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Suggestions for .4 * .4 suggestions closed*

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imo it would be nice to finally have some real teamdeathmatch


vice: has alot more weapons so its ok that you made different careers with different weapons and abilities

gta3: has only 11 weapons (9 usable till yet) so i suggest to make 2 gangs as (maybe keep the diablos and mafia) and give both gangs all weapons.

when you join a server you have to choose a team (green or red) + maybe add an ingame command: /changeteam (only once usable).

since you said that only one city part will be used i think it would be a bit senseless to have 6 different careers.

team recognition: some ppl say "if teaming use teamspeak"

-what about the 56kers?

-what if one of your gang hasnt got a mic?

-.....many other possible problems....

so im gonna repeat my suggestion for TDM:

-give the health bar the team color (green or red)

-or keep the arrows above the players heads and give them the color

-or if there are anyway only 2 gangs you'll probably use their player models, so IF you do then forget about the colors


first of all: most ppl only play gta3 mta coz of the dodo, im still playing gta0.3b coz there's no dodo in vc.

MrBump modified the original gta3 0.3b mta.scm and replaced 2 of the cars with 2 dodos for our little private pilot server, so atleast give both gangs in 0.4 min two dodos.

other stuff

-give players the ability to exit a vehicle while driving/flying like in vc

-add more server options such as friendly fire.....


i dont know if im going to far but what about a CTF with dodos instead of a flag? to capture the enemys dodo you just have to drive it into a pink marker at your own base, if your enemy enters his own dodo it respawns at his base...

i will edit this post if i got any new ideas

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  MasterEvilAce said:
adding a few more

-- TAXIs

-- Boats?

-- get rid of some of the same-old same-old cars.. there's a lot more cars in VC than is shown..

things like.. there are two of the "ZIP" trucks.. one (spawns by sailor) is always used.. then there's another one somewhere else, that is never really touched.. could we replace it with a different vehicle? to give more variety.. same goes with some of the bikes, and stingers

were talking about gta3 here -_-

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  • 3 weeks later...
  migui said:
i think a great bugfix would be to "can´t" pause game while playing to prevent pausing cheaters. :) if the game is paused, return then to player selection 8)


good idea but will it count as a kill? If not it will still be a sneaky way to stay alive and teleport after a respawn out of danger

Also along the same line whenever I "pause" (only when my game alt tabbs automatically, I never pause on purpose) my game desyncs so I couldn't pause for advantage if I wanted to so this might be a good idea.

Edited by MrBump: Sorry Kungfu but what you typed after the above may give people the idea to do it, especially if they didnt know about it previously

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some time ago, there was a pole asking the community if they would rather play GTA3 on one island or use teleporters to play on all 3 islands. This may be an idea for the version after MTA .4, but what if players could switch between the islands by getting on the subway train that connects all 3 islands in GTA3. Getting on the subway could act as walking into the teleporter and then the animation of the train going through the tunnel could play and the gameplay would be almost the same as the original game. By still playing the animation, it would seem more realistic than just appearing somewhere. I think this is good, because riding the subway is more of a true GTA3 action than jumping through a teleporter. What do you guys think about this? :idea:

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  KungFuGrip said:
  migui said:
i think a great bugfix would be to "can´t" pause game while playing to prevent pausing cheaters. :) if the game is paused, return then to player selection 8)


good idea but will it count as a kill? If not it will still be a sneaky way to stay alive and teleport after a respawn out of danger

Also along the same line whenever I "pause" (only when my game alt tabbs automatically, I never pause on purpose) my game desyncs so I couldn't pause for advantage if I wanted to so this might be a good idea.

Edited by MrBump: Sorry Kungfu but what you typed after the above may give people the idea to do it, especially if they didnt know about it previously

Can't the pause key just be disabled?

