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Synced Beach ball!

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Despite not usually giving out release dates, the team have stated that they hope to release Blue before SA comes out for PC in June. Therefore they are unlikely to spend a lot of their finite time syncing unnecessary things like the beach ball. They may decide to sync it in a later release though.

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Dont you realize that a lot of things can be classified as 'synced' by syncing something else?

Example: Since aiming is 100% synced, the shootable 'targets' and explosive barrels will be synced.

Example: Since a player's XYZ is 100% synced, the beachball *should* be synced, depending on if it actually will bounce off an actor's head or only the player's..

Example: Since a car's XYZ is 100% synced, hydraulics are automatically synced.

Synced synced synced synced synced..... once you sync one thing, atleast one other thing is bound to get synced.

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Dont you realize that a lot of things can be classified as 'synced' by syncing something else?

Example: Since aiming is 100% synced, the shootable 'targets' and explosive barrels will be synced.

Example: Since a player's XYZ is 100% synced, the beachball *should* be synced, depending on if it actually will bounce off an actor's head or only the player's..

Example: Since a car's XYZ is 100% synced, hydraulics are automatically synced.

Synced synced synced synced synced..... once you sync one thing, atleast one other thing is bound to get synced.

thats only partially true...

when you throw latency and people getting slightly different framerates (therefore physics calculations are slightly different) things go down the shitter so to speak.

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