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  1. No one owes anyone an apology. The past is irrelevant. And I've never 'left', nor was I ever here. I have no purpose to post in this forum, I merely saw a group of people heading in the wrong direction and assumed it would be better to forwarn them with an applicable solution instead of the normal "wait for the next installment, then you'll be able to add in the aspects you want on your own," which truly isn't helpful.
  2. What happens when the person's angle is not 0, 90, 180 or 270? And if they are tilting to a certain side? You have to parse along the X, Y and Z axis appropriately. These calculations cannot be made via the SCM, you have to directly modify them using geometric calculations, e.g. cmath [math.h]. To do so I would recommend using [sheep] and Spooky's DirectX hook with embedded SCM interpreter, which can be found here. By doing so you can appropriately draw a parachute on screen, as well as interpret the data in realtime allowing you to alter the motions displayed by the actor. Just follow Occam's Razor and everything will be greatly simplified, you're all making this much harder then it has to be.
  3. When I pulled back the top of the plane was facing the hospital, thus I landed wheels up which sends you into a slide, identical to that of an overturned car. Because I landed traveling across the width of the building, opposed to the length, there wasn't enough surface area to obtain the friction required to fully stop.
  4. A little practice and a whole lot of luck.
  5. A picture says a thousand words.
  6. It took Barna a long time to get GGM 0.1 to the beta stages for a release, don't underestimate that. You're right to a degree, the less people you have the more focused your team will generally be, although in the case of a modification like this I don't believe any of you understand how much code goes into it. Don't think it's just a walk in the park, adding a few lines of code to make an extravagant engine, creating merely a freeview spectator algorithm that parses along all three axis can reach nearly a thousand lines of code, if not more, so yes, size does matter in the end. Being able to assign different jobs to people simplifies the process opposed to having one person working on all the components. I assure you that if only IJs was working on MTA at the current it wouldn't be anywhere close to where it is now, not to undermine his capabilities, but if you want quality as you said then throwing a ton of work at one person is never the way to go. I believe most of you grossly underestimate the work Barna did, which is truly sad.
  7. The major fact that you're all forgetting is that MTA is a team of approximately a dozen; I'm not sure what the actually number is. GTAT has only one, or two, programmers. The only point that contradicts this is in the fact GTAT uses a Delphi/Kylix backbone, Delphi being a RAD (Rapid Application Development) language, meaning that the GTAT team can rapidly develop features that would otherwise take more extensive amounts of time for MTA due to its C++ and x86 (IA-32) nature; I only mention Assembly as I would assume that a lot of MTA's new core will optimize much lower level features that aren't normally attainable with higher level languages. In regards to comments about GTAT surpassing MTA in the future, since I assume MTA is merely hesitant to remark on this since it would be showboating in their case, that is quite the arbitrary statement. Although GTAT boasts numerous features that would appear to add functionality to their gameplay, those same features must be approached from a lower level region opposed to the methods that they are currently using, one example being SCM injection. Although GTAT's programmers are skilled as they have produced a useable beta release, they also lack knowledge that would bring forth the current state of their modification, not to sound pessimistic, but hacking a program's engine to the degree that they jive is much more complex then they could ever begin to comprehend in regards to a higher level language. Kudos to both the MTA team and GTAT team for their efforts and accomplishments, both of which should never be underestimated or misconceived.
