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It's a problem on our end and we're working on a fix. Please try again in 1-2 days.2 points
Open commandprompt as Administrator and enter this: "DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" After it completes, restart your PC, and open CMD again as Administrator, but this time run: "sfc /scannow" Now, let's strip servicing.bat down to just WMI repair operations: create a text file, paste in: sc config winmgmt start= auto net start winmgmt @echo on echo y|net stop winmgmt /y winmgmt /salvagerepository winmgmt /resetrepository winmgmt /regserver wmiprvse /regserver sc config winmgmt start= disabled %systemdrive% cd %windir%\system32\wbem for /f %%s in (‘dir /b *.dll’) do regsvr32 /s %%s wmiprvse /regserver winmgmt /regserver sc config winmgmt start= auto net start winmgmt for /f %%s in (‘dir /s /b *.mof *.mfl’) do mofcomp %%s winmgmt /resyncperf Save it as wmi.bat (file type "All files") then run as Administrator. Drivers such as graphics drivers rely on WMI while installing the driver, so if WMI was broken as like in it's current state, your driver has not been properly installed. As a result, the broken driver installation can continue to cause problems. So, after doing all that I mentioned, please re-install your drivers, most importantly the graphics driver. For your card, that is http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/390.77/390.77-desktop-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe2 points
1 point
Hey, for last 2 days am trying to compile and run mta, i can't run debug version because pthread_d.dll is missing, if i rename pthread.dll to that it just doesn't load the game after optimus settings are chosen. If i try to run release build i get this error: The first address changes on every run. What can i do about that?1 point
كود حق ميزو غلط, انا مجربه كثيرأ لين يجي يحقق من ساعات اللاعب راح يجي خطأ else مثلأ انت مسوي نفس تحقق ميزو ومسوي else outputChatBox بيجي لك الـ outputChatBox, حتي لو معك الساعات كاملة او فوقها او اقلها. فأ انا جربتها, ما نفعت ثم استعملت وظيفه نصور بالنسبة لكلام كله صح.1 point
Salveeee Fml Tudo Bom Com Você? Vim mostrar um pouco do que eu faço não MTA Desculpe <3 Aprendendo agora, então foda-se os HATER1 point
1 point
You can replace the textures using shaders. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2730 Here is an example resource that uses a similar method.1 point
The normal download priority will allow you to do this, you don't have to change a thing. The resources will only be started on the client when all of them are downloaded.1 point
If someone accepts your request, and will do it for free, you get a free script. If you want it to be done 100%, you'll have to pay for it. If you don't know anything about scripting, I suggest your read the Lua manual, and then move on to the MTA Wiki.1 point
I'll only give you some functions you'll have to use. If you want someone to do it for you, go to the Looking for staff section. For the panel, guiCreateWindow, guiCreateGridList and the subfunctions for the gridlist. For the spawnpoints, spawnPlayer and probably a table. For the skin, setElementModel.1 point
اذا كانت بينكم علاقه مشتري وبائع سوي الي يبي بالضبط حتى لو كان سيء بس لو كانت علاقتكم فريق لازم تعدل مستوى الموقع وتخليه أفضل من كذا - وجهة نظر فقط لاغير ,وبتوفيق1 point
Olá, Deixa eu explicar uma parada davizinho, a resposta é bem simples, infelizmente sabemos que mesmo com fibra ótica a realidade da qualidade de internet brasileira nunca foi lá essas coisas comparada com países de primeiro mundo, todavia, é importante ressaltar, que para a sincronização de dados acontecer entre sua rede e o servidor, existe um denominador chamado "rota", este responsável por fazer a linha de transferência de dados/rede da sua casa até o servidor do jogo. Podem acontecer manutenções, avarias e inúmeros fatores que fazem a oscilação de ping acontecer, a quantidade de MB não ajuda em nada se a sua provedora de internet não tiver boas rotas estáveis