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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أولاً, ما يحتاج كل واحد يحط كلام من راسه بدون شيء يثبت نظريته لذلك حبيت أطرح الشيء الصحيح والمتعارف عليه, لذلك أستغرب من اللي يقول عن الأحداث فنكشنات onPlayerLogin, onPlayerWasted, etc.. جميعها تسمى أحداث, مالها شغل بعلامة التنصيص أو شيء ثاني طيب نروح للويكي ونتأكد بأنفسنا لو فكينا كسبيل المثال صفحة فنكشن, addEvent راح يجينا أنه فنكشن, كيف؟ لأنه مكتوب نوعه بالويكي, كلنت سايد - سيرفر سايد - أو يدعم الثنتين وبجانبه النوع Shared function طيب نروح للويكي ونجرب نفتح صفحة, onPlayerLogin راح نلاحظ أنه بيجينا ايفنت مب فنكشن Serverside event لذلك يصبح حدث وليس فنكشن وشكراً لكم2 points
حياكم الله في سيرفر طارات العرب + توزيع كونسل.1 مودات حصريه + مواتر 17 مسابقات اسبوعيه علي بطاقات سوا اي بي السيرفر mtasa:// ادخل وانشاء الله يعجبك السيرفر ..... في حفظ الله1 point
والله ما شفت كودك بس اسمعني انا مسوي الجائزه ساعات فا لو سجل من حساب ثاني ما بيستفيد شئ وشكرا علي محاولتك ^1 point
شكرا لجهودك ولكن زي ماقالك الاخ عبدالكريم مانبي نسوي اكثر من موضوع بنفس الهدف يغلق..#1 point
Hello,ok i'm so interested and i think you are a very good scripter and i hope this just be seruis Bro (i will give you the ip of devlopping server by PM to join[i will buy the host i'll inform you] )1 point
Refresh does restart a running resource if the meta has changed (or something like that). That can be dangerous if you don't want it to restart out of the sudden. In my opinion refreshall should usually not be used since it will make the server lag for quite some time depending on how many resource you have. Instead you could rather restart the whole server. Takes about the same time and will make sure you don't get into troubles after a longer time of running. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_aging1 point
أي شيء بداخل علامة التنصيص فالفنكشن ذا يعتبر أيفنت عندك كلام زايد خله عندك ولا تقعد تتفسلف على راسي منت بأشطر من الويكي1 point
الموضوع هذا افضل بكثير وخصوصا ان فيه شروحات لاغلب الويكي فـ مايحتاج نكرر مواضيع نخلي الاستفسارات كلها بموضوع واحد ع اساس الي يبي يتعلم يقدر يراجع من الصفحة الاولى للاخيرة ويكسب خبره ويفهم بالتوفيق1 point
Check this out: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13636 (you can set handling for vehicles as you desire) It might even be better, as vehicles react differently to the same handling parameter tuning. You will run into problems if you just raise acceleration + max velocity for each vehicle, better make a selection for custom speed handling and on a case by case basis by that script I linked. -- For handling flags and value range refer to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling -- Add any handling value type not included below, by simply adding its string in below format followed by = value as below. Get valid strings from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling local predefinedHandling = { [411] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, [415] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, --next model below etc (copy rows) } for i,v in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if i then for handling, value in pairs (v) do if not setModelHandling (i, handling, value) then outputDebugString ("* Predefined handling '"..tostring(handling).."' for vehicle model '"..tostring(i).."' could not be set to '"..tostring(value).."'") end end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v and predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)] then for k,vl in pairs (predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)]) do setVehicleHandling (v, k, vl) end end end function resetHandling() for model in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if model then for k in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setModelHandling(model, k, nil) end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v then local model = getElementModel(v) if predefinedHandling[model] then for k,h in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setVehicleHandling(v, k, h) end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, resetHandling) Also by your question it seems you don't really understand how to achieve that ''speed boost'' you're talking about, so I will give you a bit of information: - In order to have a noticable speed effect by anything (like acceleration or max velocity) you better lower the Drag Multiplier value (the performance gain from all later tweaks will increase in effect with that, setting it to 0 will give practically infinite top speed and accel that reflects the new values) After lowering the Drag multiplier, you can raise the acceleration and possibly increase max velocity (say, to 600..) and aslong you don't set Drag multiplier to 0, it won't ever reach 600kph, so dont be afraid of that as you said a good top speed isnt what you want - however it's needed because max velocity, acceleration and drag multiplier co-interact (they decide the end result where all 3 are factors, although the values wont be practically achieved unless you tweak the next bottleneck - traction..) A good generic handling (for ''speed boost'' you want) using the linked/pasted script would be this table: ["engineAcceleration"] = 23, ["dragCoeff"] = 1, ["maxVelocity"] = 700, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, Because the bottlenecks (drag mult, traction) are already improved, you can easily just increase Acceleration if you want it even faster, from that template. @TorNix~|nR1 point
function VehicleSpeed(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if isPedInVehicle(player) then setElementVelocity(vehicle,x,y,z) end end end setTimer(VehicleSpeed,500,0)1 point
وانت خليتها ولا كودك ناقص ليه ما تعترفون ليه لازم مجادله كذا يخوي خلاص انا غلطان وانت صح لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله1 point
لا تسوي مثل هذا الفيس , ماحد بيساعدك .. لأن انت ماحطيت التاق ,, حط التاق عشان يوضح لنا بشكل افضل مع الالوان ويسهل علينا اكتشاف الاخطاء1 point