  8. They've released small amounts of information at numerous places, namely GTAForums. Coupled with what they've accomplished in the past, the future holds no limit. And if they're approaching some of the techniques I believe they are, then you'll truly be amazed by what's achieved. Ciao, Kryptos
  9. Firstly, GTA:WO never got Rockstar's permission, at least not that I'm aware of. There weren't any missions, I'm not sure what you're all talking about, I created a few Matrix based missions, one for the final fight scene where a ton of BGA models are lined up and the weather is stormy, one for a subway fight with the BGA model, and one for the helicopter mission in the original game where it flies you to the large building in Vice that has breakable glass and you have to kill all the BGA and BGB actors that are shooting at you from inside the building; the BGA and BGB models are the ones you have to fight on the yacht mission in which the Apache (Hunter) comes. Those were the only missions I ever played with the GTA:WO map models, although Redspike claims to have created other missions it seemed that he was just stealing code from other sources, including GTA:LC. The fact that MTA supports both GTA3 and Vice City at the current defeats the point of them supporting mods like GTA:LC, since GTA:LC is merely an attempt at directly porting the GTA3 gameplay to the Vice City engine, which is quite interesting and well done. The main point you should all look at is the fact that MTA should, I'm going out on a limb here stating what has been rumored, support modifications with their new core. The new code base their using sounds extremely interesting and I truly can't wait to see what they do with it, I'm sure the team is going to astonish me once again as they have in the past with what is possible. So, instead of wasting time in this topic asking for support for external modifications, why not wait for the new core release as I'm sure we'll all be in for a big surprise. And for any GTA:WO team member, whether they be still working on it or not, don't even attempt at flaming me as I don't have time to sort out petty differences. Ciao, Kryptos
  10. Just so everyone knows; there's four islands, the fourth being the ghost town in which the initial cutscene takes place. I realize most of you don't count that as an island, but nonetheless, the game engine registers it as one. Ciao, Kryptos
  11. Kryptos

    Network Status

    Stop being so naive. He lives in [removed], [removed], his first name is [removed] and his initials are [removed]. He's between the age of [removed], as seen in his picture with[removed], who needs no explanation, which can be found [removed]. His provider is [removed] and he owns [removed], while being a significant member of the [removed]. His [removed] is [removed] and he has numerous [removed], including [removed] and [removed]. And that's just for starters, I managed to trace all of that information back to [removed], all within the specified age range, and one of which is living [removed], which would be logical in the case of this person. This information has already been discussed with [removed], so I suggest that this topic be set back on track as no further information is really required. If you want to search for someone why not give [removed] a try. Ciao, Kryptos
  12. First, I suggest that stop your condescending bullshit. I explained that a T1 line is not the same as ADSL in the first segment of my post, subsequently I submitted my viewpoint to the theory that is currently being discussed. Of course, a person of your statue has nothing to add and merely makes a vague attempt at flaming everything that is irrelevant. Ciao, Kryptos
  13. Firstly, ADSL does not classify as a T1 line, as ADSL is merely an Asynchronous Digital Service Line. A T1, or DS1, line is a clear channel generally leased from a company. ADSL lines, as well as most other Internet connections, vary in speed, ADSL normally ranges in three general directions; 384 Kb/s downstream and 128 Kb/s upstream, 1.5 Mb/s downstream and 384 Kb/s upstream, finishing with the monstrous 7 Mb/s downstream and 1.5 Mb/s upstream. T1 lines generally fit in around the 1.5 Mb/s area, although they do range from there. One of the most obvious tells that a T1 isn't the same as ADSL is that ADSL takes time to enter a region, the network has to first be set up and the services offered, whereas T1 lines are parallel to the phone companies existence in essence. With that aside, here's the theoretical part. The speed of light ranges depending on its medium, the speed of light can be calculated using the index of refraction. Although light is no constant, scientists have been able to prove that in a vacuum, such as space, the speed of light is 3.0 x 10 ^ 8 m/s, or 300,000 km/s. So, according to the scientific world nothing can travel faster then the speed of light in a vacuum, however there is a theory called Einstein-Rosenburg Bridges, otherwise referred to as the wormhole. These holes essentially create a shortcut between point A and point B. Of course, if Einstein-Rosenburg Bridges do exist that means that the space-time continuum can be altered, although we already know that in theory blackholes do this by stretching the space around them. As well, Einstein theorized the possibility that even the Earth warps space in it's rotation, which scientists have recently set out to prove. With that said, remember that these are theories and have yet to be proved either true or false. Ciao, Kryptos
  14. Since when does spam classify as something more annoying then cheating? Cheating tends to cause crashes and other miscellaneous nuisances, whereas a website address is just an address. When I first read the title of this post I assumed you were going to say that some renegade player had cracked your server or shut it down; now I somewhat wish they had. Do you want anti-spam implementations now as well? Sorry, but I frankly feel no sympathy; I mean sure spam is annoying, but does it really need to be documented in this manner? Ciao, Kryptos
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