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Estonian MTA:VC community

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utopia, your unculturedness is funny ;P

It should help quite a bit, explaining lag and cheating differences to someone who can only speak broken english can be very difficult, perhaps when i finally finish that doc of mine someone can translate it into necessary languages for your site :)

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utopia, your unculturedness is funny ;P

It should help quite a bit, explaining lag and cheating differences to someone who can only speak broken english can be very difficult, perhaps when i finally finish that doc of mine someone can translate it into necessary languages for your site :)

No man , their cool they dont speak broken english ...

And ... Oh man . my little good translator dont wanna work :(

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well, what i've found, is countries the often speak 2 languages taught in school, often speak more than that. So perhaps neighboring countries etc. that might speak estonian but not english. This flu bug going around the south area has about got my brain fried lol

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lets see, english, 1337, i can understand and decipher stupidity, but not the mind behind it, certainly cant speak it. I am inclined to speaking in shorthand (just ask bump), mumbling... oh yeah, and I know enough coloquilisms (guess what i mean by that) in different languages to last me a while =P

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