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MTA, dead?

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It seems to me MTA may be dieing.... all news posted only relates to the website itself and never anything about the actual releases.... the status bar for Blue has gone up by 5% in the last 4-5 months... maybe. It seems to me the MTA team has given up working on this and it is kind of upsetting me. If the team is getting sick of working with this, please just let us know so we can stop waiting months and months for a release that's never going to happen.

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progress bars are just a rough estimate of progress. not like you divide up the work and when certain amounts of work is done. "well, time to add another bar!" lol that would be kinda funny. :lol:

edit: as funny as it seems, mta team(some of them) actually have lives, they all cant sit around all day and code, everyday... that also would be kinda funny plus, well, we'd have blue already if that was the case, i estimate at LEAST a year, look for GTA:SA PC before Blue is out, maybe 0.4.5 might be release around the PC SA release date. (thats my estimatation :wink: )

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  gtafreek said:
It seems to me MTA may be dieing.... all news posted only relates to the website itself and never anything about the actual releases.... the status bar for Blue has gone up by 5% in the last 4-5 months... maybe. It seems to me the MTA team has given up working on this and it is kind of upsetting me. If the team is getting sick of working with this, please just let us know so we can stop waiting months and months for a release that's never going to happen.

You can look at it that way... or you could say that they're spending so much time working on Blue that they haven't got time to update the site.

It would be stupid to give up now and scrap a year's-worth of work though.

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I check on this forum every once in a while, but check the site only once a month. People who check the site every 5 minutes need to find something better to do, along with the people who beg for updates. I know how stressful working on a large project can be, but can only imagine how hard it must be for something like this, so chill.

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  VCRB<Eagle said:
  Chronic said:
edit: as funny as it seems, mta team(some of them) actually have lives, they all cant sit around all day and code, everyday... )

I Agree

What do you think would happen if everyone who agreed with that statement did a post like that? It doesn't contribute anything to the discussion - no one cares if you agree or not. You said you changed, but you're still posting rubbish.


It is true that MTA is having a little bit of a low period. In my opinion this is because the gameplay has become unbalanced. In 0.3 players mainly chose Robber or Mexican and they were fairly equally matched. In 0.4 people mainly choose Robber only. This is what is called the dominant strategy - when one choice beats all others. Having a dominant strategy is boring and goes against the spirit of the Grand Theft Auto gameplay.

It's funny actually - in my Game Design module at university, we had a tutorial on gameplay and we discussed games that had good and bad gameplay. Vice City was praised as having very balanced gameplay and MTA was mentioned as having bad gameplay for this very reason.

0.3 may have also had unbalanced gameplay, but at least it was a little more balanced than 0.4. Having 2 dominant choices is much better than having only one. That's why FMJ has had a 0.3 server set up - it's just more fun.

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  [FMJ]DomSpy said:

What do you think would happen if everyone who agreed with that statement did a post like that? It doesn't contribute anything to the discussion - no one cares if you agree or not. You said you changed, but you're still posting rubbish.

Agreed. (rubbish!)

  [FMJ]DomSpy said:
It is true that MTA is having a little bit of a low period. In my opinion this is because the gameplay has become unbalanced. In 0.3 players mainly chose Robber or Mexican and they were fairly equally matched. In 0.4 people mainly choose Robber only. This is what is called the dominant strategy - when one choice beats all others. Having a dominant strategy is boring and goes against the spirit of the Grand Theft Auto gameplay.

0.3 may have also had unbalanced gameplay, but at least it was a little more balanced than 0.4. Having 2 dominant choices is much better than having only one. That's why FMJ has had a 0.3 server set up - it's just more fun.

I'd like to thank FMJ for setting up the MTA:VC 0.1 server up as well, we had hella fun last night :wink:

I very much miss the mex wars of the past, the molotovs burning up the airport and people chainsawing eachother :D

The robber wasen't that popular at all, mexican pwned them all.

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I don't think we had chinsaws when me and Scorp were playing 0.1, we had a few shotgun wars (not stubby :P) and then some use of the other weapons and then we went exploring and found some cool pickups and also went to the dirtring and the other one ;)

Oh, and there were animations, just no walking ones.

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Well, MTA ain't dead, I am sure they will finish blue within a year. :wink:

Personally, I have not played MTA in a while, I got farcry, and it is pretty freaking sweet! :shock: I almost forgot what good fire delay was like. :lol:

I can actually shoot people in it, and it is so like :shock: wow man! I point my gun at other players online, fire, and hit them! :D

Now more then ever, do I realize how baddly we all need blue. :cry::cry:

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I wouldn't say MTA is dying, though it is definately in a slump. There seems to be a general consensus that 0.3 was far more enjoyable than 0.4.x for VC (though we do greatly appreciate gta3 support in 0.4+).

