagation(); }); }); $(document).click(function() { $('.hiddenelements:visible').slideToggle(); }); بالتوفيق
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Sobre o assunto gamemode, o pessoal brasileiro está começando a aprender a jogar RPG no MTA, mas isso é recente. Até então só existia Freeroam, DayZ e Race. O brasileiro em sua maioria não se interessava pelos outros gamemodes, e os que tentavam algo diferente acabavam falindo devido a essa falta de interesse. Minha dica é a seguinte: Se você tem paciência, planejamento de desenvolvimento e conhecimento avançado com programação de MTAScript (Lua), sugiro que vá pelo RPG. É um dos gamemodes mais complexos de se fazer, muitas regras, detalhes e não tem muitos resources voltados ao RPG na internet, ou seja, você terá que criar seus próprios resources na maioria. MAS Se você é iniciante, não tem tanta experiência com criação de servidores e gerenciamento de equipe, recomendo que continue no bom e velho Freeroam, que ainda tem bastante força no Brasil e é mais fácil de criar e gerenciar. Obs: Tenha em mente que é mais fácil vender VIP em servidores RPG do que no Freeroam.
    1 point
  17. @*RayaN-Alharbi. .اذا عندك الأدلة الكافية والمناسبة, ياليت تتواصل مع المسؤولين بالمنتدى أو تسوي بلاغ خاص فيك بموضوع آخر
    1 point
  18. @killingyasoon You'll have to add an event to remove the eventhandler when the player logins.
    1 point
  19. @killingyasoon walls = {"wall_1.png","wall_2.png","wall_3.png"} -- your wallpapers num = 1 setTimer(function() num = num + 1 if num > #walls then num = 1 end end,3*1000,0) -- 3 seconds addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() -- drawing image stuff dxDrawImage(0,0,100,100,walls[num]) end) fixed
    1 point
  20. Markers are not synced so you should do it manually. You can use triggerClient/Server events for this action. when player hits the marker, use triggerServerEvent -- server for _, pl in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= source -- if player is not that one who hit the marker if getElementData(pl,"mission") == getElementData(source,"mission") then -- if mission is the same (i attached it to ElementData) -- triggerClientEvent stuff (remove marker and create a new one) end end end @Lalalu
    1 point
  21. walls = {"wall_1.png","wall_2.png"} -- your wallpapers num = 1 setTimer(function() num = num + 1 if num > #walls then num = 1 end end,3*1000,1) -- 3 seconds addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() -- drawing image stuff dxDrawImage(0,0,100,100,walls[num] end) you can also add smooth transitions using interpolateBetween + render targets
    1 point
  22. local wallpaperDirectory = "wallpapers/" local selectedWallpaper = 1 local wallpapersTable = { "moutain", "horse", "car", "river" } function drawWallpapers() dxDrawImage(0, 0, 512, 512, wallpaperDirectory .. wallpapersTable[selectedWallpaper] .. ".png") end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawWallpapers) setTimer(function() selectedWallpaper = wallpapersTable[selectedWallpaper+1] and selectedWallpaper+1 or 1 end, 5000, 0)
    1 point
  23. How is "DestinationA" and "DestinationB" called?
    1 point
  24. You reported this situation multiple times both in posts and spammed PM's (which you received a forum warning for, months ago) and like we have informed you about earlier (by mentioning you) it has previously been investigated as visible on the edited post here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/26205-server-list-spam/?do=findComment&amp;comment=905587 Just for the record (screenshot of the outcome) incase it gets edited by your adversary; Therefore, the owner of server you are trying to report right now is known (@xNawaf) and while we believe you (@i,xAhmed) were the original and xNawaf's servers started copycatting around 2015, MTA staff isn't going to get involved with this situation for reasons described in the previous investigation; the lines are just too blurred, in 3+ years of time things could have happened that we don't know of, relating to the ownership of the split community called WnasH. There are 2 streams of this community and each one has gathered their own following that believes they are playing on the original, and we're not going to mess with that without knowing the history before 2014 (which we don't), after which things went awry between ownership parties. Because the owner of your adversary server is known (as said above), you should try to work it out with them instead of us. It would be misplaced for MTA staff to interfere in a dispute that has been going on for more than 3 years and a situation that created multiple 'true' realities as a result of your communities splitting. I hope you understand that no matter how often you try to report this situation, we're unable to help as was clear from earlier review of the case. You have gotten this answer multiple times so we demand this to be the last.
    1 point
  25. بسم الله مشاء الله علي التصميم انت دمرت شئ اسمه ux/ui ? بس تسلم يابطل
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. الله يبارك فيكم جميعاً, وعقبالكم ان شاء الله بالاحسن من الاشراف
    1 point
  28. Tá, você não é capaz nem de responder minhas perguntas. Permita-me responder para você: R: Não, nem tentei traduzir e não entendi os erros. Mas agora que vi que o @Lord Henry traduziu e me disse oq significam, vou tentar arrumar. R: De acordo com a Wiki do getElementsByType, essa função retorna uma lista contendo todos os elementos do tipo declarado. No caso, retorna uma lista com todos os jogadores online no server. Isso significa que a variável players não é um jogador e sim uma lista de jogadores online. function AntiComando (source) -- source = player que executou o comando desta função. (/a) local players = getElementsByType ("player") -- players = uma lista de jogadores online. local playerrivalx, playerrivaly, playerrivalz = getElementPosition ( players ) -- ERRO: Não é possível encontrar a posição de uma lista, pois ela não é um elemento. local player1x, player1y, player1z = getElementPosition ( source ) -- player1x, player1y, player1z = Posição X, Y e Z do jogador que executou o comando /a local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( playerrivalx, playerrivaly, playerrivalz, player1x, player1y, player1z ) -- ERRO: playerrivalx, playerrivaly, playerrivalz não existem, pois deu erro na linha 3. Portanto a variável dist também dará erro. if ( dist < 5 ) then -- ERRO: Não tem como comparar FALSE com 5. outputChatBox("#FFFFFFComando Não poder ser utilizado perto de um rival!", source, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist > 100 ) then -- ERRO: Não tem como comparar FALSE com 100. outputChatBox("#FFFFFFcomando utilizado com sucesso.!", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler ("a", AntiComando)
    1 point
  29. Chof wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide Code for <enablesd> Displayed on detect Required server version Required <minclientversion> Notes 16 SD #16 1.3.1-9.05097 1.3.1-9.05097 Disallow disabled anti-cheat components. This is triggered when an anti-cheat component can not start. It is usually due to some problem with the PC and might be fixed by a reboot. Can also be triggered by a virus.
    1 point
  30. مايبيلك الا شيئين . شغل كويس واعلانات انا سويت شغل كويس بدون اعلانات وماجبت شي سويت ملتي قيم مود ومادخل الا 15 لو اني معلن بديسكورد كويس كان جبت أكثر بكثير مو شرط ديسكورد أي مكان يتواجد به ناس كثير لو مايمديك تعلن بمكان كويس انصحك توقف شغل . وبتوفيق ي ماستر
    0 points
  31. اظاهر ان المنتدي ميت خخ
    0 points
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