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Questions about the gangs of Vice City.

Guest Phantizen

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Hey, everyone. I want to learn more about the gangs of multitheftauto. I finished VC singleplayer and have been checking out MTA for a couple months (though I haven't played much) and I think I want to get into it more! There are so many gangs and I don't know their reputations.

1.Which gangs use teamspeak the most? I think that is the best way to play as a gang.

2.Which gangs are mostly young people and which ones have a lot of older people?

3.Which are the skillz gangs? I am not a stunter, so by skillz I mean killing.

4.Which clans are most active?

I could really use a 411 hookup and maybe this way I wil find out which clans have the most helpful members also. Thanks!

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1.Which gangs use teamspeak the most? I think that is the best way to play as a gang.

2.Which gangs are mostly young people and which ones have a lot of older people?

3.Which are the skillz gangs? I am not a stunter, so by skillz I mean killing.

4.Which clans are most active?

I could really use a 411 hookup and maybe this way I wil find out which clans have the most helpful members also. Thanks!


Well, the clan I'm in uses ts a hell of a lot. UVA. I don't really know about other clans ts, but TLR use theirs quite a bit too.


Clans like FMJ, UVA and VCES are mostly the clans with members that are aged 18+, but theres the odd few, like me.


Well.. There are quite a few gangs with 'skillz', but I am not saying any because it could lead to a flame war.


Hardly any clans are active at the moment because hardly anybody likes 0.5.

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yup, gta3 rocks.

Im gonna answer the questions in random order:

overall, VCK is definitly not the most acticve, that would probably go to KFC, just for their sheer numbers.

All gangs I've seen seem to have a good variety of people of different ages/backgrounds. if yer looking for the most "mature" gang, that is a mattter of opinion.

killing gangs vs stunt gangs: unless they say that they are a stunting gang, its a good bet they are a fighting one. Whoever has the most skills is not gonna be a question answered on the forum, pretty much all gangs seem to think they are the best :wink:

all gangs tend to use teamspeak during gangfights, theres just no better way.

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any of the gangs that usee here in the forums are a good choice

like you said there are lots of us out here and its just a matter of finding the right mix for u

my advice would be to go solo for a bit until you u get to know a few gang a bit better then decide

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{DBC} was a big and active dutch clan in mta 0.3r2 (though we had some foreign ppl with us). mta 0.4.1 and mta 0.5 almost killed the clan. but we are waiting for another multiplayer mod and mta blue, since we dont expect any major changes to the vc deathmatch gameplay(in mta 0.5.1). There are/were also some other clans in my country(the netherlands), like CNP, GTAM, Xe/BP, XII

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  • 2 months later...

hey ,man since u wanna know about mta and its gangs i would say that there are a lot of respectable and skilled gangs and also since u r new u might like to join a gang that is new and u can help form its reputation

and if u were wondering that gang is VCC (vice city clowns)


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