These are the biggest problems I have with 0.4.x:

- Stubby gameplay has been horriby altered. Put it back the way it was in 0.3!

- Decreased framerates/perception of poorer syncing. Everyone who has gone back

and played 0.3 again comments on how much better "synced" it is.

- Black maverick and VCN are gone (WTF?!) This is especially troublesome for gangwars

where ammo gathering already takes too long.

- Not enough M60 ammo for mexican.

- The Spaz is gone (at this rate we will only have pistols by mta 0.7)

The only improvements I've noticed (besides gta3 support which is wonderful)

are much improved aiming and a spawn with mp5.

I set up a 0.3 and even 0.2.2 servers just to see what they were like and I was amazed at the number of people who wanted to play the earlier versions. Everyone agrees they are far more fun even with the aiming problems on certain weapons.

Also, it is obvoius that the deathmatch scm is poorly suited to gangwars. I am prototyping a gangwar scm on 0.2.2. Once we get it working the way we want it,

is there any chance of it being ported into a future release?

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  [KFC]Nutz said:
I wouldn't say MTA is dying, though it is definately in a slump. There seems to be a general consensus that 0.3 was far more enjoyable than 0.4.x for VC (though we do greatly appreciate gta3 support in 0.4+).

These are the biggest problems I have with 0.4.x:

- Stubby gameplay has been horriby altered. Put it back the way it was in 0.3!

- Decreased framerates/perception of poorer syncing. Everyone who has gone back

and played 0.3 again comments on how much better "synced" it is.

- Black maverick and VCN are gone (WTF?!) This is especially troublesome for gangwars

where ammo gathering already takes too long.

- Not enough M60 ammo for mexican.

- The Spaz is gone (at this rate we will only have pistols by mta 0.7)

The only improvements I've noticed (besides gta3 support which is wonderful)

are much improved aiming and a spawn with mp5.

I set up a 0.3 and even 0.2.2 servers just to see what they were like and I was amazed at the number of people who wanted to play the earlier versions. Everyone agrees they are far more fun even with the aiming problems on certain weapons.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I had more fun in deathmatch in 0.3 than 0.4, but I couldn't put my finger on the reasons why. I think it's small things really - the problems you mentioned above, combined with the extra crashes and some of the stranger changes such as removing the "getting in a vehicle" animation, which makes it difficult to tell if you are in the process of being jacked.

However, the Error Reporting Tool has given me high hopes that the crashes, at least, will be addressed in 0.4.5. MrBump also posted a topic asking for ramp suggestions for stunt mode, so this at least shows that they are putting some extra work into Vice City this time.

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I have to agree that I had more fun in .3, but .4 is much more stable. I rarely crash unless I die, and I'd say if I die I have a 50% chance of crashing lol.

I had a much better time in .3 cause there were 4 demo cars in the derby pit, 4 racers in the race pit, and dirt bikes in the stunt pit!

Because shooting people was such an unenjoyable experience, and because the stunt mode was so dissapointing (and hardly played) I throughly enjoyed .3 DM mode for my stunting needs. I'd play .3, but there does not seem to be many servers or people playing it. :?:

Oh how I miss the days of demo derbys.... There was that one guy, KFC crunch, wow did we had some wild derbys! :shock: 2 packers, 2 choppers, a fire truck, an ambulance, and about 10 other cars in there w00t!

:cry: Ah well, back to my cryogenic freezer I go! Somebody thaw me out when blue is released. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  [FMJ]DomSpy said:
  VCRB<Eagle said:
  Chronic said:
edit: as funny as it seems, mta team(some of them) actually have lives, they all cant sit around all day and code, everyday... )

I Agree

What do you think would happen if everyone who agreed with that statement did a post like that? It doesn't contribute anything to the discussion - no one cares if you agree or not. You said you changed, but you're still posting rubbish.

omg.. so i cant post my opinion?

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  Ransom said:
Its alive... you'll have to take my word for it.

(Feel free to ponder)

OH GOD NO!!! :shock: Please say it isn't so!!! ...................


Oh my gawd! I am sooooo sorry! I can't belive I farted like that! Oh no way man! I am sooo totally embarrassed!!! And everyone heard it cause this is a quiet thread :oops:

You see ransom! I was spending all my brain power trying to figue out your puzzle, so I forgot to hold in my fart. :lol:

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