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no u cant, u can get it at the army base lol, and its when u get 90 hidden packages, u get a hunter there when u beet the game, and when u get a 100 heidden ones the another one thats will be at the airport

i had vc for ps2 and i kno everything a bout thats why i kno this stuff

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hey just sayin what i saw when playin it on my PC...... when i beat it on ps2 (which i must say i like flying the hunter better with a controller) i never got the hunter down at the airport(even though the guide said it was suppose to be there)maybe it was just bein weird on my game.... but there is a green army patriot down at the army base on the PC version... it seems a little tougher then a normal patriot...... and there are oil derricks down at the army base on the PC, three of them and you can activate the vigilanti missions in them...... don't know why anyone would use one their pretty slow......

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didn't get to test it out yet...... taking a little break from the game..... was ramming the heck out of some cars and was pretty sturdy..... was tryin to park more then 2 cars in my star fish island mansion and my patriot vanished while i was tryin to get the third car in :cry: ..... but i run around in the police uniform anyway so i'll just have to go back and get it.... :P

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I heard u had to get 100 hidden packages to get the hunter, but now it;s 90?! What's up with that? Oh, and where do u get the skimmer (that plane in dildo dodo)?

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According to the gta3t forum (yes, the other mod), GTA:VC also has the same mutiplayer code as GTA3. It's just a matter of changing memory adresses and a few more things, and it should work. If that's all it needs, i'll wait for MTA with GTA3 and GTA:VC support :)

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