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I like the no pausing idea for stoping cheaters, but if you did that how would I be able to adjust my mouse sensitivity, which requires me to pause the game by using the menu. sure I could set it before I join the game but it reset's it's self to default sometimes on a crash and I dunno about you buddy but I don't play on default mouse sensitivity.

here's an idea for team multi

capture the briefcase full of drugs (it's the flag)

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  rllercstr7 said:
Some time ago, there was a pole asking the community if they would rather play GTA3 on one island or use teleporters to play on all 3 islands. This may be an idea for the version after MTA .4, but what if players could switch between the islands by getting on the subway train that connects all 3 islands in GTA3. Getting on the subway could act as walking into the teleporter and then the animation of the train going through the tunnel could play and the gameplay would be almost the same as the original game. By still playing the animation, it would seem more realistic than just appearing somewhere. I think this is good, because riding the subway is more of a true GTA3 action than jumping through a teleporter. What do you guys think about this? :idea:

ooo! that sounds nice!

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Lol,I sence some sarcasm.. :P

rllercstr7:That seems like a good idea,but it would undoubtedly cause more desync.If people with diff. fps rates wait for the train and get on at diff. times it may cause crashes(Not sure,I'm kind of guessing too=P).

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As for speedo we have in fact had one is some builds of 0.4, we cannot promise it however as yesterday after some more code was added the speedo began to develop some problems. Hopefully we can fix it easily enough, but if not the new code that 'broke' it is much more fun than the speedo itself so it isnt priority .

And btw:

Core 0.4 is not related to MTA 0.4, when Core 0.4 is implemented into MTA, it'll have another version number, e.g. MTA 0.5. Note, I'm not saying that Core 0.4 will be in MTA 0.5 (or vice versa).
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#1 Sync the in game clock

#2 Asynchronous syncing with hit detection on server side using the clocks timestamps for verification, an example of this in action is "In normal quake3 the server only stores each players current position, however, in Unlagged the server stores your past positions and can look up to a half a second back in time. Every time a player makes a shot with an instant-hit weapon (machine gun, shotgun, railgun, lightning) the server calculates where the player has been in order to find where the player should of been if it wasn't for latency (lag)."

instant hit weapons like... mp5's, python's,shotgun's, melee weapons, helicopter fan blades, being run over by a car not to mention the sniper rifle if it ever gets added will need this.

this is an excellent solution to the whole hp vs lpb problem that happens everyday, and with time stamping and server side location tables a teleporter could be kicked the instant the server determines him to have "teleported or jet packed" I say kick because I myself have hit a wall at the Malibu club with a freeway and the game teleported me through the wall across the islands to the police department's donut shop.

#3 People have been cracking the MTA client obviously, so I propose that on top of the crc checks for the GTA VC and GTA 3 files already in place, that MTA's client performs a CRC check on it's self at launch therefor if it's a cracked client it won't function. Since it'll take the crackers longer to remove this additional CRC check, we the people that don't cheat and play competitively will have maybe a week more weeks of peace before the cheating armageddon begins again.

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I think it would be great if we could choose character skin, not in deathmatch but in other kind like FREE MODE and in Stunt Mode, no gangs, free mode.

Why dont we have pedestrians?

Cops ´n robbers would be a great mode.

Another thing that I missed are the boats, where are them?

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Down boys!

MrBill! Drop that flamer! :lol:

Diogo read the manual/use search and your questions will be answered.

By the way,pedestrians aren't included because of all the desync it would cause(Cough-search-cough).

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  [KFC]Kung Lao said:
Edited by MrBump: Sorry Kungfu but what you typed after the above may give people the idea to do it, especially if they didnt know about it previously

oops :oops: I forgot what I wrote but I didn't realize that I might have been teaching a cheat...



Shut up brain! or I'll stab you with a pencil :shock:

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Easier Lan play

im compatent in seting things up but i did find it quite hard to set it up for lan

(something that tells you your ip address 4 the other computer to use)

(connect to yourself instead of having to type

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  Metal_Sonic said:
Easier Lan play

im compatent in seting things up but i did find it quite hard to set it up for lan

(something that tells you your ip address 4 the other computer to use)

(connect to yourself instead of having to type

in windows 2k (maybe xp too, dunno):

start\run\type: cmd and hit return\type in the dos window: ipconfig /all

than youll see your ip

to connect to yourself type: localhost

its not a mta issue, its the knowledge of your OS :?

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