what? Refresh is not meant to restart your resource edited files, it only detects new added and/or deleted files that has been added or removed. To apply new script changes you have to use console command restart syntax: <restart yourresourcenamehere> it also can be used ingame but you will need acl admin for that.1 point
انا فاهمك وصراحة مب شايف خطأ في الكود حاول تجرب ثلاث مرات وشوف لأنو اكيد مارح تقدر تسويها من مرتين وكمان لازم تسجل بحساب مختلف في المرة الثانية1 point
According to wiki using the 'refresh' command only searches for new resources to add or deletes ones which aren't there anymore. Using the 'refresh all' command restarts changed resources and also does everything that the 'refresh' command does. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Server_Commands#refresh But i always restart each resource manually after changing something in it just to be sure + some resources actually require to be restarted manually for changes to apply.1 point
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There was a fix atleast for the lag @Mega9 mentioned, update to: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.5-rc-latest and @wgnsy123 please let me know if that fixed it for you (as you're not complaining about exclusively the Settings menu)..1 point
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@Mr.Loki, because colshapes has a height value, but markers go up on height very high.1 point
I hope this is what the OP is looking for function getTopScores() local scores = {} for plr, v in pairs(exampleTable) do table.insert(scores, {name = getPlayerName(plr), kills = v.kills} end table.sort(scores, function(a, b) return a.kill > b.kill end) return scores end local scores = getTopScores() outputChatBox("Top scorer is "..scores[1].name.." with "..scores[1].kills.." kills!") It creates a list with the names and kills of each player in your table then sorts it by the kills. Then you can output the first one in the list or all of them put them in a grid list or something. To avoid that you should just create a new table. Hope this helps everyone1 point
I didn't see any peaking interest yet or any explicit vouching in this topic for total conversions/any mods that needs GTA files modified. Even without changing the concept of MTA (having a second MTA version that allows modding files.. or skips ''certain checks'', or having interested players of a community first mod their GTA with a server/communities' ''Pre-play'' download packages from their site... all that hassle) yes without changing the concept, Limit Adjuster itself can already be very interesting for MTA, without all that: it already lays the foundation for manipulation of internal values, such as increasing streaming distance and therefore resolving issues with mapped custom cities, partially what EIR would have done for those awaiting it. Also having the possibility to adjust those internal limits can benefit future development possibilities significantly. We're now blind-staring (not the discussers but you fastman, about the modded installation options) on complicated integrations that needs alot of compatibility checks (if users wanted to join a custom mod server with the 'second' MTA version there needs to be checks if the player has the right mods in their GTA that the server is asking for to be played) It would greatly reduce the accesability of MTA as it's no longer click-and-play, but yes it would facilitate a select fanclub of certain servers to play with extensive modding (MTA's concept is you can just connect and go, and now you'll need to visit a server's site to see what modding steps you need to take, in order to play their server, those servers will garner much less attention from new players in the browser and will have to rely on their own playerbase - players come to that server for what is there, and don't come without knowing much and find out as new players. Therefore, those type of servers will not catch as much attention as others, because many steps are needed in order to play it. We'll end up with just a few of those servers with a select playerbase, and overthrow MTA's concept of easy playability just to please those (fastman92: ''There are total conversions for which the authors want to get the working multiplayer. '' This is why I personally vouch for a less complicated integration, I'd like to use it myself atleast for the ability of mapping custom cities without border and area limits and streaming issues. Anyways I havent seen much server owners talking about anything beyond GTA:Underground, but Fastman92 himself was already talking about a much broader modded GTA possibility which is why I wrote this post. If we continue this way by fastman's last input, which I think isn't easy to realize (as I said changing MTA's concept, and hard to check compatibility - requires alot of other development for that), most likely nothing will happen at all with Limit adjuster.1 point
For more coronas, custom_coronas by Ren712 is better anyway. As to the FLA, yep, bring it on. Why?1 point
Hi, I'm currently developing a Roleplay Server based on Vice City. We've already managed to properly incorporate the map in MTA, with a quite seamless rendering distance. All this took me quite a lot of weeks to do, all the rendering and optimization is done by my own scripts, but of course this would never be as good as having native functionality to deal with all this. If this project is implemented, I'd like to see: Ability to assign new IDs to objects, so we can keep most of GTA:SA's. Fix the interior flickering bug which happens when you replace a lot of objects. Ability to createWorldObject instead of createObject, which would behave like the SA map. Remove the object limit on the MTA streamer, causing some objects to disappear when there are a lot of them streamed in. Optimize the speed of model, texture and collision replacement That's pretty much it, Thank you for considering this!1 point