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MTA 0.4.x Progress (GTA3) (11/09/2004 @ 16:28 CET) by MrBump


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OK so now it looks like Portland will remain the same.

New release for Shoreside Vale will run it's own servers not connected to Portland and in Shoreside Vale you have character select.

The initial word was that you would add the islands into the same server one at a time, but now it seems it's a 3rd server option

Am I on track or did I miss something?

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Not sure what your understanding kunfu but ill explain anyways .

When all 3 islands get released you will have the option to either have Portland or Shorside or Stuanton .Hope that clears up the confusion you have , i dunno.

BTW. It would be possible to have all 3 islands at once But the main problem was trying to spread out the cars , i dunno what the carlimit in gta3 is, but take vc 's 80, 80 cars spread out over the 3 gta islands would make a lot of people having to run long in order to find a car.

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It isnt a change, we ran a Poll with that question for a long time and the islands being treated seperately won by a long shot. Personally I had been in favour of having the entire map available, and working on ways around the poroblems inherant with that approach but the poll decided against it.

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It isnt a change, we ran a Poll with that question for a long time and the islands being treated seperately won by a long shot. Personally I had been in favour of having the entire map available, and working on ways around the poroblems inherant with that approach but the poll decided against it.

/me wants all islands in same server :P

as it is now, the spread of cars on portland is excellent, u don't have to run very far at all. How does this option of changing isles function in the config file? I presume that u put in "1" for the islands u want, and maybe "0" for the others.. not relevant, we will see :D

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i hope there is an auto-change map option, so that u can change the map like other games...i know it is a lot different in mta, but in a server, it wud be nice for a change every half hour or so without re-hosting the server. that way there would be some sort of 'winner' in the game, whoever scores the most in 30mins wins

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