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0.3 main.scm is done


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nice one - is it gonna be linked to directly from the forum or on the main site?

considering the amount of people waiting have you accounted for the high server load? or will the whole thing crash two minutes after its put up?

just my thoughts

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How much does your upload speed need to be?

Do you still have to have a higher upload speed than 20 kb/s?

I've got 16 kb/s and that wil lag then probably, won't it?

great job by the way

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Good work guys! Since traffic isn't synched will cars still be parked around the map in there normal areas, if not how will you aquire one? Is the bridge that raises and lowers just left down in this version? Also is the subway and tunnel system of the city functioning? I know the bridge question was asked, but there was no definite answer. Hope we don't crash you site with the overload of people waiting :lol:

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in the beta tests of .3b there was no traffic, thatfor I guess there won't be in the public release of 3b either...

And that for good, traffic w/o synching (ggm alike) is just disturbing and makes no sense of all

Cars you'll get at your spawn points...

Edited by Guest
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i know im gonna get flamed for this but.... i say MTA 0.3 still needs work before somone even *thinks* about a release.

Like for instance in the beta there was a bug which made your sound not work in a new game you had to exit the game and reenter to get the sound working. Also the most important thing i can think of is a chat system in the beta there wasnt a chat system so noone could talk to anyone :( i think the MTA team is gonna regret releasing 0.3b so early...

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Great job guys, I'm glad it is finally coming out. I am having a LAN this Friday so if you could, post it before then!

I know I can wait for 0.4 for those things to be added. The major improvments to 0.3 sound well enough to have LOTS of playing time. 0.2 was too hard to sync... but 0.3 should shoot off and be very popular.

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