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[VCA] Vice City Army - ....Server details to be updated....


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V.C.A Vice City Army

'Where Attitude is as important as ability'

VCA was started when members of certain gangs told me they were 'expected to know' almost everything about mta already and would get no help from thier other gangmembers. Things like car locations, weapon pickup locations, and advanced fighting tips/technique.

We are willing to train in any of the above areas. As well as welcome experienced players into the fold.

To apply speak to myself or [VCA]Loendal. Or hook up with one of our members and ask them to speak to us about it.

There are Two really important entry requirements

1] No cheating of ANY kind.

2] Attitude. If you have problems, if you like to bitch at everyone on a server, if you like to cry 'cheat' whenever someone kills you. then VCA isn't for you. Honesty and enjoying the fun of this great mod are the keys. :)

















[VCA]dusty550 - Rarely active

[VCA]Heck -M.I.A

Training officers: (note these are normal members who have expressed a willingness to take time out to train others)

Mikiro - Combat - Currently shell shocked and on leave

Xerox - Stunting

Iggy248 - Driving specialist

Loendal - Combat specialist

MrBill - Spam specialist

MrBump - Ban specialist

Freelance trainers:

** Thread restarted after a trusted moderator went on a sulky fit and deleted them all **

Edited by Guest
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Ag 0.4 is approaching and I for one will be spending a lot of time in the gta3 version as well as the vice city one I thought we should start thinking about a VCA Headquarters in Liberty City.

If any of you have some suggestions lets hear them :)

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  • 1 month later...

We have a new server, provided by potential new member ufear. 100mb VCA Public EU DM. 100mbit, 12 players. My ping is great on it, as im sure our other euro members pings will be :)

A big thanks to ufear for this. :)

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We have a new server, provided by potential new member ufear. 100mb VCA Public EU DM. 100mbit, 12 players. My ping is great on it, as im sure our other euro members pings will be :)

A big thanks to ufear for this. :)

i saw it too

and he made a server for me too, thx

but now theyr both down :P

only his main server is up

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys popped in to tell you there is 2 players using your Tag, they refuse to remove it and i noticed they aren't on your clan roster.

[VCA}]Lightz and [VCA]McClane, I suspect McClane is Tim, former [TAT] member the other may be Adam, as they came into VCES server together. This isn't the first time they have done this either, as they have been mimicking VCES members also and other clans.

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KungFuGrip: OK, although be aware loendal has recruited in the past and often forgets to update the memberlist

Ransom: I've removed you from the memberlist as frankly I think 'honorary' membership is just silly.

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KungFuGrip: OK, although be aware loendal has recruited in the past and often forgets to update the memberlist

Ransom: I've removed you from the memberlist as frankly I think 'honorary' membership is just silly.

So I got kicked! lol

Well ok then :cry:

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Firefox and i where playing on the official 10 player server last night and got bored of everyone complaining that we couldnt be killed, should leave them alone, where spoiling the fun etc.

So we decided to hold our HQ (ice cream factory back yard), had 8 players attacking us and we held it well, firefox dying twice and myself not at all (firefox was going off the rooftops into the street tho so was more at risk than myself). I crashed at the end so couldnt screenshot the fnal scores, but last i looked i had 64 or so and firefox had 59. with the next highest being 4 lol.

Was great fun, good practice with the HQ and very satisfying to have more of a structured experience (not to mention the satisfaction of holding it when outnumbered 4 to 1 :D )

I only took one screenshot, i always seem to forget to. Perhaps firefox took some more?

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OK bump listen u fucking noob,

u dont ban a player because he picks up a health power up or whatever they're called, u can remember its there to get it for yourself, but you cant see how i can use it when ur nade spamming me, nice little co-incidence.

The second nade only took me down to 12 healt so getting thepowerup was the obvious thing, i dont suppose you can think why.

As you are well aware, a good player knows where the health pickups are and he doesn't stand there getting nade spammed by the server admin, only to get the pickup and be banned for "health hacking".

I would appreciate if you listened for a second in future when there's an obvious reasoning behind what you saw.

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