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=TR= The Revolution has begun


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After being in clans in various forms, i think its time to start my own from scratch. if your interested in joining leave a msg here.


Do NOT cheat (this includes using any program in mta that alters it in any unofficialy way, officialy sanctioned programs are fine but if your caught using any form of a client other then whats provided by the mta team your booted automatically)


I dont believe in false unity. if you have a problem with someone in the clan youd better say it. Dont hold it in. You should never quit this clan because of a member inside of it without talking to me first.

Need training? not a problem.

You can join with a Tr (lower case r) tag if you feel you need training. everything will be provided to you and when you feel you are worthy you can ask for an eval and within 24 hours il tell you if your good enough to be a full member.

We will define our skill through unaltered ingame play. This means if you are killed by a car, so fucking what. its mta not unreal tournament 2004. if you moan about being killed "cheaply" all the time this is NOT the clan for you. plz search elsewhere.

As for pr, i personally couldnt give a shit, let em say what they want about me il just have fun feeding into thier drama like i always have, some say its a bad idea, but whatever i get a blast out of getting the ethugs to start making threats and such :)

As far as other gangs are concerned, say what you want about em. I always have and i certainly dont want to expect anything out of my members i wouldnt expect outa myself :)

We will recruit anyone except cheaters. If you join and you are found later to have a cracked client in recent history you will likely be booted, plz dont bother applying unless you feel that circumstances are worthy of you joining, bottom line is that if youv used a cracked client anywhere in the past month of your mta play, you will be booted. If more then a month has passed and i feel that you are completely trustworthy then you shall be readmited into the clan

Anyone in the clan is free to recruit, if someone is found to be a cheater then they will be removed, simple as that. anyone who impersonates to get into this clan is just showing us how good we are that they want so much to be a part of us. gg

Leader -


Members -










Trainees -


Honorary -










Contact Info

If you need to contact us for gangwars etc, feel free to add compufan2000@yahoo.com to your msn list.

Outside of that, all members should add me to thier list, it is our main form of contact as far as seeing others online. theres also the optional irc @ irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/tr if you need irc get it at http://www.mirc.com and pm/msn me for help setting it up if needed

Edited by Guest
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Wheeey... Murry Birthday Aunt Death... many happer returns on the new clan, goodluck making the cake... and all.

Let us meet... in the future, to blow each others private parts all over the walls and clean streets... preferably in pajamas and wearing scarfs... maybe steel toe cap Jack boots but that depends... on the Cake...

/me holds a Toast to DeathB :drinking:

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  [KFC] El Burro said:
Wheeey... Murry Birthday Aunt Death... many happer returns on the new clan, goodluck making the cake... and all.

Let us meet... in the future, to blow each others private parts all over the walls and clean streets... preferably in pajamas and wearing scarfs... maybe steel toe cap Jack boots but that depends... on the Cake...

/me holds a Toast to DeathB :drinking:

lol i think youv been celebrating new years...

thnx tho.. i think 8)

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