e rápidas, observe que, não estou afirmando que o problema é com sua internet, mas sim que, infelizmente pela distância desses servidores, é normal o ping oscilar e ficar em um número elevado, visto que, alguns servidores estrangeiros também não tem um link de qualidade, facilitando assim, inclusive, a perda de conectividade com o servidor gerando o famoso: Desconectado do servidor. Basta notar que os servidores brasileiros terão uma maior diferença na questão da estabilidade de rede, pelo fato que as rotas entre nosso pais funcionam com diversos pontos de tráfego trabalhando simultâneamente. Os pontos dd troca de tráfego funcionam como hubs em queprovedores podem conectar seus servidores, facilitando o tráfego de informações.1 point
1 point
Learned a lot from your code, I didn't know how to deal with the "onClientRender" and "onClientColshapeHit" events, so I though tables were a good idea for solving this . Thanks!1 point
If tables are too much for you, then you can also consider the function block as part of functional programming. The only thing about it, is that memory leaks can occur more often. Which happens for example if you do not remove an addEventHandler from a local function. This code will create the functions `markersize` and `colhit` for every new projectile. And when ALL eventHandlers are removed, so will be the functions. (Warning: if one of the handlers remains to exist, so will remain the whole block.) addEventHandler("onClientProjectileCreation", root, function(creator) if getProjectileType(source) == 17 then setTimer(markerfunc, 2000, 1, source) end end) function markerfunc(elem) local ms = 0 local mst = 0.5 local x,y,z = getElementPosition(elem) setElementPosition(elem, 0, 0, 0) local m = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 0, 255) local col = createColSphere(x, y, z, mst * 12) local function markersize() ms = ms + mst setMarkerSize(m, ms) local mx,my,mz = getElementPosition(m) setElementPosition(m, mx, my, mz-mst / 1.3) end local function colhit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then outputChatBox(tostring(getPlayerName(thePlayer))) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, markersize) addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", col, colhit) setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", col, colhit) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, markersize) destroyElement(m) destroyElement(col) end, 500, 1) end1 point
He probably means just vehicles like they are spawned and neatly parked in GTA's streets. You can use https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SpawnVehicle and place cars at the location (coordinates) you wish, you could attach that function to a resource that spawns all vehicles defined, when the resource starts. The coordinates would be chosen to make it look like GTA spawned them there (on sidewalks, in similar parking spots) as that's probably what you want. @Flaqko1 point
Bun venit pe RPP-Gaming Fun/Drift/Freeroam server. Serverul a fost creeat pentru distractie! Serverul ruleaza din 15 martie 2012 pana in prezent. Server Features Freeroam sistem modificat peste 60% in favoarea tuturor Noi texturi aduse mapei (prin ajutorul imaginilor,nu dff,txd etc.,61 fps testat) Top Drift si sistem de drifturi cu Handling Editor Zone NO-DM pe orase Panou de ajutor in romana/engleza Vehicule,skinuri,arme modificate (activare cu /mods) Spawn avansat Scripturi facute pentru distractie: Laser Weapon,Cheats,Glue,SpeakerSystem,Fart,Neon,cveh etc.. Teleporturi (/teles) si arene de minigun Serverul primeste zilnic functii noi sau bug fixuri... Optimizat pentru toata lumea,chiar si pentru cei cu calculatoare slabe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Server IP: mtasa:// Record Jucatori: 116 pe 13.02.2016! Website: http://www.rpp-gaming.tkFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/rppgamingnet _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Poze VIDEO: Sper ca te-am convins sa intri pe server!1 point
