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Bloodymess13 and Samurai_Ohk's new vid preview

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We have noticed that the forums seem to be pretty quite lately, so we decided to go ahead and release a preview of thevideo we are currently trying to work on. We started workin on this vid a few weeks ago, but school, partying, and TGA have been taking up our spare time so we don't have alot done so far. This isn't the full video, only a small portion. THIS IS ONLY A ROUGHCUT PREVIEW OF A PREVIEW THATS ROUGHCUT.

Keep an eye out for the full vid coming out soon, hopefully, that is if all the hot chicks that come rollin up in TGA headquarters stop comin over :wink:.

Check it out!

***We are working on recompressing the video, for those with low bandwidth***

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  Grim said:
pretty cool can't wait to see final vid.

Audio is pretty bad though, never consisestena and birate is baaaad....

Stunts where impeccable, best quality i've ever seen however too many top-down shots imho.

other then that perfect, Can't wait!

Yeah, There is alot to finely tune, and too many top-down shots ehh. Well, haven't worked on the second part so i'll keep that in mind. :wink: Thx Grim. I know the audio is just being wierd. :evil: I haven't worked on it too much, so expect a lot of improvement. Keep in mind it was a ROUGH cut. The blanks will be filled of course. Laters

Comments would be appreciateds :wink:

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cant wait for the full vid :) VERY original stunts, camera good as always only the sound quality sucked but well, my speakers are anyway screwed..

something messed really up while editing but as you said "its a rough preview" so thx for reviving the forum =P (pretty dead these days :|)

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me clique on place and me get this

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  petey_pablo111222333444 said:
me clique on place and me get this

I'm guessing you aren't from North Carolina, born and raised up.

  DJ GTA said:
i was expecting 1-2 mins preview not 6 min , but oh well, Nice anyways

Well you shouldn't have assumed it to be 1-2 mins. We all know what assuming does right. Makes an Ass out of U and Me :lol:

Now what was this thread about? :wink:

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  DJ GTA said:
i was expecting 1-2 mins preview not 6 min , but oh well, Nice anyways

What 6 mins? The preview is 3:16 :/

  Samurai_Ohk said:
Well you shouldn't have assumed it to be 1-2 mins. We all know what assuming does right. Makes an Ass out of U and Me[...]

If you're gonna quote something, make sure you also mention the source ;).

"Assuming can sometimes make an ass out of you and me."

- Skeeter, Fallout 2

  Samurai_Ohk said:
Now what was this thread about? ;)[...]

Your badly edited, uncompressed and dreary sound-wise, freakishly visual-FX riddled attempt at a stunt vid preview. I loved it :P!

Nah seriously now, you got some really interesting stunts in there - including the probably longest grind to date in front of the NPM much to Andy's unrest I think :). The thing is, this vid's editing approach wasn't all that spectacular IMO and I caught myself more than once thinking stuff like "why didn't they just stick with the basics?". I'd urge you to think it over one more time before you decide to go with this editing (and camera angle) style. Also I trust the audio in the final cut will be mp3 compressed and of constant volume :).

A note on stunt showcasting: IMO using cinematics along with the traditional mid-distance-chase-view should be encouraged. My objection is to their time placement within the stunt clip, as I believe you should try to keep the action linear-like without ending up showing the same stunt twice just to offer a different angle aspect. That mentality is present in many recent action movies as well, especially sci-fi ones, and it involves something like having an A and B feed (A being generally the "main" or traditional and B the shorter cinematix scenes) and editing them like this:

A 00:00 - 00:01

B 00:00.5 - 00:01.1

A 00:01.1 - 00:02

B 00:01.80 - 00:02.2




This way you see a clip that is of course longer than the stunt itself, but still retains a linear feel to it and has some cool FX too. Anyway, just a pointer/opinion.

BTW have you decided on the end reso, encoding, framerate and bitrate? If not, might I suggest something alone the lines of Metus, say 640x480, DivX 5.1 or WMV 9 one pass @ about 1200-1400Kbps with 30fps?

Hope my comments helped.

PS: What's with that title anyway :P? Why anathema?

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Thx Prok for the feedback :wink: Yeah, I know it wasn't all that but I thought the stunts would redeem the ........... Anyways, I've found that its not all it could be either, so I'm scrapping whatever i got now. Well, I've got those stunts and more, a different song, and hopefully editing that'll make you say :shock:

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Sorry to say..... I can't even watch the video.

1.) I click the link.

2.) I click "Download File" (or what ever...) :shock:

3.) Downloadsss.....

4.) Gives me a error: Winzip can't open/view the contents within this file or blah blah blah....

Also, if anyone knows how to reset the option for downloading/opening files such as a .zip.... Example:

I click download (it opens up automatically instead of asking me to save - open - cancel) I want it to ask me the questions again... I already tried reinstalling IE & reseting the IE "Internet Options." :oops: Any help would be appreciated.. ty. :(

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  _LBtrw_ said:
Sorry to say..... I can't even watch the video.

1.) I click the link.

2.) I click "Download File" (or what ever...) :shock:

3.) Downloadsss.....

4.) Gives me a error: Winzip can't open/view the contents within this file or blah blah blah....

Also, if anyone knows how to reset the option for downloading/opening files such as a .zip.... Example:

I click download (it opens up automatically instead of asking me to save - open - cancel) I want it to ask me the questions again... I already tried reinstalling IE & reseting the IE "Internet Options." :oops: Any help would be appreciated.. ty. :(


IE is the devil.

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