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Kung Fu Grip Movie

Guest KillMePlz

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well, me and point blank have made a Kung Fu Grip movie, we made it to honour his hard work put into MTA and into his clan [KFC]. So this is his award for this achievement. Check it out. :)

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Kung Fu Grip Movie - 12mb

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wow, very fast DL compared to the old :D finished in 1min 15sec flat NICE :D (ADSL) and very sad hugh_jordgan must have got owned like 5 times (or is a many times replayed?) and kung dancing, lmao, but over all, just plain wierd, especially with the music :shock: , lmao

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OMFG, I've always loved the "Kungfoo Fighting song" but this is hilarius! :shock: In all my life I've never seen a video so useless. :lol:

i was thinking the same, so pointless its funny, and kunfu dancing to kungfu music rulez, that was the funniest part, lmao

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lol, u guys are funny saying its bad but good, ha, lol, its the best movie ever and u peeps no it, and no, kung fu didnt know we were recording him, thats the most hilarious part about this, so keep the comments coming. :)

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lol, u guys are funny saying its bad but good, ha, lol, its the best movie ever and u peeps no it, and no, kung fu didnt know we were recording him, thats the most hilarious part about this, so keep the comments coming. :)

Hmm... The best video would be VERCETTI MUST DIE! And after that I want to believe! And I also like Ramon's tricktips. 8) And this video comes at a tenth place I think. :wink:

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Nah, "Vercetti Must Die" is far from the best vid ever. It's a fine sample of tailored editing and careful dubbing and it was created relatively early in the scene's history as well, but that's the whole extent of its originality.

There are stunt vids that are overall way better than that, mainly because of content quality and replay value.

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