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MTA:mA General Release Script & Readme v4.14


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Oli add for level 5 admin:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if (!download == $3) {
   if ($sock(mta.script)) {
     mta.say $1 Script: Already downloading $+(",$nopath(%mta.file),"...)
   elseif (http://* !iswm $4) {
     mta.say $1 Script: Invalid URL $+(",$4,")
   else {
     !mkdir $+(",$mircdir,Downloaded Scripts,")
     %mta.server = $1
     %mta.url = $4
     %mta.file = $+($mircdir,Downloaded Scripts\,$nopath($4))
     !sockclose mta.script
     !sockopen mta.script $mid($4,8,$calc($pos($4,/,3)-) 80
     mta.say $1 Script: Downloading $+(",$nopath(%mta.file),"...)
on *:sockopen:mta.script: {
 if (!$sockerr) {
   !.remove $+(",%mta.file,")
   !sockwrite -n $sockname GET $mid(%mta.url,$pos(%mta.url,/,3),255) $+(HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Host: $mid(%mta.url,8,$calc($pos(%mta.url,/,3)-),$crlf,Connection: Close,$crlf,$crlf)
 elseif ($dialog(mta)) mta.say %mta.server Script: Connection problems
on *:sockread:mta.script:{ 
 !sockread &a
 while ($sockbr != 0) {
   !bwrite $+(",%mta.file,") -1 &a
   !sockread &a
on *:sockclose:mta.script:{ 
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   !bread $+(",%mta.file,") 1 $file(%mta.file).size &a
   !bcopy -c &a 1 &a $calc($bfind(&a,1,10 13 10)+3) -1
   !.remove $+(",%mta.file,")
   !bwrite $+(",%mta.file,") 0 &a
   !.reload -rs $+(",%mta.file,")
   mta.say %mta.server Script: Downloaded and (re)loaded $+(",$nopath(%mta.file),")

n' sttuff plz thx

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Can you add something to the stats script that shows the best player in the server by kill death ratio?

!pwner or some funny command... lol


edit... another wish

Can your script report back what someone's computer is running?

Ram, processor and vid card?

Sometimes Im dying to know why ppl are so laggy

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I have noticed a bug with the GRS Gstats Connection. The connection seems to stay alive and recons easier when the /menu is on.

If you are having problems with timeouts.. i suggest you leave the menu open till i find a fix for this.

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Due to the global stats site being abused by certain people, it will be offline until the netcode is rewritten and a "grs server admin system" has been added.. allowing us to ban servers from using gstats.

This will take several days to be done, and the current version of MTA:mA:GRS will not connect to the new system. The next version of MTA:mA:GRS will work just as before, but we need to fix these exploits and clean up the database.

Sorry for any inconvenience, hopefully itll be back up and running soon.

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so whats with the "rediculously high score"?

i dont think im even on the grs database, and doubt i ever will be, so please dont accuse me of that. in case you didnt realise, it was done by Jacob and Jay, who both have cracked exe's and can continuously kill each other whilst being out of game.

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im not sure whether this is to do with the GRS netcode or whether its an MTA bot, but in either case ill be adding plenty of ways of stopping this from happening again, this will just take a bit of time.

The current gstats database will remain intact and the flood of kills from these "people" will be removed.

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