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Guest Jacco16

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Agreed, the movie is fantastic and the progress you have made, incredible, been playing MTA since the first release, and those hydras, look like the best fun yet.

great stuff, so looking forward to it.

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i thought the movie finished too quickly, and i just got off my seat to get some popcorn. that 2mins seemed like 20seconds . :lol:

thanx for the update, the community really needed one

well, it did say short video in the news post :lol: and it was actually right at 2 mins :wink:

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Man, that was sooooooooooooooooooo COOL! i wish i could help, but i cant code to save my life... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Well you can if you wanted too. I suggest learning the first language I learned, Visual Basic. Although I know tend to dislike VB for its wide use over Delphi (C'mon delphi owns VB), I think its a good starting language. After you get the basic concepts of programming through VB, learn some C++, Delphi, and your probally ganna want to know Javascript if you are geting into web design. I suggest Planetsourcecode.com as a good tutorial site :)

I was thinking of making a multi-player mod, but I have alot of learning to do as far as the memory hacking goes, im mainly good with mathematical, GUI, string manipulation, and the creativity aspects of programming. The latter is a requirement by the way :wink:

If VB.Rank > Delphi.Rank then Self := nil {kill myself :P}


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If VB.Rank > Delphi.Rank then Self := nil


Um, i guess that that means that if people think that Visual Basic is better than Delphi, then youll kill your self, and if they think anything else, then that code has no effect at all? Is that about right?

lol yeah something like that. Dont take it seriously. My translation is that if VB is greater than Delphi, kill myself. And in the else case, I will begin to code. idk when you really think about it, it doesnt make much sense becase why would you kill yourself if indeed, VB is better than delphi. That would be logical if you kill yourself if everyone things VB > delphi when tis really not.

In anycase I have a feeling this is going nowehre fast and its not part of the thread :roll:

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then it should be more like this...

Public VB as new language

Public Delphi as new language

Private Function Killself(Person as string, Weapon as string)

MsgBox "Omg! " & Person & " has killed himself!!! Weapon(" & Weapon & ")"


end function

Private Sub Form_Load'(Some parameters here, cant be bothered)

if VB > Delphi then KillSelf("[VCM]Mafia","RoflCoptr")

End If

weeee i win

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hey guys,

i am new on this forum ( one of those that check the forums and read msgs but never posts :? ).

but after watching that movie i wanted to say great work guys and keep it up :)


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