تسوي ماركرين , موزعات بالخريطة , لازم لاعب يروح الماركر الاول عشان يجيب الكلمة المشفرة , وبعدين يروح للماركر ثاني عشان يفك التشفير وبعدين يرجع الماركر الاول عشان يحط الكلمة . + تقدرو بدال ما يروح للنت , يفك التشفير من اللماركر الثاني ^ تقريبا زي فكرة الاخ ابراهيم1 point
support label/button/radiobutton/checkbox And Grid List's is different.1 point
جرب تسوي Timer حق exports["SQL"]:setElementSqlData ( source, "z", z ) و setElementData ( source, "z", z ) وبتعرف وش هو الافضل أفضل بديل للحفظ المؤقت هو الـ Array (الجداول) مع الـ Database في نفس الوقت تحفظ الجدول في جهة السيرفر وتحفظ بيانات الاعبين عليه إذا حصل تحديث لـ الجدول ، حدّث قاعدة البيانات وإذا بغيت تجلب شيء ، استخدم الجدول (قواعد البيانات تتحدث نادراً ، إذا كان التحديث بيحصل بشكل سريع ، حدّث الجدول وكل 5 دقائق او في احداث معينة فقط) استخدمت هاذي الطريقة في موداتي : القروبات ، تصميم المقرات ، حرب الكلانات ... الخ1 point
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1 point
local Marker = { } local Player = { } addEventHandler ("onPlayerDamage", root, function () local hp = getElementHealth (source) if (hp >= 5 and hp <= 10) then setElementFrozen (source, true) setPedAnimation (source, "CRACK", "crckidle1", _, false, _, _, true) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) if isElement (Marker [source]) then destroyElement (Marker [source]) Player [Marker [source]] = nil Marker [source] = nil end Marker [source] = createMarker (x, y + 3, z - 1, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 255) Player [Marker [source]] = source else if isElement (Marker [source]) then destroyElement (Marker [source]) Player [Marker [source]] = nil Marker [source] = nil end end end ) addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function (hit) if getElementType (hit) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle (hit) then if Player [source] then local plr = Player [source] if getPlayerMoney (hit) >= 2500 then setPedAnimation (plr, false) setElementFrozen (plr, false) setElementHealth (plr, 100) takePlayerMoney (hit, 2500) destroyElement (Marker [plr]) Marker [plr] = nil Player [source] = nil else outputChatBox ("Error - you don't have enough money.", hit, 255, 0, 0) end end end end end ) function destroyMarker () if isElement (Marker [source]) then destroyElement (Marker [source]) Player [Marker [source]] = nil Marker [source] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, destroyMarker) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, destroyMarker)1 point
Invidie PFFFFFF vina mai pe serverul meu si vei vedea al cui server e mai bun eu folosesc scripturi facute de mine nu de pe community1 point
Tare server-ul, O intrebare : Dece cand intru pe rpp-gaming.net ma trimite la un Shop de haine ? O_01 point
1 point
Pentru toti cei care nu cred ca am facut acum 1 an 80/80 playeri (mai exact pe 25.08.2013) ,uitati si poza gasita insfarsit.1 point
Caut sponsor pentru server sau parteneriate! Cine e interesat si poate ajuta cu o mica suma de bani serverul ma poate contacta pe skype dany.alex37 (Bineinteles veti primi ceva la schimb)1 point
Tu îți dai seama că jucătorii nici nu știu de forum.mtasa, nu? Apropo, câte postări ai de gând să faci? Ăstă e cam al cincilea... -.-1 point
لا موجودة , ابحث عنها بالقسم سواها نصور وبالنسبة للكودك فوق ^ وقت اللاعب يجي سترنق gettock ولازم تستخدم معه @-Le[3]bA. @ اذا في شي غلط فيدني ؟0 points
دائما يوجد شئ مختلف، الأسعار لا يتم تحديدها عبثا0 points
0 points
First, Make sure you didn't changed the resource name. Second, it must be the resource that called ' notifications ' is running . The arguments: -- The Types: 'error' 'warning' 'info' -- Server Side: exports.notifications:showBox( element player, string type, string message ); -- Client Side: exports.notifications:showBox( string type, string message ); Here an example for you : --Server side: addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function( ) exports.notifications:showBox( source, 'info', 'Welcome ' . . getPlayerName ( source ) . . ' to ' . . getServerName( ) . . '!' ); end );0 points