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parachute mod


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The lighthouse is a strange shape... if you do get on it, you'll fall off the side... isn't that the .col file or something like that?

Also, there is a Liberty City mod for Vice City. Not for MTA of course, neither MTAVC or LC support mods, but the Liberty City mod gives you Liberty City with some Vice City cars.

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The lighthouse is a strange shape... if you do get on it, you'll fall off the side... isn't that the .col file or something like that?

Also, there is a Liberty City mod for Vice City. Not for MTA of course, neither MTAVC or LC support mods, but the Liberty City mod gives you Liberty City with some Vice City cars.

Pardon me for my arogance (if you notice any) but , what does this has to do with a parashute mod? Are you suggesting we use the lighthouse as a parashute? I dont get it... Maybe a mis-post...

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  • 4 weeks later...
I never plyed that game / saw that movie , can you tell me what it is about?

It's an FPS set in the 1960s. You play a secret agent called Cate Archer (think of a female version of James Bond). The mission in question has you jumping out of a burning plane along with some bad guys. Only one guy has a parachute, and he's below you. You have to shoot the other bad guys whilst you try to catch up with the guy below you.

Sorry, it's difficult to explain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hmmmm, shooting while parachuting? the game engine only allows 1 animation to be played at a time, so custom animations would have to be created with hallower's chop shop.. is there an 'if check' opcode that goes something like 'player $blah is_falling'? i would just run that check, and if you are falling + if you have the parachute weapon out + if you press FIRE, create the parachute object a little + z above player, ill have to expirement with the hooking because thats something ive never done before :?

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If Opium ever does this... it would be great. :wink: It will require alot of experimenting with alot of OPCODES to get the desired affect, as there is no OPCODE to slow the falling of the player. MSN me if you need help with it Opium, you know how I am with my SCM coding skills. ;)

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I found a few opcodes that would help. One I found something about gravity in the scm, but it appears it just affects 'physics'. Like I can set the gravity to 0, but all that will do will make it where he doesn't take any damage when he falls. I have also found an excellent animation that can be played through the scm that would go perfect with a parachute.

But I don't have the mission builder on this computer, im visiting my dad. Maybe if OpiuM would stop playing CSS and sign on msn, something could get accomplished.

edit: as for shooting while falling.. if I can get the PLAYER set as 0 gravity through the scm instead of the ACTOR, theres a high chance of this being possible.

and controlling the direction in wich you fall doesnt sound hard, if player presses LEFT or RIGHT, move his X position + or -

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and controlling the direction in wich you fall doesnt sound hard, if player presses LEFT or RIGHT, move his X position + or -

What happens when the person's angle is not 0, 90, 180 or 270? And if they are tilting to a certain side? You have to parse along the X, Y and Z axis appropriately. These calculations cannot be made via the SCM, you have to directly modify them using geometric calculations, e.g. cmath [math.h]. To do so I would recommend using [sheep] and Spooky's DirectX hook with embedded SCM interpreter, which can be found here. By doing so you can appropriately draw a parachute on screen, as well as interpret the data in realtime allowing you to alter the motions displayed by the actor. Just follow Occam's Razor and everything will be greatly simplified, you're all making this much harder then it has to be.

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No one owes anyone an apology. The past is irrelevant. And I've never 'left', nor was I ever here. I have no purpose to post in this forum, I merely saw a group of people heading in the wrong direction and assumed it would be better to forwarn them with an applicable solution instead of the normal "wait for the next installment, then you'll be able to add in the aspects you want on your own," which truly isn't helpful.

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Kryptos, yes I realize what you mean. X does not always mean to your left. - or + X is always the same direction, no matter what direction your facing.

A few months ago I took a quick look at Spooky's source and found it confusing, my knowledge of C++ is nowhere near as good as VB. Is there not an opcode that outputs the players current rotation (x or y to be exact), because I think I could come up with some kind of formula to generate what is left and right of that.

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