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No way man! Everybody knows Americans are people that are:

1. Fat

2. Always interfearing with other peoples problems

3. Know-alls

4. Fat

5. Self-asteamded

6. Work-a-holics

7. Fat

8. Unhealthy

9. Superior to other races (in their own eyes ofcourse)

10. Fat

8) But I still like you though. :D

Ow and don't forget "fat". I think I forgot to mention that one. 8)

(PS: I don't mean any of these things. I'm just talking 'bout the stereotyped American I see on the TV) :)

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No way man! Everybody knows Americans are people that are:

1. Fat

2. Always interfearing with other peoples problems

3. Know-alls

4. Fat

5. Self-asteamded

6. Work-a-holics

7. Fat

8. Unhealthy

9. Superior to other races (in their own eyes ofcourse)

10. Fat

8) But I still like you though. :D

Ow and don't forget "fat". I think I forgot to mention that one. 8)

(PS: I don't mean any of these things. I'm just talking 'bout the stereotyped American I see on the TV) :)

Well that is true for about 1/3 of us at least, but Im not fat haha

Still, our country is #1 (militarywise so might as well mean we own all like I said) :P

Messing w/Canada I mean like always saying wtf does Canada have and "eh" and BLAME CANADA etc. We just mess with Canada but they are our buddies :P

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Yeah man. Americans rox. 8)

But about that army thing: If your army is so great, then why does Bush need our Dutch troops? :wink:

I must answer this even though very late, we could of course do the whole damn thing ourselves (we are almost always at least 90% of the force) but he is trying to get other countries to commit troops meaning they are for our cause. It is a sneaky political thing to do, but thats how the world knows if your in or your out. Kind of like if you kill someone to get in a gang, theres no turning back. If you're sending peoples kids to die for a cause then you cant back out and say you didnt support it later.

At least thats how I view the whole situation though maybe I'm full of shit but thats what I think is happening.

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